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tion. My object, however, is not to write a biography of Colonel Mosby. It is fortunate that such is not my design; for a career of wonderful activity extending over about three years could not be condensed into a brief paper. I shall speak of but one or two other incidents in his career; and one shall be his surprise of Brigadier-General Stoughton at Fairfax Court-House in the winter of 1862. This affair excited unbounded indignation on the part of many excellent people, though President Lincoln made a jest of it. Let us not see if it was not a legitimate partisan operation. It was in November, I believe, that Mosby received the information leading to his movement. The Federal forces at that time occupied the region between Fredericksburg and Alexandria; and as General Stuart's activity and energy were just causes of solicitude, a strong body of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, was posted in the neighbourhood of Fairfax Court-House and Centreville. Colonel Wyndham was in
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Facetiae of the camp: souvenirs of a C. S. Officer. (search)
d, for the whole black race; this gentleman visited the house where the young Crichton lived, and taking a seat in the parlour, began conversing with the ladies. While so doing he was startled by a voice at his elbow, and a vigorous clap upon the back of his splendid uniform. Turning quickly in extreme wrath at this disrespect, he saw the grinning face of young ebony behind him; and from the lips of the youth issued the loud and friendly address: Hallo, Yank! Do you belong to Mr. Lincoln? You are fighting for me-ain't you? The officer recoiled in disgust, looked daggers, and brushing his uniform, as though it had been contaminated, growled to the lady of the house: You taught him this, madam! Ix. In June, 1863, General Lee was going to set out for Gettysburg. To mask the movement of his infantry from the Lower Rappahannock, a cavalry review was ordered, on the plains of Culpeper. That gay and gallant commander, General Fitz Lee, thereupon, sent word t
rection of Fairfax. If this situation be comprehended by the reader, he will not fail to understand why the Captain scrutinized me closely. I was a stranger to him, had passed through the Confederate lines, and was now far to the front. If I was in the Federal service I had learned many things which would interest General McClellan. Spies took precautions in accommodating their dress and entire appearance to the role they were to play; and why might I not be a friend of his Excellency President Lincoln, wearing a Confederate uniform for the convenience of travelling? So Captain Edelin scanned me with great attention, his eyes trying to plunge to the bottom of my breast, and drag forth some imaginary plot against the cause. Being an old soldier of some months' standing, and experiencing the pangs of hunger, I rapidly came to the point. Something like the following dialogue passed between us: Captain Edelin, officer of the picket? I inquired. Yes, sir, returned
ker, help this Nigger, Wake up in the morning, The old gray Hoss, Come back, Stephen, Hard times and worse a-comin, Sweet Evelina, and a number of other songs. It is a good banjo. I hear it at present playing Dixie with a fervour worthy of Fhat great national anthem. It is a Yankee instrument, captured and presented to the minstrel who now wields it, by admiring friends! But-proh pudor!-it plays Southern ditties only, and refuses obstinately to celebrate the glories of the Happy land of Lincoln. I have heard the songs of our minstrel which he plays on his banjo, something like a thousand times-but they always make me laugh. They ring so gaily in the airs of evening that all sombre thoughts are banished-and, if sometimes I am tempted to exclaim, There is that old banjo rattling again! I always relent, and repent me of my disrespect toward the good old friend; and go and listen and laugh at the woes of Booker, or the colloquy with Stephen-above all, at the Old gray Hoss, noblest
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 23 (search)
wing: Savannah, Georgia, December 22, 1864. To His Excellency President Lincoln, Washington, D. C.: I beg to present you as a Christmthat festive day; and it was in the answer to this dispatch that Mr. Lincoln wrote me the letter of December 28th, already given, beginning wt your understanding is in regard to the acts of Congress and President Lincoln's proclamation touching the colored people in the rebel States? Answer. So far as I understand President Lincoln's proclamation to the rebel States, it is, that if they will lay down their arms and sity to him and his negro policy; but I shall always believe that Mr. Lincoln, though a civilian, knew better, and appreciated my motives and The idea that such men should have been permitted to hang around Mr. Lincoln, to torture his life by suspicions of the officers who were toilcontracts, involving from six to ten thousand bales, indorsed by Mr. Lincoln, have been shown me, but were not in such a form as to amount to
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, Chapter 22: campaign of the Carolinas. February and March, 1866. (search)
es of railroad-men there to build them up, and have ordered stock to run them. We have abundance of it idle from the non-use of the Virginia roads. I have taken every precaution to have supplies ready for you wherever you may turn up. I did this before when you left Atlanta, and regret that they did not reach you promptly when you reached salt-water . . . . Alexander Stephens, R. M. T. Hunter, and Judge Campbell, are now at my headquarters, very desirous of going to Washington to see Mr. Lincoln, informally, on the subject of peace. The peace feeling within the rebel lines is gaining ground rapidly. This, however, should not relax our energies in the least, but should stimulate us to greater activity. I have received your very kind letters, in which you say you would decline, or are opposed to, promotion. No one would be more pleased at your advancement than I, and if you should be placed in my position, and I put subordinate, it would not change our personal relations in t
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 25 (search)
hour or so, he remarked that the President, Mr. Lincoln, was then on board the steamer River Queen,down to the wharf, went on board, and found Mr. Lincoln alone, in the after-cabin. He remembered m without a fight. I again repeat that, had Mr. Lincoln lived, he would have shouldered all the resdelayed by the driver taking a wrong road. Mrs. Lincoln, seeing Mrs. Ord and Captain Barnes riding rolonged indefinitely. I then remembered Mr. Lincoln's repeated expression that he wanted the rer. Stanton, announcing the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, the attempt on the life of Mr. Seward and gether I showed him the dispatch announcing Mr. Lincoln's assassination, and watched him closely. , and then I showed the dispatch announcing Mr. Lincoln's death. I cautioned the officers to watchssible. Then recalling the conversation of Mr. Lincoln, at City Point, I sat down at the table, anto the South, who had begun to realize that Mr. Lincoln was the best friend they had. I cannot b[27 more...]
ly concur in all that is said by him in the above communication. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Thomas Hicks, Governor of Maryland. To His Excellency President Lincoln. Despatch from the President. Mayor Brown received a despatch from President Lincoln this morning, stating that no more troops would pass througPresident Lincoln this morning, stating that no more troops would pass through this city. Mayor's office, Baltimore, April 19. To His Excellency the President of the United States: Sir:--A collision between the citizens and the northern troops has taken place in Baltimore, and the excitement is fearful. Send no more troops here. We will endeavor to prevent all bloodshed. A public meeting of citizenr, announced himself as ready and willing to shoulder his musket for the defence of Southern homes and firesides. His interrogatory whether the 75,000 minions of Lincoln should pass over the soil of Maryland to subjugate our sisters of the South was. answered with deafening shouts of No, never. Such was the direct and calculated
akers, and, without asking who may be the commander, we must all aid in her rescue from impending disaster. When the safety of my country is involved, I will never ask who is President, nor inquire what may be the effect on parties of any particular measure. Much as I love my party, I love my country infinitely more, and must and will sustain it at all hazards. Indeed, it is due to the great occasion here frankly to declare that, notwithstanding my earnest opposition to the election of Mr. Lincoln, and my disposition most closely to scrutinize all his acts, I see thus far nothing to condemn in his efforts to maintain the Union. And now, then, my countrymen, one word more before I close. (Cheers.) I was trained in devotion to the Union by a patriot sire, who fought the battles of liberty during the war of the Revolution. My life has been given to the support of the Union. 1 never conceived a thought or wrote or uttered a word, except in its defence. And now, let me say, that th
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 51: reconstruction under Johnson's policy.—the fourteenth amendment to the constitution.—defeat of equal suffrage for the District of Columbia, and for Colorado, Nebraska, and Tennessee.—fundamental conditions.— proposed trial of Jefferson Davis.—the neutrality acts. —Stockton's claim as a senator.—tributes to public men. —consolidation of the statutes.—excessive labor.— address on Johnson's Policy.—his mother's death.—his marriage.—1865-1866. (search)
of the Senate chamber, now excessive in size, and secluded from light and air. July 23. Works, vol. x. pp. 495-499. July 24, Congressional Globe, p. 4072. He resisted the resolution authorizing a contract with Vinnie Ream for a statue of Mr. Lincoln; but her fascinations with Western senators persuaded a majority to approve a commission, which ended in a caricature. He took this opportunity to dwell at some length on Art in the national Capitol, July 27, 1866. Works, vol. x. pp. 54hillips, Lieber, Agassiz, Palfrey, Whittier, the Waterstons, the Lodges, the Wadsworths, Mrs. R. B. Forbes, and Mrs. Charles Francis Adams; from later associates of his public life, Chief-Justice Chase, Hamilton Fish, Governor Morgan, and Mrs. President Lincoln; from friends across the ocean who had kept up a constant interest in his welfare and followed closely his career, the Duchess of Sutherland, the Argylls, the Cranworths, Robert Ingham, the Count of Paris, and the Laugels. From Washingto