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William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 12 (search)
y the enemy, on which was the farm-house referred to in General Halleck's orders. At the farther end of the field was a double log-house, whose chinking had been removed; so that it formed a good block-house from which the enemy could fire on any person approaching from our quarter. General Hurlbut's division was on my immediate left, and General McClernand's reserve on our right rear. I asked of each the assistance of a brigade. The former sent General Veatch's, and the latter General John A. Logan's brigade. I asked the former to support our left flank, and the latter our right flank. The next morning early, Morgan L. Smith's brigade was deployed under cover on the left, and Denver's on the right, ready to move forward rapidly at a signal. I had a battery of four twenty-pound Parrott guns, commanded by Captain Silversparre. Colonel Ezra Taylor, chief of artillery, had two of these guns moved up silently by hand behind a small knoll, from the crest of which the enemy's block
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 15 (search)
d that every thing was marked with a star) asked if they were aft brigadier-generals. Of course they were not, but the star was their corps-badge, and every wagon, tent, hat, etc., had its star. Then the Twelfth-Corps men inquired what corps he belonged to, and he answered, The Fifteenth Corps. What is your badge? Why, said he (and he was an Irishman), suiting the action to the word, forty rounds in the cartridge-box, and twenty in the pocket! At that time Blair commanded the corps; but Logan succeeded soon after, and, hearing the story, adopted the cartridge-box and forty rounds as the corpsbadge. The condition of the roads was such, and the bridge at Brown's so frail, that it was not until the 23d that we got three of my divisions behind the hills near the point indicated above Chattanooga for crossing the river. It was determined to begin the battle with these three divisions, aided by a division of Thomas's army, commanded by General Jeff. C. Davis, that was already near
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 16 (search)
geport, with orders to distribute my troops along the railroad from Stevenson to Decatur, Alabama, and from Decatur up toward Nashville. General G. M. Dodge, who was in command of the detachment of the Sixteenth Corps, numbering about eight thousand men, had not participated with us in the battle of Chattanooga, but had remained at and near Pulaski, Tennessee, engaged in repairing that railroad, as auxiliary to the main line which led from Nashville to Stevenson, and Chattanooga. General John A. Logan had succeeded to the command of the Fifteenth Corps, by regular appointment of the President of the United States, and had relieved General Frank P. Blair, who had been temporarily in command of that corps during the Chattanooga and Knoxville movement. At that time I was in command of the Department of the Tennessee, which embraced substantially the territory on the east bank of the Mississippi River, from Natchez up to the Ohio River, and thence along the Tennessee River as high
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 17 (search)
ent.present and absent.Aggregate Last Return.present for duty equipped.horses.guns.  Without Authority.Infantry.Cavalry.Artillery.  Commissioned Officers.Enlisted Men.Commissioned Officers.Enlisted Men.Aggregate.Commissioned Officers.Enlisted Men.Commissioned Officers.Enlisted Men.Commissioned Officers.Enlisted Men.Serviceable.Unserviceable.Number.  Department Staff  5 55         Colonel W. T. Clark. Fifteenth Army Corps192621,68930,35432,04331,52268911,05327350311,1651,08624357Major-General J. A. Logan. Sixteenth Army Corps239662,76857,05559,82358,24555411,1071523,681802,8405,7791,064173Major-General G. M. Dodge. Seventeenth Army Corps143952,06940,79042,85942,8594008,545912,137592,0052,9111,01658Major-General Frank P. Blair. Signal Detachment 74293326      31  Captain O. H. Howard. Total Force — Department and Army of the Tennessee561,6306,535128,228134,763132,6571,64330,7052706,1681706,0109,8072,323288  Official: E. D. Townsend, Adjutant-General. J. B.
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 19 (search)
n of who should succeed General McPherson? General Logan had taken command of the Army of the Tennetrated warmly against my recommending that General Logan should be regularly assigned to the commanened to fall upon West-Pointers, and doubtless Logan and Blair had some reason to believe that we i has justified my choice. I regarded both Generals Logan and Blair as volunteers, that looked to peth the usual parapet; the Fifteenth Corps (General Logan's) came up that morning on the right of BlCorps. Near a house I met Generals Howard and Logan, who explained that there was an intrenched ba the enemy, when I explained to him and to Generals Logan and Howard that they must look out for Gens corps, as well as along the Fifteenth Corps (Logan's), I became convinced that Hood designed to authentic account of the battle is given by General Logan, who commanded the Fifteenth Corps, in hisessee, and he evidently aimed to reconcile General Logan in his disappointment, and to gain the hea[4 more...]
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 20 (search)
ment's warning. All the army, officers and men, seemed to relax more or less, and sink into a condition of idleness. General Schofield was permitted to go to Knoxville, to look after matters in his Department of the Ohio; and Generals Blair and Logan went home to look after politics. Many of the regiments were entitled to, and claimed, their discharge, by reason of the expiration of their term of service; so that with victory and success came also many causes of disintegration. The rebel d.Total. Fourth (Stanley)166416582 Fourteenth (Davis, Palmer)4441,8092,253 Twentieth (Williams, Slocum)71189260 Total6812,4143,095 Army of the Tennessee--(Major-General O. O. Howard.) Corps.Killed and Missing.Wounded.Total. Fifteenth (Logan)143430573 Sixteenth (Dodge)40217257 Seventeenth (Blair)102258360 Total2859051,190 Army of the Ohio--(Major-General Schofield.) Corps.Killed and Missing.Wounded.Total. Twenty-third (Cox)146279425 Cavalry (Garrard, McCook, Kilpat
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 21 (search)
vis; and after General Dodge was wounded, his corps (the Sixteenth) had been broken up, and its two divisions were added to the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps, constituting the Army of the Tennessee, commanded by Major-General 0. 0. Howard. Generals Logan and Blair had gone home to assist in the political canvass, leaving their corps, viz., the Fifteenth and Seventeenth, under the command of Major-Generals Osterhaus and T. E. G. Ransom. These five corps were very much reduced in strength, ch me. At Gaylesville the pursuit of Hood by the army under my immediate command may be said to have ceased. During this pursuit, the Fifteenth Corps was commanded by its senior majorgeneral present, P. J. Osterhaus, in the absence of General John A. Logan; and the Seventeenth Corps was commanded by Brigadier-General T. E. G. Ransom, the senior officer present, in the absence of General Frank P. Blair. General Ransom was a young, most gallant, and promising officer, son of the Colonel Ra
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 22 (search)
nd men. At that time the weather was cold and sleety, the ground was covered with ice and snow, and both parties for a time rested on the defensive. Thus matters stood at Nashville, while we were closing down on Savannah, in the early part of December, 1864; and the country, as well as General Grant, was alarmed at the seeming passive conduct of General Thomas; and General Grant at one time considered the situation so dangerous that he thought of going to Nashville in person, but General John A. Logan, happening to be at City Point, was sent out to supersede General Thomas; luckily for the latter, he acted in time, gained a magnificent victory, and thus escaped so terrible a fate. On the 18th of December, at my camp by the side of the plank-road, eight miles back of Savannah, I received General Hardee's letter declining to surrender, when nothing remained but to assault. The ground was difficult, and, as all former assaults had proved so bloody, I concluded to make one more ef
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, chapter 23 (search)
red and fifty heavy guns and plenty of ammunition, also about twenty-five thousand bales of cotton. W. T. Sherman, Major-General. This message actually reached him on Christmas-eve, was extensively published in the newspapers, and made many a house-hold unusually happy on that festive day; and it was in the answer to this dispatch that Mr. Lincoln wrote me the letter of December 28th, already given, beginning with the words, Many, many thanks, etc., which he sent at the hands of General John A. Logan, who happened to be in Washington, and was coming to Savannah, to rejoin his command. On the 23d of December were made the following general orders for the disposition of the troops in and about Savannah: [special field order no. 189.] headquarters military division of the Mississippi, in the field, Savannah, Georgia, December 23, 1864. Savannah, being now in our possession, the river partially cleared out, and measures having been taken to remove all obstructions, will
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 2, Chapter 22: campaign of the Carolinas. February and March, 1866. (search)
ah River. It was composed as follows: Fifteenth Corps, Major-General John A. Logan. First Division, Brigadier-General Charles R. Woods; Second Division, Majoon hardly delayed us an hour. In person I accompanied the Fifteenth Corps (General Logan) by McPhersonville and Hickory Hill, and kept couriers going to and fro to derable force of the enemy was on the other side. I directed General Howard or Logan to send a brigade by a circuit to the left, to see if this stream could not be t, followed by my whole staff. General Howard accompanied me with his, and General Logan was next in order, followed by General C. R. Woods, and the whole of the Fiavens became lurid. I dispatched messenger after messenger to Generals Howard, Logan, and Woods, and received from them repeated assurances that all was being done rtered, was burned down, but the houses occupied by myself, Generals Howard and Logan, were not burned at all. Many of the people thought that this fire was delibera