Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 25, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William Maxwell or search for William Maxwell in all documents.

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The 2d Ohio and the 2d New York Militia were marched by flank through the woods by a new-made road, and within a mile of the main road, when they came on a battery of eight guns, with four regiments flanked in the rear. Our men were immediately ordered to lie down on either side of the road, in order to allow two pieces of artillery to pass through and attack the work. This battery then opened upon us and killed, on the third round, Lieut. Dempsey, of company 9, New York 2d, and Wm. Maxwell, a drummer, and seriously wounding several others. Our troops were kept in this position for fifteen or twenty minutes under a galling fire, not being able to exchange shots with the enemy, although within a stone's throw of their batteries. They succeeded in retiring in regular order with their battery. The most gallant charge of the day was made by the New York Sixty-ninth, Seventy-ninth and Thirteenth Regiments, which rushed upon one of the batteries, firing as they proceeded