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a general, and laid the foundation of his fame by the ride around McClellan on the Chickahominy. Thenceforth he was the right hand of Lee un of 1862 to May, 1864, would fill whole volumes. The ride around McClellan; the fights on the Rapidan; the night march to Catlett's, where hat South Mountain; holding the left at Sharpsburg; the circuit of McClellan again in Maryland; the bitter conflicts near Upperville as Lee fequence. That in which he called on his men after the ride around McClellan to avenge Latane! and that on the death of Major Pelham, his chisafely withdrew. An earlier instance was his raid in rear of General McClellan, in June, 1862, when, on reaching the lower Chickahominy, henemy rushed on them. A third instance was the second ride around McClellan in Maryland, October, 1862; when coming to the Monocacy he found famous raids, as they were erroneously called, by his circuits of McClellan's army in Virginia and in Maryland, and other movements of a simi
but they were defeated; and Jackson, by forced marches, hastened to fall upon McClellan's right wing on the Chickahominy. These events had, in June, 1862, attracable day, and A. P. Hill had just been repulsed with heavy slaughter from General McClellan's admirable works near New Cold Harbour, when the writer of this was sent second Manassas, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, where he met the full weight of McClellan's right wing under Hooker, and repulsed it, and Chancellorsville. When he di of breath, and seriously demoralized, galloped up to him, and announced that McClellan was within an hour's march of the place with an enormous army. Jackson was cvery important object of retaining a large Federal force in the Valley, which McClellan needed on the Chickahominy. For instances of the boldness, fertility, and ore New — the masterly advances and retreats of the Valley; the descent against McClellan; the expedition to Pope's rear, which terminated in the second battle of Mana
and made at the Catoctin Mountain, when General Lee first invaded Maryland, and where Hampton charged and captured the Federal artillery posted in the suburbs of Frederick City; the rear-guard work as the Southern column hastened on, pursued by McClellan, to Sharpsburg; the stout fighting on the Confederate left there; the raid around McClellan's army in October; the obstinate fighting in front of the gaps of the Blue Ridge as Lee fell back in November to the line of the Rappahannock; the expedMcClellan's army in October; the obstinate fighting in front of the gaps of the Blue Ridge as Lee fell back in November to the line of the Rappahannock; the expedition in dead of winter to the Occoquan; the critical and desperate combat on the ninth of June, 1863, at Fleetwood Hill, near Brandy, where Hampton held the right, and Young, of Georgia, the brave of braves, went at the flanking column of the enemy with the sabre, never firing a shot, and swept them from the field; the speedy advance, thereafter, from the Rapidan; the close and bitter struggle when the enemy, with an overpowering force of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, about the twentieth o
Good-by, General! --God bless you, General! To suppose that this brother-feeling of the soldier for his troops ever led him to relax in discipline, would be a great mistake. In official matters, and wherever duty was concerned, he was rigid and immovable, exacted from every man under him the strictest obedience and was wholly inaccessible to any prayer which came in conflict with the good of the public service. When at Centreville, in the fall of 1861, he expected daily an advance of McClellan. One morning a cannoneer from one of the batteries came in person to ask for a leave of absence of ten days to see his dying mother. I cannot grant any leave, was the reply. Only for ten days, General, pleaded the soldier. Not for ten hours! replied Beauregard; and the interview terminated. Had the moment not been critical he would have given this private soldier the desired leave with the utmost readiness — as he would have commended and promoted him, for the display of skill or gal
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Stuart's ride around McClellan in June, 1862. (search)
t went with Stuart on his famous Ride around McClellan in the summer of 1862, just before the blood62. All the world knows that, at that time, McClellan had advanced with his magnificent army of 15rate, on the left a Federal success; and General McClellan drew back, marshalled his great lines, dted on the banks of the Chickahominy against McClellan; a combined advance of the forces under Lee uart told me he proposed an assault upon General McClellan's left wing from the direction of James and hazardous plan of passing entirely round McClellan's army. I think the quicker we move now assed within sight of the white tents of General McClellan's headquarters, burned their camps, and e determined to make the complete circuit of McClellan's army; and crossing the Chickahominy below ticable! Here we were within a few miles of McClellan's army, with an enraged enemy rushing on ourtnight afterwards, attacked and defeated General McClellan. These circumstances give a very gre[2 more...]
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Stuart on the outpost: a scene at camp Qui Vive (search)
came back to my memory in such vivid colours that I thought, if I could paint it, some of my readers would be interested. It took place in autumn of the gay years 1861, when Johnston and Beauregard were holding the lines of Centreville against McClellan; and when Stuart, that pearl of cavaliers, was in command of the front, which he guarded with his cavalry. In their camps at Centreville, the infantry and artillery of the army quietly enjoyed the bad weather which forbade all military movemenand her grim, irate companion, an elderly lady, were prisoners of war! On the preceding evening they had-after making vain applications for a passattempted to flank the pickets of Stuart, and steal through his lines to Alexandria. Now, as General McClellan was sojourning with a large escort near that place, and would doubtless be glad to ascertain a number of things in relation to Beauregard, Stuart had refused the pass. When the fugitives attempted to elude his pickets they were caught, for
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., A glimpse of Colonel Jeb Stuart (search)
ew system of cavalry tactics — to invent the raid which his opponents were to imitate with such good results-and to fall, after a hundred hot fights in which no bullet ever touched him, near the scene of his first great ride around the army of McClellan. As he rose to meet me, I took in at a glance every detail of his appearance. His low athletic figure was clad in an old blue undress coat of the United States Army, brown velveteen pantaloons worn white by rubbing against the saddle, highster said to me, Ride as hard as you choose, you can't tire Skylark. On this occasion the good steed was in full feather; and as I am not composing a majestic historic narrative, it will be permitted me to note that his equipments were a plain McClellan tree, upon which a red blanket was confined by a gaily coloured surcingle: a bridle with single head-stall, light curb-bit, and single rein. Mounted upon his sorrel, Stuart was thoroughly the cavalry-man, and he went on at a rapid gallop, humm
r shall judge of that-but this poor rough scrap of paper with its tremulous signature moves me all the same. Ii. It was in the last days of October, 1862. McClellan had followed Lee to Sharpsburg; fought him there; refitted his army; recrossed the Potomac, and was rapidly advancing toward Warrenton, where the fatal fiat fromressing on in admirable order, and Lee had promptly broken up his camps upon the Opequon to cross the Blue Ridge at Chester's Gap, and interpose himself between McClellan and the Rapidan. The infantry moved; the cavalry followed, or rather marched to guard the flank. Stuart crossed the Shenandoah at Castleman's; the column moved through Snicker's Gap; then from the eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge were seen the long trains of McClellan in the distance, winding toward Middleburg and Aldie. In front of these trains we knew very well that we would find the Federal cavalry under that able soldier, General Bayard, if he did not find us. For we had tr
Leesburg, and was not surprised to find, as I soon did, that the road over which the enemy must advance to assail him was heavily picketed all along its extent in the direction of Fairfax. If this situation be comprehended by the reader, he will not fail to understand why the Captain scrutinized me closely. I was a stranger to him, had passed through the Confederate lines, and was now far to the front. If I was in the Federal service I had learned many things which would interest General McClellan. Spies took precautions in accommodating their dress and entire appearance to the role they were to play; and why might I not be a friend of his Excellency President Lincoln, wearing a Confederate uniform for the convenience of travelling? So Captain Edelin scanned me with great attention, his eyes trying to plunge to the bottom of my breast, and drag forth some imaginary plot against the cause. Being an old soldier of some months' standing, and experiencing the pangs of hunge
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Roslyn and the White house: before and after. (search)
Federal generals; then it was used as a hospital. Why it was burned I know not; whether to destroy, in accordance with McClellan's order, all medical and other stores which could not be removed, or from wanton barbarity, it is impossible to say. I riends of the melancholy hero visitor to Locksley Hall, and I was soon en route again for the White House. This was McClellan's great depot of stores on the Pamunkey, which he had abandoned when deciding upon the James river line of retreat-changs of the destruction of rebels, and the triumph of their faction. Here were newspapers fixing exactly the date of General McClellan's entrance into Richmond; with leading editorials so horrible in their threatenings, that the writers must have comne at the White House on that June day of 1862; in this black cloud went down the star of the enemy's greatest soldier, McClellan. A great triumph for the Confederates followed that furious clash of arms on the Chickahominy; but alas! when the smo