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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of Longstreet's divisionYorktown and Williamsburg. (search)
urg. By General E. P. Alexander. At the time of McClellan's arrival at Fortress Monroe the Confederate forceh at variance with the true state of the case. Gen. McClellan says in his report that to have attacked Yorktoke Yorktown by siege. On the 4th of April, General McClellan having arrived at Fortress Monroe and taken cosuch a parade, and put on so bold a front that General McClellan, who seems invariably to have seen Confederateand was absurd. The offensive, however, was never McClellan's forte, and his record embraces several other insy the enemy at this novel mode of warfare, and General McClellan had Confederate prisoners detailed to open thed Williamsburg, twelve miles distant. Meanwhile McClellan had organized a vigorous pursuit, and one which, hncock's loss in his affair with Early is stated by McClellan at only thirty-one, but perhaps more correctly by ton expected to be attacked by the divisions which McClellan had thrown ahead of him at Eltham's Landing near W
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoir of the First Maryland regiment. (search)
Paper no. 3. The affair at Sangster's Station. As spring approached, the pressure upon McClellan to do something became irresistible. It was evident he must move. He had for six months beenounted (of wood) for four months held at bay a great General and a great army. When at last McClellan had determined to attack him, and sending Banks by a grand movement by Winchester and the Berr, or, crossing at Berry's Ferry, seize the Manassas Gap railroad at Piedmont. The campaign of McClellan was frustrated by this sudden move to the Rappahannock. Banks fell back to Winchester, where he remained stationary for several weeks, and McClellan moved his army to the Peninsula. The retreat from Manassas paralyzed all the operations of the enemy in Northern Virginia for weeks, and renhis part. The camp on the Rappahannock. While General Johnston from the Rapidan observed McClellan's movements until his attack was developed, whether by way of Yorktown or Fredericksburg, he l
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the army of Northern Virginia, (search)
ds, fresh breezes, clear streams, buttermilk, and apple-butter of the mountains. They were soon to be gratified. The situation was one of difficulty, and would have greatly perplexed a less sagacious and determined leader than General Lee. McClellan was strongly intrenched at Harrison's Landing, and it was uncertain whether he would advance against Richmond by the north side — cross the river and move on Petersburg — or join the forces which General Pope was collecting in Culpeper. The ar mountains, the Foot cavalry started off with their old swing and cheers rang along our lines. General Lee had sent Jackson with his own and Ewell's divisions to Gordonsville for the purpose of watching and checking the movements of Pope until McClellan should develop his purpose. We reached Gordonsville on the evening of the 19th July, and found in the vicinage abundant pasturage for our jaded animals, beautiful camps for the troops, and the warmest hospitality on the part of the people.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 3.22 (search)
with cavalry, and, Johnson, make your men shoot like they are shooting at a mark, slow and low, hit them here and here, thrusting the Colonel in the waist with his forefinger at the words. It was the first and last time the Colonel ever heard the General call any one by his name. How and where shall I go in? Over there, pointing to the left. When I break them, which way shall I push? Press that way, swinging his arm toward the right. We since see that his order was intended to break McClellan's right and then sweep down in rear. Colonel Johnson immediately obeyed the order, and we marched steadily on until the bursting shell and whizzing balls and wounded, limping men showed us we were approaching the point at issue. Just at the edge of a ditch we were halted and dressed carefully. The ground was impassible, and the horses were sent back. The Colonel said, Men, we alone represent Maryland here; we are few in number, but for that reason our duty to our State is greater, we m
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The story of the attempted formation of a N. W. Confederacy. (search)
of the fact could have reached the Confederate commissioners in Canada, and been sent by them to Sandusky, in Ohio, before I retired from the front of Washington. It is said: It was first intended to strike the blow while the national Democratic convention was in session at Chicago, and more than 4,000 Confederate soldiers and sympathizers were there ready for action. But Early's delay in striking Washington caused a postponement. The Democratic convention for 1864, which nominated McClellan for President, assembled at Chicago on the 31st of August--a little more than seven weeks after I had retired from Washington. When that convention was held I was confronted by Sheridan in the Valley with very nearly 55,000 troops, according to the returns on file in the Adjutant-General's office in Washington, while my whole force did not reach the fourth of that number. Was it expected that I should destroy Sheridan, then capture Washington, hold in check the entire force of the United
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The PeninsulaMcClellan's campaign of 1862, by Alexander S. Webb. (search)
l plans of campaign, the differences between McClellan and the Federal administration, the difficulf troops that had landed at Fort Monroe that McClellan intended to try the Peninsula route, and ordh the flank and rear of the retreating army, McClellan was content to follow slowly and with great em was the increased caution and slowness of McClellan's movements. The new Confederate Commander of which General Webb adopts, p. 119). General McClellan's strength, omitting Dix's command at Foter. Thus Lee managed to hold two-thirds of McClellan's army idle with one-third of his own, whiley's breathing time. Lee was uncertain as to McClellan's designs on the 28th, and such movements asmade that day were made with the notion that McClellan would recross the Chickahominy at Battner's ern Hill. This was the day big with fate to McClellan. Had Jackson and Huger co-operated with Lon little more than three weeks, he had driven McClellan twenty miles from Richmond, had broken up hi[46 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), History of Lane's North Carolina brigade. (search)
the battles around Richmond. First Lieutenant Oscar Lane, my first aid, was in all of the battles in which the brigade took part, from Sharpsburg to Spotsylvania Courthouse, where he was mortally wounded. He was a private in the Chesapeake guards, from Mathews county, Va., until the evacuation of Yorktown, but acted as adjutant of the regiment to which his company was attached. He next served as an amateur in the Fifth Virginia Cavalry, accompanied General Stuart in his circuit around McClellan's rear, and took part in several other cavalry raids. Lieutenant Lane was a handsome, brave, chivalrous, dashing young officer. His humor, fine manners and generous impulses made him universally popular. He was the life of our Headquarters, where he was beloved by everybody. My boy brother, J. Rooker Lane, entered the service as a private in the Chesapeake guards, a volunteer infantry company from Mathews county, Va., and was wounded at Yorktown. After the evacuation of that place
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Correspondence and orders concerning the army of Northern Virginia. (search)
road, but of that he knows nothing. I think it probable, from what I learned to-day, that the enemy, being satisfied with temporarily breaking up our railroad communication north, have withdrawn east of these roads, with a view, probably, of concentrating his force nearer Richmond. I omitted to mention in the statement of Captain Fox that he met a citizen of his acquaintance who had been seeking the restoration of some property, and was referred by the parties to whom he applied to General McClellan, who was stated to be at a point four miles from Atlee's, on the road leading from Richmond to Pamunkey. He inferred that the main body of his forces was in that vicinity. You may probably have received more accurate accounts of the position of the enemy from your scouts. I have the honor to be your obedient servant, R. E. Lee, General. Headquarters Department of Northern Virginia, May 30, 1862--8.40 P. M. Major-General Huger: General,--The reports of Major-General D. H. Hil
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sherman's march to the sea, as seen by a Northern soldier, (search)
and children from Atlanta was not a studied act of cruelty. When Bragg was driven out of Chattanooga, Rosecrans did not find it necessary to remove the women and children, though he had a more reasonable excuse than Sherman. When Grant captured Vicksburg, he issued no such order. Lee did not inflict such cruelty on the helpless people of Frederick city, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, and the other towns he captured. Burnside did not do so at Fredericksburg, nor Butler at New Orleans, nor McClellan on the Peninsular. All had the same excuses as Sherman, or could have found them, but none had his malignity. He meant to destroy Atlanta before he left it, and he must first get rid of the women and children. Atlanta could have been made a great base of supplies without disturbing a single person, as dozens of other points had been, but Sherman had a further plan. He could not take the city with him, when he started for Savannah, and he would not leave it to be reoccupied by the army
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 8.83 (search)
Church and Munson's Hill; in the bivouac at Fairfax Courthouse; in the winter quarters at Centreville; in the long marches from Manassas to Richmond, and thence to Johnson, on the York river; trench duty at Dam No. 1, at Yorktown; the rear guard at Williamsburg; the skirmish line on the road, holding the enemy in check; the builders of miles of fortifications; in the sudden dash and desperate battle of Seven Pines, and then to the glorious excitement of following up the retreating army of McClellan; and then the battle of Frazier's farm, had taught Kemper's men what war really was, and changed the raw levies, into gladiators who could meet death with a smile on their lips. And so in the bright morning sunshine they jested as they received abundance of cartridges and limited rations which was in the same proportion as Falstaff's sack to his bread. Down the road, past Orange Courthouse, from there to the Rapidan, where we camped. Thence to the Rappahannock river, where we remain