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t a few, weeks after the battle at New Bern, McClellan's army began to land at Fort Monroe preparatces there, and those sent to their aid after McClellan began to move, were placed under orders to w House, and kept on lookout duty there. General McClellan, expecting General McDowell to join him alfrey sweetly says in commenting on some of McClellan's figures, one of those extraordinary, ieen over as much territory as Branch's. Even McClellan, with his fondness for big numbers on the Coer McDowell would be added to that under General McClellan, and thereby give him strength enough to was the result must have been disastrous to McClellan. Longstreet, who commanded the entire rightf the Confederate forces. Wishing to strike McClellan a decisive blow, and thus relieve the pressu of North Carolina and elsewhere against General McClellan's army, and crush it before Burnside cou would be an easy matter after the defeat of McClellan's army, and would not be overlooked. The go[5 more...]
lina troops conspicuous in all engagements McClellan's Utter defeat by Lee. The series of battven Days battles around Richmond resulted in McClellan's, forced change of base, in the relief of R found all of Hooker's corps before him. General McClellan appeared on the field a few moments afterge had won his admiration. By June 30th, McClellan's retreating forces had reached the intersechad been hoped to deliver a crushing blow to McClellan, was a great disappointment to General Lee. ther retreat after Frayser's Farm caused General McClellan to send General Porter to select and holfirst time in the Seven Days battles, all of McClellan's army was concentrated on one field. Artillhe enemy was gone. The volcano was silent. McClellan had, against the protest of some of his geneg campaign. On the day of Malvern Hill, General McClellan telegraphed to the adjutant-general, routed army. Civil War in America, II, 414. McClellan seemed not to realize his advantage on that [1 more...]
Chapter 6: The campaign against Pope-Cedar Mountain Gordonsville Warrenton Bristoe Station Groveton Second Manassas Chantilly, or Ox Hill Pope defeated at all points. The result of the battles around Richmond so weakened Federal confidence in General McClellan's ability, that General Halleck was called from the West and made commander-in-chief of their armies. Previous, however, to his assumption of command, the departments of the Rappahannock and the Shenandoah were combined into one army, called the army of Virginia, and Maj.-Gen. John Pope assigned to its command. Pope had for corps commanders, Generals Sigel, Banks and McDowell, and, as at first constituted, his army numbered somewhat over 40,000 men. The Army under Pope.-Ropes, p. 3. As soon as this army began to threaten Gordonsville, General Lee, as Ropes remarks, though the whole army of the Potomac was within twenty-five miles of Richmond, did not hesitate, on July 13th, to despatch to Gordonsvill
he fall of Harper's Ferry. Meanwhile, General McClellan, Pope having been relieved of command, wfice, directed to me, was lost and fell into McClellan's hands. Did the courier lose it? Did Lee'ivided Confederates, it became necessary for McClellan to pass through the gaps of South mountain, attacked by the main body. All the rest of McClellan's army set out, by way of Turner's gap and F up to the time of attack on these gaps that McClellan's whole army was before them. When the cann position hazardous, he was relieved to find McClellan in his front in such force, for the Confederfternoon, the Federals had, according to General McClellan, 30,000 men; according to Battles and Len his rear, confronting with his small force McClellan's vast army, had haunted me through the longIt had not had the rest that a large part of McClellan's army enjoyed while Pope was engaging Lee. s with largely-depleted ranks that Lee faced McClellan at Sharpsburg. The Federals, on the other h[3 more...]
Chapter 8: The Fredericksburg campaign affairs in North Carolina supplies for troops brought by the advance engagements in North Carolina battle near Goldsboro North Carolina troops in the Western army battles of Murfreesboro and Stone river. The last great battle of 1862 was fought on the hills around Fredericksburg. There, seeing the design of the Federal commander, General Lee concentrated his army to await attack. General McClellan had been displaced by the Federal authorities on the 8th of November, and General Burnside appointed to succeed him as commander in the field. The new leader, yielding to public pressure for some success before the year closed, prepared to attack Lee in his chosen position. Burnside had organized his army into three grand divisions, under Sumner, Hooker and Franklin. The first weeks in December, these grand divisions were stretched along the northern bank of the Rappahannock, and were searching for ways to cross over for an att
. J. J. Iredell, J. A. Rogers, and perhaps other field officers whose name sought to be recorded, gave up their lives for the cause they loved. Deaths and consequent promotions brought, of course, changes in the brigade and regimental commands. General Ramseur became a major-general. Bryan Grimes, W. R. Cox, William MacRae, gallant soldiers, all received worthily-won commissions as brigadiergen-erals. The great Overland campaign was ended, and Grant was still no nearer Richmond than McClellan had been in 1862. In a few days he moved his army toward Petersburg. The object of crossing the James was to carry out the plan with which the army of the Potomac began the campaign, that is, to destroy the lines of supply to the Confederate depot, Richmond, on the south side of the James, as close to that city as practicable, after those on the north side had been rendered useless. Campaign of 1864 and 1865. If Petersburg could be captured, but one railroad leading into the city of R
Chapter 16: Around Petersburg Beauregard's masterly defense Lee's army in place and Grant is foiled the attempt of Grant to blow up the fortifications battle of the crater the dreary trenches Reams' Station the Fort Harrison assault the cavalry. After being foiled at Cold Harbor, General Grant determined to change his base to the south side of the James, and break the Confederate communications with the South. This plan had been previously proposed by McClellan, but rejected. Its danger to the Confederacy is shown by General Lee's assuring Richmond friends, some time before, that the people of that city might go to their beds without misgivings so long as the Federals assailed the capital from the north and east, and left undisturbed his communications with the Carolinas. Those sources of supply and reinforcement were now to be attempted. From June 4th to 11th Grant's army was engaged in its mobilization on the banks of the Chickahominy. Wilson's well-or
s engagement was at South Mountain, Md., where his brigade, with the others of D. H. Hill's division, held back half of McClellan's army till nightfall. Three days later at Sharpsburg, on September 17, 1862, he was for the last time distinguished i more men than his State's quota, which were found of great service when hastily called into the field in Virginia when McClellan made his advance from Yorktown. After General Martin had completed this work he applied for duty in the field, and in, was commissioned major of State troops, and was ordered to Smithfield, Va. He served at Yorktown, during the siege by McClellan, in command of artillery. Subsequently he was elected colonel of the Forty-ninth regiment of North Carolina infantry, at Whiting suggested to General Lee the stratagem of reinforcing Jackson in the valley, to keep back reinforcements for McClellan while Jackson should move rapidly and strike the Federal flank, and that Whiting volunteered to take his brigade and Ho