Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 14, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for McClellan or search for McClellan in all documents.

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s have stated their intention, to oppose the legal tender provision. Orders have been issued from headquarters in reference to the capture of Fort Henry, to the effect that the position shall be held at whatever cost. The report that Gen. McClellan's command is hereafter to be confined to the department of the Potomac is not without foundation, but no order for the purpose has been yet issued. It has been a common remark that the duties imposed on Gen. McClellan were too burdensome forGen. McClellan were too burdensome for one man. Affairs in New York. New York, Feb. 8. --The remaining vessels at the Brooklyn navy-yard, belonging to Commodore Porter's mortar fleet, will sail in a few days to the place of rendezvous.--About half of the fleet has already been dispatches thither. The mortars to be used have an average weight of about 17,000 pounds, and will carry a shell, it is stated, a distance of 2¼ miles. The ship George Washington, 1,534 tons, rating A 1, and the Great Republic, put down on
journals day after day in publishing, in a variety of forms, the shameless falsehood that General McClellan has been reduced to the simple command of the Army of the Potomac. His position is whollymodified in any way whatever since the advent of Mr. Stanton to the Cabinet. The staff of General McClellan were not notified a week ago to bold themselves in readiness to move over the Potomac. Mr. E. M. Green, a worthy and highly respected private citizen, is not only not on Gen. McClellan's staff, but has no connection whatever with the army, nor is his errand to New York in relation to armyif provided with arms, to fight for the maintenance of the Union. Gen. opinion of John. McClellan, In a speech delivered at a supper in Wheeling, Va., on the 6th inst., Gen. gave many reacapacitated to wield our huge army, unprecedented as it is in history, it was, in his opinion, McClellan. A New pontoon train. A new pontoon train has just been completed and is now encamped
ut, disease of the heart, incipient cancer, or consumption. "They die a thousand deaths in fearing one." In war, these melancholy men give full scope to their peculiar talent. A dozen victories do not compensate for one defeat. They see McClellan in their dreams. The Yankees are always advancing upon Centreville, and sometimes coming down Brook turnpike. They are going to lose their property, their children, their friends, their country, and their senses. They expect to die by the firan if they had taken a bond of fate, and were guaranteed immortality except from the hand of Yankees. The grim old archer might well chuckle over this curious delusion. Let the croakers console themselves. Death will have them, either by McClellan or otherwise. There are no exemptions from his draft. The militia must answer to their names and the Home Guard also. The men between forty-five and sixty are more likely to be victimized by the remorseless Executive of the grave than by the
Latest Northern news. McClellan's plan and the Washington Star--no Northern accounts of the Roanoke Island fight — arrival of Mason and Slidell in England — England satisfied with Cameron's resignation, &c. Norfolk, Feb. 13. --(Received at Richmond at 9½ o'clock)--Northern papers to the 12th inst. were received to-day by the flag of truce boat from Fortress Monroe. The House of Congress decided on Tuesday that Mr. Segar was not entitled to a seat as Representative. The, the Federal Secretary of War, calls for proposals for establishing a daily communication between Fortress Monroe and Port Royal, Hatteras, and Roanoke Island. The Washington Star articles, published by authority, says that the aim of General McClellan in his military combinations, is to restore the Union just as it existed before the rebellion. No news of the result of the battle of Roanoke Island had been received at the North, except meagre reports from Southern papers. The N