Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for McClellan or search for McClellan in all documents.

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est and most unscrupulous enfants perdus in the rebel army, enter McClellan's lines, tell him just such stories as they have been told to takulation — though it may be a forgery — a phrenological chart of Gen. McClellan's character, made by Fowler and Wells, of New York, and which was given, they say by McClellan to his friend, Major-General G. W. Smith, whose health is now quite recovered, though at the expense of his mame back last summer five years ago, from Miss--'s school — makes McClellan's lump of caution out-balance all the other qualities of his headn, and while the papers here all seem in a conspiracy to praise Gen. McClellan be is the most bitterly ridiculed man I ever knew, in private.- "chart" is correct, and so, whenever Lee or Jackson want to make McClellan stop anywhere or avoid a battle. They send off some "deserters."he Richmond rebel papers and these papers are actually carried to McClellan, and even sold to him at a high price, the two men passing themse<
on. Thus the rebels are pretty closely outflanked, hemmed in, and out off from Richmond.--General McClellan is fifty miles nearer the rebel capital than General Lee's army, and a vigorous movement — by a cautious attention to his rear — may at any moment put him in possession of that place. McClellan's left flank is therefore protected, Washington is secured against another sudden attack the ry fortified — and are gradually being pushed farther up the valley. At every step, therefore, McClellan approaches nearer to, and the rebel army moves further away from Richmond, with the mountain range separating the two forces. The results of McClellan's marvellous strategic powers are thus becoming more evident, and slowly, but surely, our army is moving onward to Richmond. The danger against which McClellan has to guard is an attempt to push the rebel army in overwhelming force through one of the gaps in his rear. That danger, however, is doubtless fully anticipated, and the pass<