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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—Richmond. (search)
ver their capital; so that on the arrival of McClellan before Yorktown with his fifty-eight thousanother hand, Franklin's division had rejoined McClellan on the 22d of April. It had at first been itempting a sudden assault in that direction, McClellan had preferred to leave it for a few days on pter 2: Fair Oaks. THE departure of General McClellan had left a clear field for the strategic Tired out by such constant vacillations, McClellan prepared to execute this fatal order without absorbed all the reinforcements promised to McClellan, upon General Pope, an officer as brave as hy line of retreat, they already fancied that McClellan, hemmed in among the marshes of the Chickaho these topographical details were unknown at McClellan's headquarters, and, what is yet more extraoents. It required a positive order from General McClellan to determine Sumner to cross the White Oeam connects with the ravine which separated McClellan's centre from his left, the Confederate gene[131 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—the naval war. (search)
23d of February, after receiving his instructions from the President and General McClellan, he left Chesapeake Bay with a fleet of transports, on board of which wergineers, who had since been placed at the head of that arm of the service on McClellan's staff. Fort Jackson, so named after the defender of New Orleans, was situa Federal general from profiting by the lesson given by the recent campaign of McClellan in Virginia; so that, for fear of running some risk, he was preparing for himprove fatal to his cause. An unforeseen chance, or the news of the defeat of McClellan in the east, could alone have enabled him to resume the offensive. His soldn into a rout, Halleck limited himself to insignificant demonstrations. Like McClellan in Virginia, he would undertake nothing without the support of his siege artiissue of the great struggle that was going on around Richmond between Lee and McClellan. Buell, on his part, did not seem to think of attacking him. After having
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—Maryland. (search)
s of the James, had come to consult with General McClellan relative to the plans of the forthcomingthe Federal armies, of which he had stripped McClellan just as he was taking the field; but not wistch calculated to create the impression that McClellan had reconsidered his determination to attackieutenant, as he still feared an attack from McClellan; and his paramount object was to compel the esence of an adversary like Lee. The name of McClellan alone was almost sufficient to restore coura South Mountain between his army and that of McClellan. The latter, however, was not yet able to ft this moment a fortunate chance revealed to McClellan all the designs of his adversary, clearly innorant of the disaster we have just related, McClellan was quickening the pace of the long columns se on the other bank of the Antietam, whence McClellan was watching him, this ground appeared smoot capturing Harper's Ferry in the presence of McClellan, and of counting too much upon the tardiness[109 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—Kentucky (search)
hich was some time after to bring them upon a battle-field far remote from the preceding one. On the 30th of October, Buell was relieved from command by the President. He had doubtless committed more than one mistake; but as the government had restored him his command at Louisville, it could not allege any serious cause for depriving him of it at the moment when he had just delivered Kentucky from the invasion of the enemy. The coincidence between his dismissal and that of his friend McClellan attracted much comment at the North. Rosecrans, who had just distinguished himself around Corinth, as we shall relate hereafter, was placed at the head of the troops lately under Buell's command. At first he merely continued the movement commenced by the latter in the direction of Nashville. On the 7th of December this city was occupied by several divisions; the remainder of the Union army was posted en echelon along the line of railroad in the neighborhood of Gallatin, and as far as Bo
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—Tennessee. (search)
re disposed in three divisions under command of Generals A. J. Smith, M. L. Smith and Morgan. When Sherman gave the order for embarking on the 20th, the preparations for so complicated an operation were not entirely completed. All the steamers that could be found had been collected together on the Mississippi and the Ohio, but the difficulties were even greater than those which had attended the transportation of the army of the Potomac to Fortress Monroe, for the thirty thousand men that McClellan had transported at one time had only been two days on the way, whilst the transportation undertaken by Sherman occupied at least five or six. It was impossible, therefore, to avoid a certain amount of confusion in the embarkation, especially as the preceding day was pay-day. As we have observed elsewhere, the American soldier was only paid once in two months, so that at times, at the moment of leaving a city like Memphis, which, it may be said, was nothing but a vast sutler's store, he f
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VI:—Virginia. (search)
organizing and rest. We have seen that when McClellan resumed the command of it, after Pope's disacements or supplies, addressed to Halleck by McClellan, was the occasion of complaints and mutual rdid not know how to employ. The task that McClellan had undertaken was far from being completed covered, and the reinforcements promised to McClellan were beginning to arrive. Bayard's cavalry rville. Warrenton was the place selected by McClellan as a point of concentration; it was the termsigning him to the command of the army, vice McClellan, and the other from General Halleck, directi The Secretary had not only no confidence in McClellan's military skill, but he very much doubted h an unkind hand and in a mortifying way. General McClellan has himself borne testimony to the kind re not called upon to pass judgment upon General McClellan's military career in this place. In spimy of the Potomac on the 25th of January. McClellan's successor quitted this army carrying with [65 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book VII:—politics. (search)
delicate mission at the time when the inaction of McClellan and the disaster of Ball's Bluff entirely absorbedn. The principle of compulsory service, which General McClellan had vainly asked to be enforced from the day hfied of this design, resolved to frustrate it. General McClellan, acting under instructions, caused nine memberd of release on parole having thus been suspended, McClellan's campaign in Virginia greatly increased the numbeas even been made a matter of reproach against General McClellan that he carried to excess his protection of prince he had exercised a command independent of General McClellan in the valley of Virginia, had sought to repai the resolution was passed, Mr. Seward ordered General McClellan to extend the protection of the military power this law, and the manner of fulfilling them. General McClellan hastened on the 9th of August to communicate tn was perfectly defined in the order issued by General McClellan on the 7th of October, which we have quoted el
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 8 (search)
art of those which landed at Fortress Monroe. Those marked thus (†) joined McClellan after he had landed. The brigades where dots (......) are substituted for rs, and under the orders of the senior colonel. Commander-in-chief, Major-General McClellan. Chief of Staff, Brigadier-general Marcy. Adjutant-general, Brigadiermies in Virginia On the 15th of August, 1862. Army of the Potomac—Major-General McClellan. 2d corps, Sumner. 1st Division, Richardson. 1st Brigade, Caldw this exhibit. On the 15th of September, 1862. Commander-in-chief, Major-General McClellan. Right wing, Burnside. 1st corps, Hooker; 14,850 men strong. still farther, and accuses Burnside of having through his inaction prevented McClellan from driving the enemy's army into the Potomac. The biographer of Burnside, Mr. Woodbury, has replied to these accusations with great warmth, blaming McClellan, on the other hand, for not having ordered Porter to make the same effort that he
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), chapter 9 (search)
glee's report). It was whilst the latter were engaged on the Nine Mile road that, about half-past 4 o'clock, Johnston, at the head of G. W. Smith's troops, swept down upon Abercrombie's brigade, the third of Couch's division, at Fair Oaks, which rendered it necessary for the Federals to make a change of front (Keyes' report). Shortly after, at five or a quarter-past five o'clock, this attack broke the line which had thus been formed. Couch, four regiments and one battery, was driven back (McClellan's report) north of the railway, where he was soon joined by Sumner (Sumner's deposition before the committee on the conduct of the war). Report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War, vol. i., p. 362. At the same time the remainder of Keyes' corps lost possession of Seven Pines (Naglee's report). According to the deposition above quoted, Sumner only effected a junction with Couch after the latter had become separated from the greatest portion of his division, and the sworn statement