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on his march round the northern spur of the ridge. He arrived too late, and with his men in an exhausted condition. The fact is, this was to be the grand wiping out expedition of the "rebellion." It is probable even that the movements of McClellan in the Northwest were principally designed to deceive Beauregard here, and so far as possible to play into the hands of General Scott here. The Federalists certainly cannot have expected to make headway either in the mountains or the Valley ofegard here, and so far as possible to play into the hands of General Scott here. The Federalists certainly cannot have expected to make headway either in the mountains or the Valley of the Kanawha, a rugged country, where the masses of the people are hostile, however disaffected individuals may be. The promptness with which McClellan was summoned to Washington immediately after the defeat of McDowell, also shows that he was not greatly needed where he has recently been pretending to operate.
The Daily Dispatch: August 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Financial and commercial independence. (search)
General McClellan. The Northern press, which is eagerly seizing at every straw that promises to save its cause, is busily engaged at present in glorifying McClellan, who now seems to be the actual Commander-in-Chiefy, and we have no hesitation in conceding that General McClellan is an able officer, active, ambitious and enten as the Southern leaders, we do not believe. General McClellan was in the Mexican war, but we never heard thae are not left to conjecture the real object of Gen. McClellan's invasion of Western Virginia, for a Clevelanddifferent points, and in an enemy's country. That McClellan succeeded with the number at his command, and in acourse, that it was a Yankee fabrication, and that McClellan was in full march to grasp the fruits of his succee Federal army has come as near a grand success as McClellan, and not one who ever lived has let the bird of goa wonderful escape. We see nothing, therefore, in McClellan's Western Virginia campaign to make us believe th