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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Chapter 18: Dana in the War Department (search)
ss to the life of her excellent husband. His appearance made me anew anxious about him. I fear that his lungs may be seriously affected. His loss would be a great misfortune, not only for his friends, but still more for the country. Public servants of his quality will always be few; and there are plenty of men whose names will flourish largely in history without having rendered a tithe of his unostentatious and invaluable contribution to the great work of the nation. You ask about General Meigs. I will tell you as a secret, which you may tell General Grant and Rawlins, that the affairs under charge of that officer are in a condition of much disorder and frightful waste. He may yet prove an able commander in the field, but as an administrative officer he is a most expensive failure. You are aware, of course, that Steele with Arkansas has been added to the command of U. S. G. Stoneman has been sent to Steele. Stoneman is another expensive failure. He is not worth a contine
John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana, Index (search)
con, 343, 355, 361. McPherson, General, 222, 223, 227, 244-246, 251. Macready riots, 97. Manassas, 172. Manifest Destiny, 125,133, 402. Marat, President French Assembly, 78, 88. March to the Sea, 300, 355. Marriage of Dana, 58. Marti, Jose, tribute to, 498. Mason, Senator, 153. Maximilian, 398. Maynard, Horace, 288. Maynardier, Major, 351. Mazzini, 497. Meade, General, 249, 251, 310, 320, 323, 325, 326, 328, 330, 332-334, 336, 342, 348, 356, 361, 367. Meigs, General, 303. Memphis, 191, 192, 195, 204-206, 225, 256, 267, 301. Merritt, General, 366. Mexico, 114, 133. Middle Military Division, 343. Miles, General, 359, 364, 365. Military Division of the Mississippi, 268, 276, 297. Milliken's Bend, 201, 212, 216, 235, 243, 267. Mills bill, 475. Mill Spring, battle of, 189, 282. Missionary Ridge, battle of, 250, 257, 287, 289, 290, 292-294, 297, 316, 330, 339. Mississippi River, 209, 212, 213, 225, 230, 251, 301, 316. Missouri Compro