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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 33 1 Browse Search
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Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 14: from the Rappahannock to the Potomac (search)
h Hooker, proceeded northward, by way of Culpeper and the Valley of Virginia,--the Second Corps in advance,--crossed the Shenandoah near Front Royal about June 12th, and, near Winchester, routed and captured a large part of the force which, under Milroy, was holding the Lower Valley. Hill followed Ewell, Longstreet's corps hovering yet a while east of the mountains, to cover their operations. It was about this time that President Lincoln and General Hooker had their famous serpentine telegr; twenty-eight pieces of superior artillery, including those taken by General Rodes and General Hayes; about three hundred wagons and as many horses, together with a quantity of ordnance, commissary, and quartermaster's stores. The remnant of Milroy's forces took refuge behind the fortifications of Harper's Ferry; but as the reduction of that place had proved a very disturbing element in General Lee's plans for the Maryland campaign of the preceding year, we gave it the go-by this time; Lieu
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 16: Gettysburg (search)
on, and I was in charge of one of their pieces. We drove the enemy pell-mell over rolling wheat fields, through a grove, across a creek, up a little slope and into the town itself. The pursuit was so close and hot that, though my gun came into battery several times, yet I could not get in a shot. Gordon was the most glorious and inspiring thing I ever looked upon. He was riding a beautiful coal-black stallion, captured at Winchester, that had belonged to one of the Federal generals in Milroy's army — a majestic animal, whose neck was clothed with thunder. From his grand joy in In Scribner's for June, 1903, General Gordon mentions this horse, describing him very much as I have done. He adds that he only rode him in one battle; that he behaved well at first under artillery fire, but later, encountering a fierce fire of musketry, he turned tail and bolted to the rear a hundred yards or more. I am glad I did not witness this disgraceful fall. Nothing could have been more supe
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Index. (search)
7; and Rappahannock Bridge, 231-32; Richmond home of, 357; and the Seven Days, 89, 91-94, 98-102, 106- 109; and Sharpsburg, 125-26; uniform and memorabilia of, 357; why called Marse Robert, 18-21. Lee, Samuel Perry, 352-54. Lee, Stephen Dill, 96, 258 Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh, 18 Lee's Miserables, 252 Leesburg, Va., 60-63, 65, 67, 71, 73, 130, 145, 310 Letcher, John, 17 Letcher Artillery (Va.), 41 Lexington, Va., 105 Medals, 341-44. Methodists, 139, 230 Milroy, Robert Huston, 192, 198, 210 Mine Run, Va., 228, 231, 233-35. Minor, John Barbee, 356 Mississippi Infantry: 13th Regiment, 60, 64, 95; 17th Regiment, 60, 64, 98,116, 129, 143, 176; 18th Regiment, 60, 64; 21st Regiment, 64,98, 115-17, 130-31, 179, 292-93. Mitchell, Capt., 216 Moncure, Travis Daniel, 294 Moore, ........., (Pvt., Va. Militia), 70-71. Moore, Allen W., 297-98. Moore, W. E., 297-99. Morris, Edward Joy, 27 Mortars, 293 Morton, Allen, 50-51, 145-51. Morton, Jeremia
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil War in the United States. (search)
derate States to register themselves at the provost-marshal's office, and declared the incendiaries to be spies, who, if caught, would be immediately executed.—29. General Foster co-operated with General Sherman as he approached the sea from Atlanta.—Dec. 2. The Pope declined to commit himself to the Confederate cause. Up to this time sixty-five blockade-running steamers had been taken or destroyed in attempts to reach Wilmington, N. C., the vessels and cargoes being worth $13,000,000.—6. Milroy defeated the Confederates near Murfreesboro, Tenn.—8. Confederate plot to burn Detroit discovered.—15. Rousseau, at Murfreesboro, defeated Forrest, who lost 1,500 men.—17. To keep out improper persons from Canada, the Secretary of State issued an order that all persons entering the United States from a foreign country must have passports, excepting emigrants coming direct from sea to our ports.—19. The President issued a call for 300,000 volunteers, any deficiency to be made up by
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cross Keys, action at (search)
rning, June 7, by Fremont with the force with which he had moved out of Harrisonburg. General Schenck led the right, General Milroy the centre, and General Stahl the left. Between the extreme was a force under Colonel Cluseret. At eleven o'clock the conflict was general and severe, and continued several hours, Milroy and Schenck all the while gaining ground, the former with heavy loss. At four o'clock the whole National line was ordered to fall back at the moment when Milroy had pierced EwelMilroy had pierced Ewell's centre, and was almost up to his guns. Milroy obeyed the order, but with great reluctance, for he felt sure of victory. The Confederates occupied the battle-field that night, and the Nationals rested within their first line until morning, when Milroy obeyed the order, but with great reluctance, for he felt sure of victory. The Confederates occupied the battle-field that night, and the Nationals rested within their first line until morning, when Ewell was called to aid Jackson beyond the Shenandoah River. The National loss in the battle was 664, of which two-thirds fell in Stahl's brigade.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Groveton, battle of. (search)
and Kearny, towards Gainesville, to be followed by Reno, while Porter, with his own corps and King's division, was to move upon the road to Gainesville from Manassas, for the turning of Jackson's flank on the Warrenton pike, and to fall heavily on his rear. Lee was then approaching along that pike, and Jackson determined to hold his advantageous position, at all hazards, until the main army should arrive. At five o'clock in the morning, Sigel, with the divisions of Schurz, Schenck, and Milroy, advanced to attack Jackson. A battle began at seven o'clock, and continued with great fury until ten, Sigel constantly advancing, while it was evident that Jackson had been reinforced. It was so. Longstreet, with the vanguard of Lee's whole army, which had been streaming through Thoroughfare Gap all the morning unopposed, had now reached the field of action. Sigel maintained his ground until noon, when Kearny's division arrived, and took position on Sigel's right. Reynolds and Reno also
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), McDowell, battle of. (search)
nder Generals Ewell and Edward S. Johnson, had a force of about 15,000 men not far off. Jackson was closely watching Banks. when he was startled by news that General Milroy was approaching from Fremont's department, to join Banks or fall upon Staunton. Leaving Ewell to watch the latter, he turned rapidly towards Staunton, and sent Johnson with five brigades to strike Milroy. The latter, outnumbered, fell back to McDowell, 36 miles west of Staunton, whither General Schenck hastened with a part of his brigade, to assist him. Jackson also hurried to the Stonewall Jackson's letter to Ewell. assistance of Johnson, and on May 8 a severe engagement occurred, lasting about five hours, when darkness put an end to it. Schenck (who ranked Milroy), finding the position untenable, withdrew during the night to Franklin, and the next day Jackson wrote to Ewell: Yesterday God gave us the victory at McDowell. The Nationals lost 256 men, of whom only nine were killed. Jackson reported a lo
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Maryland, State of. (search)
hen Lee projected his right wing, under Ewell, through the Blue Ridge into the Shenandoah Valley at Strasburg. He pushed down the valley to Winchester, where General Milroy was in command of nearly 10,000 men, on the evening of June 13, having marched 70 miles in three days. It was a bold movement. Milroy called in his outpostsMilroy called in his outposts and prepared to fight, but before daybreak he resolved to retreat. He spiked his cannon, drowned his powder, and was about to depart, when the Confederates fell upon him. Then began a race towards the Potomac, but the Nationals were stopped by a force some miles from Winchester, and many of them made prisoners. The garrison had about a week the start of Hooker in the race for the Potomac. On the 15th 1,500 Confederate cavalry dashed across the Potomac at Williamsport, in pursuit of Milroy's wagon-train; swept up the Cumberland Valley to Chambersburg, Pa.; destroyed the railroad in that vicinity; plundered the region of horses, cattle, and other sup
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Milroy, Robert Huston 1816- (search)
Milroy, Robert Huston 1816- Military officer; born in Washington county, Md., June 11, 1816; became a lawyer; served in the 1st Indiana Volunteers in the Mexican War; became colonel of the 9th Indiana Volunteers, April 26, 1861; brigadiergeneral, Feb. 6, 1862; and major-general in 1863; served principally in western Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Peninsular campaign, (search)
batteries on Drury's Bluff or Fort DarlingMay 15, 1862 McClellan's headquarters established at the White House (belonging to Mrs. Robt. E. Lee) on the PamunkeyMay 16, 1862 McDowell, with a corps of 40,000 men and 100 pieces of artillery, instructed to co-operate with the Army of the Potomac advancing on RichmondMay 17, 1862 To frustrate this union Stonewall Jackson assumes the offensive by threatening Washington. The National forces in northern Virginia at this time were: Banks, 20,000, Milroy and Schenck, 6,000, Fremont, 10,000, and McDowell's corps at Fredericksburg, 40,000. Jackson suc- ceeds, and McDowell is retained to defend Washington by an order issued [This order saved the Confederate capital.]May 24, 1862 Jackson drives Banks out of Winchester (see cross Keys, action at)May 25, 1862 Hanover Court-houseMay 27, 1862 [Fitz-John Porter, with a corps of 12,000 men, is ordered by McClellan to destroy the bridges over the South Anna, as instructed to do from Washington;
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