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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
elphia, Chicago, Pittsburg, Washington, and all their chief cities, and the men to do the business may be picked up by the hundred in the streets of those very cities. If it should be thought unsafe to use them, there are daring men in Canada, of Morgan's and other commands, who have escaped from Yankee dungeons, and would rejoice at an opportunity of doing something that would make all Yankeedom howl with anguish and consternation. The enterprise was actually undertaken, and on the night of thFrederick, on Loudon Street, at the northern end of the city, and drank from the fort well, which is one hundred and three feet deep, where, during the French and Indian war, Washington often appeased thirst. We also visited the grave of General Daniel Morgan, the Hero of the Cowpens: it is in the Presbyterian church-yard, covered by a broken marble slab. and in the afternoon, Colonel Russell, the post commander, kindly took us in his carriage to the Opequan Ford, where Sheridan's army crossed
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Arnold, Benedict, 1741-1801 (search)
ning to Cambridge, he was placed at the head of an expedition for the capture of Quebec. He left Cambridge with a little more than 1,000 men, composed of New England musketeers and riflemen from Virginia and Pennsylvania, the latter under Capt. Daniel Morgan. He sailed from Newburyport for the Kennebec in the middle of September, 1775. They rendezvoused at Fort Western, on the Kennebee River, opposite the site of the present city of Augusta, Me., and on the verge of a wilderness uninhabited eer-skin moccasins to sustain life, and a dog belonging to Henry (afterwards General) Dearborn made savory food for them. In this expedition were men who afterwards became famous in American history — Aaron Burr, R. J. Meigs, Henry Dearborn, Daniel Morgan, and others. Arnold assisted Montgomery in the siege of Quebec, and was there severely wounded in the leg. Montgomery was killed, and Arnold was promoted to brigadier-general (Jan. 10, 1776), and took command of the remnant of the American
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bemis's Heights, battles of. (search)
near. He was finally permitted to order Col. Daniel Morgan with his riflemen, and Dearborn with infs right. These were driven back and pursued. Morgan's troops, becoming scattered, were recalled, a was made. After a sharp engagement, in which Morgan's horse was shot under him, the combatants wit their arms until morning. But for Arnold and Morgan, no doubt Burgoyne would have been marching truse of the disturbance, and then permitted Colonel Morgan to begin the game. Morgan soon gained a gMorgan soon gained a good position on the British right, while General Poor, with his New Hampshire brigade, followed by Gld remained with the Americans. Meanwhile Colonel Morgan had assailed Fraser's flanking corps so fut they were driven back to their lines. There Morgan fell upon the British right so fiercely that ie most potent energies of the British. One of Morgan's riflemen singled him out by his brilliant und up the troops of Livingston and Wesson, with Morgan's riflemen, to make a general assault, while C[1 more...]
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bentonville, battle of. (search)
in amazement, and the attack was not renewed on that part of the field for more than an hour afterwards. The army was saved. The young general (Fearing) was disabled by a bullet, and hundreds of his brigade, dead and wounded, strewed the field of conflict. Davis re-formed the disordered left and centre of his line in open fields half a mile in the rear of the old line. The artillery was moved to a commanding knoll, and Kilpatrick massed his cavalry on the left. Meanwhile an attack upon Morgan's division of the 14th Corps had been very severe and unceasing. The National forces received six distinct assaults by the combined troops of Hardee, Hoke, and Cheatham, under the immediate command of General Johnston, without yielding an inch of ground, and all the while doing much execution on the Confederate ranks, especially with the artillery. With darkness this conflict, known as the battle of Bentonville, ended. It was one of the most notable battles of the Civil War. The main forc
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bering sea. (search)
e necessary for the proper presentation of the case to the court of arbitration. Expert agents were appointed by each government to visit the localities under dispute, and make a thorough investigation of the material facts. A treaty was signed at Washington, Feb. 29, 1892, providing for the settlement by arbitration of the vexed seal question. The treaty was ratified in London, and the arbitrators met in Paris; they were Lord Hannen, Sir John Thompson, Justice Harlan, United States Senator Morgan, Baron de Courcelles, M. Gregero Gram, and Marquis Visconti Venosta. The decision of the tribunal was rendered Aug. 15, 1893. The findings of the arbitrators were: Russia never claimed exclusive rights; (Great Britain had not conceded any claim of Russia to exclusive jurisdiction; Bering Sea was included in the Pacific Ocean in the treaty of 1825: all Russian rights Passed to the United States; the United States have no rights when seals are outside the 3-mile limit. Restrictive regul
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bering sea arbitration. (search)
tors on the part of the United States, he chose, with the cordial approval of the Chief-Justice and his associates, Mr. Justice Harlan. of the Supreme Court, as senior American member of the tribunal. In filling the second place he selected Senator Morgan, the recognized leader of all international questions in the Senate of the party whose officials had originated the subject-matter of arbitration. Hon. E. J. Phelps, President Cleveland's minister in London, an experienced diplomatist, and at jurist, was added to the list. These three gentlemen were the political friends of Mr. Cleveland. With them was joined a single party friend o(f President Harrison, H. W. Blodgett, for many years a distinguished judge of the Federal Court. Senator Morgan, in a subsequent letter, wrote: Our party was and is responsible for using the means that were employed both for the raising and the settlement of these questions, and it was a just measure of responsibility that Mr. Harrison devolved upon us
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Medals. (search)
tonGold. Nov. 4, 1777Brig.-Gen. Horatio GatesDefeat of BurgoyneGold. July 26, 1779Maj.-Gen. Anthony WayneStorming of Stony PointGold. July 26, 1779Lieut.-Col. De FleuryStorming of Stony PointSilver. July 26, 1779Maj. John StewartStorming of Stony PointSilver. Sept. 24, 1779Maj. Henry LeeSurprise of Paulus HookGold. Nov. 3, 1780John PauldingCapture of AndreSilver. Nov. 3, 1780David WilliamsCapture of AndreSilver. Nov. 3, 1780Isaac Van WartCapture of AndreSilver. March 9, 1781Brig.-Gen. Daniel MorganVictory of the CowpensGold. March 9, 1781Lieut.-Col. William A. WashingtonVictory of the CowpensSilver. March 9, 1781Lieut.-Col. John E. HowardVictory of the CowpensSilver. Oct. 29, 1781Maj.-Gen. Nathanael GreeneVictory at Eutaw SpringsGold. Oct. 16, 1787Capt. John Paul JonesCapture of the Serapis, 1779Gold. March 29, 1800Capt. Thomas TruxtonAction with the Vengeance (French)Gold. March 3, 1805Com. Edward PrebleTripoliGold. Jan. 29, 1813Capt. Isaac HullCapture of the Guerriere
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Morgan, Daniel 1736-1802 (search)
Morgan, Daniel 1736-1802 Military officer; born in Hunterdon county, N. J., in 1736; at the age of seventeen he was a wagoner in Braddock's army, and the next year he received 500 lashes for knocking down a British lieutenant who had insulted him. Daniel Morgan. That officer afterwards made a public apology. Morgan became Daniel Morgan. That officer afterwards made a public apology. Morgan became an ensign in the militia in 1758; and while carrying despatches he was severely wounded by Indians, but escaped. After the French and Indian War he was a brawler and fighter and a dissipated gambler for a time; but he reformed, accumulated property, and commanded a company in Dunmore's expedition against the Indians in 1774. In lMorgan became an ensign in the militia in 1758; and while carrying despatches he was severely wounded by Indians, but escaped. After the French and Indian War he was a brawler and fighter and a dissipated gambler for a time; but he reformed, accumulated property, and commanded a company in Dunmore's expedition against the Indians in 1774. In less than a week after he heard of the affair at Lexington he had enrolled ninety-six men, the nucleus of his famous rifle-corps, and marched them to Boston. He accompanied Arnold in his march to Quebec in 1775, commanding three companies of riflemen, and in the siege of that city was made prisoner. As colonel of a rifle regiment
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
ll. The battalion was engaged in the battles of Averasboro and Bentonville, N. C., and Major Lucas was wounded in both battles, seriously in the right side at the last. He was tenderly cared for at Raleigh, by Dr. Albert Smedes and the ladies of the city, and was at home disabled when General Johnston surrendered. Since the war he has been engaged in planting and wine-making in Darlington county. As aide-de-camp to Gov. Johnson Hagood he took part in the unveiling of the monument to Daniel Morgan at Spartanburg, and the Yorktown monument ceremonies. By his marriage, in 1861, to Carrie McIver, he has seven children: Maj. Thomas Smith Lucas, principal of one of the Savannah schools and captain of the Oglethorpe light infantry; J. J. Lucas, Jr., of the Savannah offices of the Plant railway system; Benjamin Simons, a planter near Society Hill; Fanny McIver, wife of J. Francis Wilkes; Elizabeth Wildes, Mary McIver, and Melita Eleanor. Captain John Lyon, born in Abbeville county, M
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Heroes of the old Camden District, South Carolina, 1776-1861. an Address to the Survivors of Fairfield county, delivered at Winnsboro, S. C., September 1,1888. (search)
s compelled to fall back and retreated to this place, Winnsboro, from which he might watch the threatened points of Camden, Granby and Ninety-Six. His headquarters were in this town until Greene, with Gates' army reorganized, advanced into South Carolina for its recovery. But while Cornwallis was here, an opportunity was allowed Sumter to repay Tarleton at Blackstocks for his surprise at Fishing Creek, and to avenge the slaughter there. Then followed our great victory at Cowpens under Morgan, which transferred the seat of war from this part of our State, and left it rest until peace and independence were secured. I have said that the people who settled this part of the country carried with them the axe, the rifle, and the Bible, and that the meeting-house and the school-house were put up together. We have seen that they knew well how to use the rifle, and it is not inappropriate here to observe in passing that not even in all these disturbances of revolution and war was the