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and disciplined troops it is impossible they should make any impression. Still the little army was unable to move, for want of horses and carriages; but Franklin, by his great influence in Pennsylvania, supplied both, with a promptitude and probity which extorted praise from Braddock and unanimous thanks from the Assembly of his province. Franklin to Shirley, 22 May, 1755. Braddock to Secretary of State, 5 June, 1755. Votes of Pennsylvania Assembly, v., 397. Among the wagoners was Daniel Morgan, famed in village chap. VIII.} 1755. groups as a wrestler; skilful in the use of the musket; who emigrated, as a day-laborer, from New Jersey to Virginia, and husbanded his wages so that he had been able to become the owner of a team; all unconscious of his future greatness. At Will's Creek, which took the name of Cumberland, Washington, in May, joined the expedition as one of the generals aids. Seven-and-twenty days passed in the march of the army from Alexandria to Cumberland, whe