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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 2.12 (search)
as his aid to that place. He it was who, at great personal risk, carried the summons to surrender to Brown, and afterwards united in the charge the marines under Green made there when battering down the door, and largely contributed to end forever the career of the messenger and prophet, as some at the North delighted to call him. J. E. B. Stuart's duties began in the late war in the Valley of Virginia, as a Lieutenant-Colonel of cavalry under General Johnston, when he was confronting Patterson, and after that his person, his prowess, his daring, his dash, his gay humor, his great services, are as familiar as household words to all of us. Many within the sound of my voice recall him then. His strong figure, his big brown beard, his piercing, laughing blue eye, the drooping hat and black feather, the fighting jacket, as he termed it, the tall cavalry boots, the high health and exuberant vitality, forming one of the most jubilant and striking figures in the war, which cannot easil
n (on the Washington and Alexandria Railroad) was selected as commanding all approach from Washington in front, or on the flank, from Harper's Ferry, through the Shenandoah Valley. This accordingly became the grand rendezvous, and the troops that first arrived were camped there: some few were sent twenty-five miles to the front (Fairfax Court-house and station) to watch the enemy, while General Johnston proceeded down the Shenandoah Valley with all he could gather, to watch and oppose General Patterson, who was massing his troops on the Maryland bank of the Potomac, and threatening Harper's Ferry. General Pegram was in Western Virginia, watching the Federals in that direction, who, under General McClellan, were threatening to advance circuitously and take us in the rear. Such, in brief, might be said to be the state of things in the middle of April, 1861. I now proceed to a simple narration of facts, of which, for the most part, I was an eye-witness, throughout most of the engageme
Chapter 3: Arrival at Manassas appearance of things by night operations of our army opposed to Patterson around Harper's Ferry forward movements of the enemy Jackson opens the Ball Colonel Maxey Gregg attacks the Northern troops ond Ohio Railroads to the west. General Joe Johnston is at the Ferry with a small force guarding the passage; for if General Patterson and his forty thousand men pour across from Maryland and Pennsylvania into the Shenandoah Valley, they can march onitics; as for the troops, they said nothing, but reposed implicit reliance in the wisdom and skill of our generals. Patterson was massing his troops for a descent into the Shenandoah Valley, but at what point to expect his crossing no one could stown, (midway between Harper's Ferry and Winchester,) whither Johnston's main force had retired. While Johnston's and Patterson's forces were thus facing each other near Charlestown things were unchanged at Manassas. Reports, indeed, were circula
Shells penetrated his Headquarters in a dozen places, bursting in the kitchen, and blowing the cooking apparatus about in all directions. The terrified black cooks struck work, and could not be prevailed upon to resume their labors till nightfall. Expecting the attack to be resumed with great fury on the morrow, every preparation was made for it, strong picket guards being posted in all directions. It was while I was out on this duty, far away to the front, that news was brought of Patterson's retreat from the Shenandoah Valley into Maryland, his object being to effect a junction with the forces of General Scott around Washington in time for the great struggle. At the same time, telegrams informed us of Johnston's retreat to Winchester and Strasburgh; and he himself had arrived at Manassas on Friday night, (the nineteenth,) while Jackson, with one or two brigades, was on his way by railroad. The rest of Johnston's army, it was expected, would reach us before Sunday, and part
iver, and were thrashing Shields's command, he formed his division and marched from Harrisonburgh towards the scene, and finding the bridge gone, began shelling across in all directions; this he continued doing for several hours, so that many who were burying the enemy's dead were killed or maimed. White flags were displayed, but this heroic gentleman would not respect our labors, but continued firing without intermission long after the fight had closed! How very valiant this was! General Patterson, in a recent speech at Philadelphia, gave Fremont's character in brief. He declared that he was a statesman without a speech, a soldier without a battle, and a millionaire with nary red. He could only abbreviate the description by calling him an unmitigated humbug. His staff usually comprised nearly sixty officers. When night closed in we found that our killed and wounded amounted to three hundred, and that of the enemy to one thousand, not counting the fight of Cross Keys, wh
man, and a somewhat commonplace lecturer. Stiff and rigid in his pew at church, striding awkwardly from his study to his lectureroom, ever serious, thoughtful, absent-minded in appearancesuch was the figure of the future Lieutenant-General, the estimate of whose faculties by the gay young students may be imagined from their nickname for him, Fool Tom Jackson. In April, 186 , Fool Tom Jackson became Colonel of Virginia volunteers, and went to Harper's Ferry, soon afterwards fighting General Patterson at Falling Water, thence descending to Manassas. Here the small force-2,611 muskets — of Brigadier-General Jackson saved the day. Without them the Federal column would have flanked and routed Beauregard. Bee, forced back, shattered and overwhelmed, galloped up to Jackson and groaned out, General, they are beating us back! Jackson's set face did not move. Sir, he said, we will give them the bayonet. Without those 2,611 muskets that morning, good-by to Beauregard! In the next year
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Stuart on the outpost: a scene at camp Qui Vive (search)
a fight of pickets, and was brought back dead, wrapped in the brilliant oil-cloth which his sister took from her piano and had sent to him to sleep upon. But these recollections would not interest you as they interest me. They fade, and I come back to my immediate subject-a visit to General Jeb Stuart at his headquarters, near Fairfax Court-House, where, in this December of 1861, I saw the gay cavalier and his queer surroundings. Stuart was already famous from his raids against General Patterson in the Valley. He had harassed that commander so persistently-driving in his pickets, getting in rear of his camps, and cutting off his foraging parties — that Johnston said of him: He is worse than a yellow-jacket-they no sooner brush him off than he lights back again. Indefatigable in reconnoissance, sleepless in vigilance, possessed of a physical strength which defied fatigue and enabled him to pass whole days and nights in the saddle, Stuart became the evil genius of the invadi
, the French Guard of Louis, and the Old Guard of Napoleon. This is the Old Stonewall Brigade of Jackson. The Old Stonewall Brigade! What a host of thoughts, memories, and emotions, do those simple words incite! The very mention of the famous band is like the bugle note that sounds to arms! These veterans have fought and bled and conquered on so many battle-fields that memory grows weary almost of recalling their achievements. Gathering around Jackson in the old days of 186 , when Patterson confronted Johnston in the Valley of the Shenandoah-when Stuart was a simple Colonel, and Ashby only a Captain — they held in check an enemy twenty times their number, and were moulded by their great commander into that Spartan phalanx which no Federal bayonet could break. They were boys and old men; the heirs of ancient names, who had lived in luxury from childhood, and the humblest of the unlettered sons of toil; students and ploughmen, rosycheeked urchins and grizzled seniors, old and
ey, when General Johnston was opposed to General Patterson there, in the summer of 1861, just beforinished my meal when I was informed that General Patterson had sent for me. Fifteen minutes afterwawas my reply; and I shall ascertain from General Patterson whether it is by his order that an officsy gentleman I afterwards discovered was General Patterson's Adjutant-General. Ii. I waited fpite of the pickets. Headquarters of General Patterson, July 4, 1861. I had just placed thigh the lines, I said; it is addressed to General Patterson. Ah! said the officer. Yes, sir.fterwards my pulse leaped. The voice of General Patterson was heard calling his Adjutant-General; en heard there was a bet between you and General Patterson, he said. Is that the fact, Captain? a come, easy go, General. I got him from General Patterson--I believe Colonel Jackson told you how.tle at Manassas depended. I wonder if General Patterson contemplated such a thing, General, when[9 more...]
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Morale of General Lee's army. (search)
ivate in the ranks could give a reason for the faith that was in him --indeed, could make an argument in favor of the justice of his cause, which it would puzzle the ablest lawyer on the other side to answer. And thus they marched forth gayly to battle, and needed not the spur of discipline to drive them on. Personal devotion to their leaders was also an important element in their discipline and morale. They ceased their loud murmurs against retreating from Darksville without fighting Patterson, because their honored chief ( old Joe Johnston ) said it was best not to do so, and they started with the utmost enthusiasm from Winchester to Manassas, because he told them, in general orders, that it was a forced march to save the country. They would march, many of them barefooted, thirty or forty miles a day, because Old Stonewall said they must press forward to accomplish important results, and because he would frequently gallop along the column and give them a chance to cheer him. A
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