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George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Preface. (search)
y given. I further acknowledge my obligations to this gentleman for his permission to copy those maps in his volume which represent the routes of Jackson and Ewell from Swift Run Gap in .the movement against Banks, and the battles of Kernstown and Mac-Dowell It may not be necessary to assert that I have not so much attempted to point out how the skill of General Lee and the daring of General Stonewall Jackson prevailed over their enemies, in the general theatre of the latter's military operations, as to show in particular instances how, from Patterson to Banks through Milroy and McDowell, many of the so-called grand achievements of the great Confederate General were due to the blundering stupidity of political managers in Washington acting upon the colossal incapacity of their favorites in the field. But that this does not detract from the very marked ability shown by both Lee and Jackson in taking advantage of these blunders, I cheerfully concede. G. H. G. Framingham, 1883.
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 1: from Massachusetts to Virginia. (search)
rt in Maryland, and entered upon the sacred soil of Virginia. Its destination was Martinsburg, the headquarters of General Patterson, to whom, as ordered by General Scott, I was to report. Never again was the Second to make that march in such stt upon the fence-rails. I could but look with amazement upon this disorganized mass which formed the grand army of General Patterson, as they rushed from field and wood to stare and gaze at the band, the uniform, the steady marching of the men, andorth of that noted town, but made all his preparations to leave. Some one evidently thought that Johnston would prefer Patterson to McDowell, Winchester to Washington; and so Johnston pretended, but without impairing his ability to effect a union with Beauregard. When Patterson placed himself where he could not reinforce McDowell, Johnston gently and joyously moved south and east for Manassas. This bit of deception, unchivalric for chivalry, sent my regiment to Harper's Ferry,--the first
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 2: Harper's Ferry and Maryland Heights—Darnstown, Maryland.--Muddy Branch and Seneca Creek on the Potomac—Winter quarters at Frederick, Md. (search)
ivate citizen to the rank of a Major-General of Volunteers, and had ordered him to relieve General Patterson of his command. As a Massachusetts man, I was appealed to: What did I think of the truth in which, I was about to add, he is now totally inexperienced, when a knock at the door of General Patterson's headquarters, where we were in discussion, announced a messenger, who brought, with the compliments of General Banks to General Patterson, the further information that in a few moments the former would present himself in person, to receive upon his shoulders the heavy burdens which were afterwards to be laid upon him. Thus it was that the reign of Patterson within the Department of Pennsylvania was transferred to Banks, who changed the designation of the Department to that of t turning their faces homeward against the entreaties and supplications of their commander, General Patterson, that they would remain and strike one blow to prevent, if possible, the junction of John
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 3: through Harper's Ferry to Winchester—The Valley of the Shenandoah. (search)
from which, as I have said, it was detached for this movement, and it again occupied the ground where it had encamped in July of the preceding year, when under Patterson. In this place, always a hot-bed of sedition, it must have seemed strange to see many thousand loyal soldiers quartered, and the National colors waving over the to Charlestown from Harper's Ferry, General Williams with my old Darnstown brigade moved from Hancock through Martinsburg to Bunker Hill (our old position under Patterson); General Hamilton passing through Charlestown stopped at Smithfield, midway between Charlestown and Bunker Hill; General Shields halted at Martinsburg, and Genead looked at in July of 1861, from this same Bunker Hill, had now been entered from Bunker Hill; the Winchester we had hoped to gain by Berryville, in 1861, when Patterson implored his militia to march to its attack, we were now about entering from Berryville. I galloped to the town with a staff-officer in anticipation of our marc
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 4: the Valley of the Shenandoah (continued)—Return to Strasburg. (search)
ectfully, your obedient servant, R. Morris Copeland, Maj. Vols. and Act. Adjt.-Gen. per Whittemore, Clerk. In the middle of a vast clover-field just on the outskirts of the town my regiment, with the others of my brigade, were encamped. By orders from Washington we were to fortify Strasburg; Why the Government should have treated Front Royal as an outpost and Strasburg as the main place to be defended it is impossible to explain. Invited by General Banks, upon his accession to Patterson's command, to come to him at any and all times with such suggestions upon military affairs as I might wish to make, I took the liberty of advising him to move his main force to Front Royal, and thus holding a pass over the Blue Ridge so place himself upon his line of communications that his small force could not be surrounded by a larger one of the enemy. I besought him to apply for a change of orders to enable him to do this ; and Major Perkins, his adjutant-general, joined me in my inte
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Index (search)
licy, 79, 80. Ball's Bluff, battle of, its history told, 64-79. Band-leader, a, the question raised as to his rank in the military service, 57. Banks, N. P., appointed as major-general of volunteers by the President, 29. Relieves General Patterson of his command, 29, 30. His indecision in regard to a case of discipline in the Second Massachusetts, 51, 52. Interferes in another case of discipline in the Second, 96, 97. Enumeration of his force in the Shenandoah Valley, 113, 114. Pd that they were free, 159. Neff, Colonel, Rebel officer, 220, 233. Newtown (Va.), the scene of a hot fight between Federal and Confederate troops in Banks's flight to Winchester, 207, 208. General Gordon's retreat from, 217, 218. P Patterson, General, commands Federal forces in Civil War, 23. Relieved by General Banks, 29, 30. Entreats his three-months men to remain for further service, 33. Payments to Rebels not in arms for supplies taken, 25. Some cases of refusal of, 34, 3