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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—secession. (search)
ortant railway junction, which was only a few leagues distant from the first. On the 9th, Colonel Patterson joined him with some Pennsylvania volunteers, after passing rapidly through Baltimore, thanto Maryland and menace Washington or Pennsylvania. In order to protect the latter State, General Patterson had assembled all the available volunteers and militia at Chambersburg. When his forces nilway bridge, and all that had escaped the conflagration of the 18th of April in the arsenal. Patterson, hastening his march, with nine thousand men, forded the Potomac on the 16th of June near Willused the loss of all the advantages that had been gained by the occupation of Harper's Ferry. Patterson had scarcely reached this place when Scott, always anxious for the safety of the capital, orde the greatest portion of his forces to Washington. Obeying this untimely order with regret, Patterson was obliged to recross the Potomac on the 18th, and to fall back upon Maryland, by way of Will
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the first conflict. (search)
n of the war. During this short campaign, Patterson, whom we have left in Maryland in front of trity over the forces opposed to them enabled Patterson to retake possession of the important line onforcements forwarded in haste by Johnston. Patterson, on his part, was satisfied with this advante troops stationed at Winchester in front of Patterson's army. The stream called Bull Run covereGeneral Scott gave him formal assurance that Patterson should keep Johnston so occupied in the Shen day, and taking advantage of the neglect of Patterson, who had remained inactive at Martinsburg, hof their opponents, but they might fear lest Patterson should in turn come to reinforce the latter.e for an instant that they were the heads of Patterson's column coming from the Valley of Virginia,s referred to an able pamphlet issued by General Patterson in vindication of his conduct in this campaign.—Ed. Patterson and Scott were both in the wrong; public opinion thought so, and the former r[2 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
without a murmur, while McDowell considered it an honor to serve under his orders. The strength of the army was quintupled without extending the circle of the positions it occupied around Washington more than a few kilometres. In proportion as the brigades and divisions were formed, they were posted closely upon the right bank of the river, and all the hills around were soon covered with encampments, picturesquely laid out under the lofty trees of the forest, or among the clearings. Patterson having been deprived of his command in consequence of his inaction in July, the defence of the Upper Potomac was entrusted by McClellan to General Banks, and the troops remaining in that district formed a division under his orders. Well aware that if the Confederates debouched from the valley of Virginia into Maryland and Pennsylvania, they could not advance so long as he was on their flank, McClellan gave up the idea of defending the Potomac above the point of its confluence with the She