Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 9, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Patterson or search for Patterson in all documents.

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General Johnston at Winchester Awaln. Gen. Johnston has resumed his original position at Winchester. This place is the commanding strategic point of all that country. He moved forward from it to meet Patterson, but that General fell back into Martinsburg, to await reinforcement, Having the protection of the town as a fortification, and its women and children as a shield, he lies secure. Johnston, with his far inferior force, did not fell justified in attacking, and Winchester being the common converging point of several roads, he has felt bound to fall back upon that town, rest McClellan or some other enemy might get into his rear. He thus gains the advantage of choosing his own fighting ground against a superior force, and places his adversary at the disadvantage of making the attack. Surely after so many efforts to get a fight out of the enemy without success, our General may be excused for resuming his best position.
From Charlestown, Va.Gen.Patterson's report — gross Misrepresentation — another skirmish — assassination, &c.[special correspondence of the Dispatch. Charlestown, Va., July 5, 1861. Our citizens have been greatly disappointed during the prere a portion of the gallant Fifth Regiment, of Virginia, under Col. Harper, encountered a large Federal force, under Gen. Patterson Gen. Patterson's report of this engagement (as published in the Baltimore Sun) has elicited no little amusement here,Gen. Patterson's report of this engagement (as published in the Baltimore Sun) has elicited no little amusement here, where its untruthfulness is so well known. Gen. P. says his men "routed and put to flight ten thousand of the rebels," when the truth is that only about four hundred and fifty of our men were engaged.--That this lying report of the Hessian General oss of the enemy in killed and wounded was certainly much greater; and it is asserted on quite as good authority as General Patterson himself, that not less than three hundred killed and wounded were hauled into Hagerstown on Tuesday night. Besides <
ossibly he was a deserter. Movements of Patterson's column. Martinsburg, July 4, noon.was ordered to be emptied into the creek. Gen. Patterson has given strict orders to shoot the firstsuppose refers to the recent engagement with Patterson's force, described by our Berkeley correspon with the rear regiments fast hurrying in. Gen. Patterson took quarters in the house of William Mitcstown correspondent.] Mathias' Point--Gen. Patterson. Information has reached Washington (sd at last. He is now directly in front of Gen. Patterson's army, and seven miles off only. His comd, of 15,000 men, of which 600 are cavalry. Patterson must get up with him by sunrise to-morrow mo Burnside's Rhode Island battery has joined Patterson. Northern war measures. The followspondent of the Baltimore Sun writes: Gen. Patterson telegraphed here yesterday that he had drian. The Government is dissatisfied with General Patterson. He has twenty-two thousand men, and do[2 more...]