Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Patterson or search for Patterson in all documents.

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July 16, 12M., 1861. Since this time yesterday everything has been in movement here, incident to an advance of Gen. Patterson's command. Yesterday morning 300 of Col. Stuart's cavalry charged on one regiment of Patterson's infantry, about sixPatterson's infantry, about six miles this side of Martinsburg. The infantry fired before the charge was made. Immediately after the fire the cavalry made the charge, fired their revolvers, and then retreated. Col. Stuart's horse was shot from under him. The lines of infantry d, as he came immediately away. He said that in the retreat he saw several horses following with empty saddles. Gen. Patterson's force of 17,000 men were last night encamped at Bunker Hill. The last rumor, at this moment received, is that mpression that we shall have no fight. The prisoners taken a Falling Waters say that the time of four regiments in Patterson's command expires on the 18th of the month, and that they will go home. Mr. Thomas R. Sharp, of your city, is now
[special Dispatch to Richmond Dispatch.]Latest from Manassas!flag of truce from the enemy.death of Maj. Harrison.&c., &c., &c., Manassas, July 19. --Everything quiet here to-day. A flag of truce was sent in by the enemy, asking permission to bury their dead, in which they have been busily engaged. They have probably five hundred killed and wounded. Our loss is less than twenty dead. An attack is hourly expected. Geo. M. Muse, private in the Washington Artillery, of New Orleans, died to-day; also, Major Harrison, 11th Virginia Regiment. Two cannon and five hundred stand of arms were taken from the enemy. Gen. Patterson has crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, doubtless to make a junction with Gen. McDowell. Fifty prisoners, principally Pennsylvanians, arrived here to-day from Winchester. It was Thomas, and not William Sangster, of the Alexandria Riflemen, who was killed
Movements of Gen. Patterson. Louisville, July 19. --Instead of going to Winchester, Gen. Patterson went to Charleston. The General was satisfied that Winchester could not be attacked on the north side without great loss of life. Movements of Gen. Patterson. Louisville, July 19. --Instead of going to Winchester, Gen. Patterson went to Charleston. The General was satisfied that Winchester could not be attacked on the north side without great loss of life.