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Homer, The Odyssey (ed. Samuel Butler, Based on public domain edition, revised by Timothy Power and Gregory Nagy.) 80 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 18 0 Browse Search
Sophocles, Philoctetes (ed. Sir Richard Jebb) 12 0 Browse Search
Sophocles, Ajax (ed. Sir Richard Jebb) 6 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 4 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 4 0 Browse Search
Euripides, The Trojan Women (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 2 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 2 0 Browse Search
Homer, Odyssey 2 0 Browse Search
Plato, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge). You can also browse the collection for Laertes or search for Laertes in all documents.

Your search returned 2 results in 2 document sections:

Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 642 (search)
highest treasure life affords. I came when I heard a vague report— for a rumor prevailed amlng the guards—that Achaean spies are here. One man, that did not see them, says so, while another, that saw them come, cannot describe them; and so I am on my way to Hector's tent. Athena Fear nothing; all is quiet in the army, and Hector has gone to assign a sleeping-place to the Thracian army. Paris You persuade me, and I believe your words, and will go to guard my post, free of fear. Athena Go, for it is my pleasure ever to watch your interests, that so I may see my allies prosperous. Yes, and you too shall recognize my zeal. Exit Paris. In a loud voice, to Odysseus and Diomedes.Son of Laertes, I bid you sheath your whetted swords, you warriors all too keen. For the Thracian chief lies dead and his horses are captured, but the enemy know it, and are coming against you; fly with all speed to the ships' station. Why delay saving your lives, when the enemy's storm is just bursting on
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 906 (search)
Muse Curses on the son of Oeneus! Curses on Laertes' child! who has bereft me of my fair son and left me childless! and on that woman, too, that left her home in Hellas, and sailed here with her Phrygian lover, bringing death to you, my dearest, for the sake of Troy, and emptying countless cities of their brave heroes.