Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Phillips or search for Phillips in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: December 21, 1863., [Electronic resource], The raid into Southwestern Virginia--depredations of the enemy. (search)
the business of the day. Gen. Winder being questioned as to the time when Phillips (the lame man who Mrs. Allan asserted had given her servant man John a letter 1862; but could not positively certify to it. There being no evidence against Phillips, he was immediately discharged--Gen. W. was then informed that there would be similarity of the hand writing of the letter signed "Sante Trinita" to that of Phillips, the man who it is said sent the letter to Mrs. Allan through the hands of herant. After a close examination, the witness was satisfied the writing was not Phillips's; P.'s chirography was fine, like the specimen exhibited. [It will be recoll Did not consider himself an expert in such matters, but from his knowledge of Phillips's hand-writing did not think he could have written the one attributed to him beard Mrs. Allan express herself very unkindly towards her. Dr. Grebe knew Phillips; had called to attend a lady professionally at P.'s request.--Saw him frequent
The last impressment of importance is that of 500 barrels of flour purchased by the city of Wilmington, N. C., for the poor of that place. It was seized by Capt Myers, a commissary at Salisbury, N. C. News has been received at Marietta of the death of Capt. James M. Johnson and Lieut. A. F. Johnson, of Phillips's Legion, brothers and residents of that place, in one of the late fights at Knoxville. They were killed in four feet of each other. Capt. S. H. Hall, Captain of the Rome Light Guards, 8th Georgia regiment, was wounded in the fight at Knoxville on the 27th, and died the same day. Capt Moore's company, 3d N. C. cavalry, was gobbled up entire by the Yankees near Greenville, N. C., Wednesday night. Hon. John E. Ward, who has spent several months in Europe on financial business connected with the Government, returned through the blockade, and arrived in Savannah a few days ago. Gen. Joseph E. Johnson is now making Brandon, Miss., his headquarters.