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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Coles, Edward 1786-1868 (search)
Coles, Edward 1786-1868 Governor; born in Albemarle county, Va., Dec. 15, 1786; graduated at William and Mary College in 1807; went to Russia on a confidential diplomatic mission for the United States government in 1817. He removed to Edwardsville, Ill., in 1819, and freed all the slaves which he had inherited, giving to the head of each family 160 acres of land. He was governor of Illinois from 1823 to 1826, and during his term of office he prevented the slavery party from obtaining control of the State. Later he settled in Philadelphia, Pa., and in 1856 read a History of the ordinance of 1787 before the Pennsylvania Historical Society. He died in Philadelphia, Pa., July 7, 1868.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dabney, Walter David, 1853-1899 (search)
Dabney, Walter David, 1853-1899 Lawyer; born in Albemarle county, Va., in 1853; graduated at the law department of the University of Virginia in 1875; appointed legal secretary of the United States Interstate Commerce Commission in 1890, and, later, solicitor of the State Department. In 1895 he became Professor of Common and Statute Law in the University of Virginia. He died in Charlottesville, Va., March 12, 1899.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Drummond, William, 1677- (search)
Drummond, William, 1677- Colonial governor; born in Scotland; was appointed governor of the Albemarle county colony by Sir William Berkeley, governor of Virginia, and joint proprietary of Carolina. During the Bacon rebellion (see Bacon, Nathaniel), when Berkeley retreated to Accomac, Drummond proposed that Berkeley should be deposed. This proposition met with the favor of the leading planters, who met at Williamsburg and agreed to support Bacon against the government. The death of Bacon left the rebellion without a competent leader. Sir William Berkeley wreaked his vengeance on thirty-three of the principal offenders. When Drummond was brought before him Berkeley exclaimed: I am more glad to see you than any man in Virginia. You shall be hanged in half an hour. He died Jan. 20, 1677.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Giles, William branch 1762-1830 (search)
Giles, William branch 1762-1830 Legislator; born in Amelia county, Va., Aug. 12, 1762; was a member of Congress in 1791-1803, with the exception of two years. Originally a Federalist he soon affiliated with the Democrats; attacked Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, accusing him of corruption; he also opposed the ratification of the treaty with Great Britain in 1796, and opposed the proposed war with France in 1798. He was appointed United States Senator in 1804, and was subsequently elected, serving until March 3, 1815, when he resigned; governor of Virginia in 1826-30, resigning to take part in the Constitutional Convention. He died in Albemarle county, Va., Dec. 4, 1830.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gordon, Armitstead Churchill 1855- (search)
Gordon, Armitstead Churchill 1855- Lawyer; born in Albemarle county, Va., Dec. 20, 1855; was admitted to the bar in 1879. His publications include Congressional currency; Befoa de War; Echoes in negro dialect (with Thomas Nelson Page); and For truth and freedom: poems of commemoration.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Lewis, Meriwether (search)
ed, and to these are added, as being peculiarly within my own knowledge, whatever related to the public mission, of which an account is now to be published. The result of my inquiries and recollections shall now be offered, to be enlarged or abridged as you may think best, or otherwise to be used with the materials you may have collected from other sources. Meriwether Lewis, late governor of Louisiana, was born on Aug. 18, 1774, near the town of Charlottesville, in the county of Albemarle, in Virginia, of one of the distinguished families of that State. John Lewis, one of his father's uncles, was a member of the King's council before the Revolution. Another of them, Fielding Lewis, married a sister of General Washington. His father, William Lewis, was the youngest of five sons of Col. Robert Lewis, of Albemarle, the fourth of whom, Charles, was one of the early patriots who stepped forward in the commencement of the Revolution, and commanded one of the regiments first raised in
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Monroe, James 1759-1870 (search)
from the other; and in consequence, each enjoying a greater freedom of action, is rendered more efficient for all the purposes for which it was instituted. It is unnecessary to treat here of the vast improvement made in the system itself by the adoption of this Constitution, and of its happy effect in elevating the character and in protecting the rights of the nation as well as of individuals. To what, then, do we owe these blessings? It is known to all that we derive them from the excellence of our institutions. Ought we not, then, to adopt every measure which may be necessary to perpetuate them? Military officer; born in Albemarle county, Va., Sept. 10, 1799; graduated at West Point in 1815; participated in the war with Algiers; was wounded in an action with the Mashouda off the coast of Spain. He resigned from the army in 1832 and settled in New York City, where he became an alderman in 1833. He was elected to Congress in 1839. He died in Orange, N. J., Sept. 7, 1870.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, State of (search)
of Clarendon; George Monk, who, for his conspicuous and treacherous services in the restoration of the monarch to the throne of England, had been created Duke of Albemarle; Lord Craven, the supposed dissolute husband of the Queen of Bohemia; Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, afterwards Earl of Shaftesbury; Sir John Colleton, a corrupt loyor Berkeley, of Virginia, was authorized to extend his authority over the few settlers on the Chowan. He organized a separate government instead, calling it Albemarle county colony, in compliment to one of the proprietors, and appointed William Drummond, a Presbyterian from Scotland (settled in Virginia), governor. Two years latfice. Population in 1890, 1,617,947; in 1900, 1,893,810. See Amidas, Philip; United States, North Carolina, in vol. IX. proprietary governors. Colony of Albemarle. William Drummondappointed1863 Samuel StephensappointedOct., 1667 George Cartwrightpresident of council1674 —Millerpresident of councilJuly, 1677 John Culpe
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Phipps, Sir William 1631- (search)
hildren by the same father and mother, twenty-one of whom were sons. Nurtured in comparative poverty in childhood and youth, he was at first a shepherd-boy, and at eighteen years of age became an apprentice to a ship-carpenter. He went to Boston in 1673, where he learned to read and write. In 1684 he went to England to procure means to recover a treasureship wrecked near the Bahamas. With a ship furnished by the government, he was unsuccessful; but with another furnished by the Duke of Albemarle, he recovered treasure to the amount of about $1,400,000, of which his share amounted to about $75,000. The King knighted him, and he was appointed high sheriff of New England. In 1690, in command of a fleet, he captured Port Royal (Acadia), and late in the same year he led an unsuccessful expedition against Quebec. Phipps went to England in 1692 to solicit another expedition against Canada. There he was appointed captain-general and governor of Massachusetts under a new royal charter,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, (search)
n others territory extending westward from the Atlantic Ocean between lat. 31° and 36°, which they call Carolina......March 20, 1663 Berkeley, governor of Virginia, visits Carolina, organizes a government for the northern part, calling it Albemarle county, and appoints William Drummond governor......1663 Several hundred persons, under Sir John Yeamans, land at the junction of Cape Fear River and Old Town Creek, and lay out a village called Charlestown, near the present site of Wilmington..eing appointed governor by the proprietors, succeeding him......June, 1680 Governor Jenkins dies and is succeeded by Henry Wilkinson......December, 1681 Seth Sothel, who had purchased the rights of Lord Clarendon, arrives as governor of Albemarle......1683 Fundamental constitutions, framed in 1669, are abrogated by the lords proprietors......April, 1693 Law passed by the General Assembly disfranchising all dissenters from any office of trust, honor, or profit......1704 First ch
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