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d abdomen; Painter, in the thigh; J. Timberlake, neck; S. Timberlake, both legs; C. Wiltshire, in the leg; T. Briscoe in the side. Co. H., Jefferson County, (near Daffield's)--Capt. J. H. L. Hunter.--Killed--Private Hendricks. Wounded--Privates H. M. Snyder, wounded in the thigh; G. E. Curry flesh wound; George Gall, in thigh; James Crussell, leg broken; Joseph Colbert, George Ashby, breast and arm; John Christfield flesh wound; Corporal Henry Billings, flesh wound. Company I, Clarke County.--Capt. S. H. Bowen. --Wounded--Corporal Holmes McCuire; in the arm; Privates Geo. W. Ketly, in the leg; A. May, in the cheek; Wm. Niswanner, bayonet wound in the arm and breast. Company K. Jefferson County, (Harper's Ferry,)--Capt. G. W. Chambers--Killed--Corporal McArdell. Wounded--Privates McCabe, dangerously; Foley, slightly; Kennedy, Hudson, Dovle. Total killed, 2 officers and 13 men. Total wounded, 72. Missing, 14. The Wythe Grays. This company was in the hotte
Elder Sterling S. Hillsman well known in Western Virginia, died at his residence in Campbell county on the 28th of July. The Leesburg Mirror says that Gen. Hean, regard's Headquarters are now at Pairias Court-House. The barn of Captain James H Hitger, in Clarke county, Va., was burnt last week Less $9,080. Greenville Simmons, for many years Cashier of the Branch Bank of the State of Georgia, died at Augusta on Sunday last. The publication of the Charleston Evening News has been suspended.
Heroic deed. --The Clarke county Conservator says: One of the remarkable and heroic deeds of General Patterson's army of thieving Yankees, as they marched to Martinsburg from Williamsport a few weeks since, we learn, was the entire destruction of everything on a widow lady's farm except her dwelling house. Hearing of the approach of the thieves, she and her three daughters fled to a neighbor's house; and the thieves, not content with destroying her grain, shooting her stock, burning her barn and stables, even destroyed and carried off every article in her house and kitchen. All this was done without any provocation whatever.
The march of the Yankees. --The Clarke County (Va.) Conservator says: We learn that the march of the Yankee army through Berkeley and Jefferson has had a salutary effect upon many of the citizens of those counties who were still clinging to the Union. They have become disgusted at the filthy, immoral and thievish characters that have been sent into their midst to subjugate the South, and are heartily sick of the idea that they have been guilty of giving "aid and comfort" to Old Abe in his unrighteous war upon the intelligent and patriotic freemen of the South. One gentleman, we learn, who had been one of the most ultra Unionists, and who had been sorely vexed and grieved because his two and only sons had volunteered in the Southern army, at their grave a few days since, (both having fallen at Manassas,) said that one consolation was, that they had fallen in a righteous cause. We are unable to conceive, at this day, how any native-born Southerner can longer oppose our ma
The Cavalry charge. --A letter from Clarke county, Va. corrects a statement lately made by a correspondent of this paper in regard to the cavalry charge upon the ranks of the Zouaves in the battle of Manassas. Desirous of doing justice to all who participated in that gallant charge, we quote a portion of the letter: "The truth of the matter is, that only two companies were in that charge, and they were ordered according to seniority of formation. In that way Captain Carter's company was s, that only two companies were in that charge, and they were ordered according to seniority of formation. In that way Captain Carter's company was the first to lead off, and was followed by the Clarke County Cavalry, under Lieut. Taylor. Captain Carter's company having lost so severely before reaching the enemy's ranks, the Clarke Cavalry did most of the real execution. This is said with no view of detracting from the merits of Carter's gallant bend, but to vindicate the truth of history."
Arrest of Hon. A. R. Boteler. --The Clarke county (Va.) Conservator is reliably informed that a number of Federal troops went to the residence of Hon. A. R. Boteler, near Shepherdstown, on last Tuesday morning, and forcibly carried him off. They went to his house before daybreak, and took him out of his head. Since the above was written, we have received the Winchester Republican, which confirms the report of Mr. Boteler's arrest, but says he was subsequently released by order of Gen Banks. The Republican says that some two hundred Abolitionists surrounded Mr. B.'s house, when one of his daughters, a beautiful young lady, demanded to know their business there. She was responded to by the most genteel looking of the ruffians, and politely told unless she immediately withdrew her brains would be blown out. Mr. Boteler, as soon as he could dress, presented himself at the door, and demanded to know by whose authority this outrage upon his person and family was committed. Thi
exhorted the country people around as to dry all the peaches and apples they can, for army use. Yesterday the ladies of the village (our place numbers about 1,200 people, mostly factory operatives,) received an invitation to meet together for the purpose of preparing to work up into sheets, pillow-cases and shirts a thousand yards of suitable material presented by several liberal gentlemen of the place, for the army hospitals in Virginia. Wheeling refugees. The ladies of Clarke county, Va., are desirous of knowing by a notice in this paper, where a box of clothing could be sent so as to reach the Wheeling refugees in the army. We are informed that they are serving in Gen. Johnston's division of the Army of the Potomac, and that their gallantry in battle has rendered them eminently deserving of any favor which the ladies can bestow. To correspondents generally. We are under the necessity of repeating that we cannot undertake to return rejected communications.
The Daily Dispatch: September 3, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
Deceased. --We regret to learn that Wm. P. Southan, late Professor of Greek in the Richmond (Baptist) College, died at his father's residence, in Clarke county, Va., on the 22d ult. He was quite young, and endowed with remarkable talents.
J. T. Goode, late of the U. S. Army, arrived in Petersburg recently, latter a perilous journey from Utah. He is a son of the former Congressman from that district. George W. Stainback, who served in the war of 1812, and has filled an office in the Bank of Virginia for many years past, died in Petersburg on Saturday last. The steam tug W. W. Townes, and four substantially-built arks, were sold in Petersburg, on Saturday, to the Confederate Government, for $10,000. Thomas W. Barnes, convicted at Memphis, Tenn., of the murder of John Hendrihan, has been sentenced to be hung on the 4th October next. The wife of General Flournoy, of Arkansas, has become a having micmac since the recent death of her husband. So says an exchange. Henry McKenzie, of Talladega, Ala., is the owner of a quarry of lithographic stone, probably the only one in America. Major High M. Nelson has been elected Captain of the Clarke County (Va.) Cavalry, vice Captain Hardesty, resigned.
An inquiry Answered --A notice having appeared in our paper of the from ladies of Clarke county, desiring to know how a box of clothing sent to the Wheeling should be addressed, a correspondent furnished the following direction which will ensure its safe reception; "Shriver Greys, Company G, 27th Regiment, Virginia Volunteers, Jackson's Brigade, Manassas Junction."
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