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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 0 Browse Search
Elias Nason, The Life and Times of Charles Sumner: His Boyhood, Education and Public Career. 2 0 Browse Search
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe 2 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall) 2 0 Browse Search
Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.19 (search)
is was a bitter disappointment to my command, who felt that no one was so capable of defending the Cape Fear as the brilliant officer who had given so much of his time and ability for its defence. When a few days after, a Virginia paper announced, Braxton Bragg has been ordered to Wilmington, goodbye Wilmington, to many, it seemed as prophetic as the wizard's warning to Lochiel on the eve of the battle of Culloden. I did not so regard it, but was as sanguine of success as that unfortunate Highland chieftain. The patriotic Whiting showed no feeling at being superseded, but went to work with redoubled energy to prepare for the impending attack. He visited Confederate Point repeatedly, riding over the ground with me and selecting points for batteries and covered ways, so as to keep up communication after the arrival of the enemy, between the fort and the entrenched camp which I commenced constructing at Sugar Loaf. He pointed out to me where the enemy would land on the beach beyond t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Historical sketch of the Rockbridge artillery, C. S. Army, by a member of the famous battery. (search)
st rolls were found, and that the new one thus made out nearly corresponded with the lost history. On May 4th, the company reached Cocke's Tavern, on the old turnpike leading from Charlottesville to Staunton. On the 5th, it re-crossed the Blue Ridge at Rockfish gap, passed through Waynesboro, and bivouacked a few miles east of Staunton. On the 6th, it passed through Staunton to neighborhood of West View, and on the 7th and 8th continued its march toward Monterey, the county-seat of Highland county, reaching, on the 8th, the foot of the mountain east of the village of McDowell, which was then occupied by Federal troops under General Milroy. The infantry advanced to the top of the mountain and became hotly engaged with the enemy, who were in a strong position. Our battery was ordered forward and got within half a mile of the top, following the old Parkersburg turnpike. Here we were halted, and after some delay, it being found that it was impracticable to reach a position wher
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.17 (search)
r in 1862. The 14th Virginia Regiment was in Jenkins', afterwards McCausland's, Brigade, and did service in West Virginia, the Shenandoah Valley, and around Richmond. It was composed of three companies from Greenbrier, one from Augusta, one from Charlotte, one from Upshur, one from Rockbridge, and a large portion of two others were from this county (Captain William A. Lackey's and Alexander M. Peck's), the remainder of these two companies being from Roanoke, Pulaski, Montgomery and Highland counties. It was among the best mounted regiments in the service, and the discipline and their soldierly bearing were noticeable. James Cochran, of Augusta county, was Colonel; John A. Gibson, of Rockbridge, Lieutenant-Colonel; B. F. Eakle, of the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, Major, and Edward S. Roe, of Orange Courthouse, Surgeon. It was one of the regiments out of four that raided Pennsylvania to enforce the order of levying a tax of several hundred thousand dollars on the cities and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Tarheels' thin Gray line. (search)
rolinians. By Gen. Bradley T. Johnson. With corrections and Additions by R. D. Stewart. (An incident of the battle of Winchester, Va., that surpasses the 93d regiment's famous stand on the morning of Balaklava.—How General Robert D. Johnston repelled repeated charges of Yankee cavalry far outnumbering his attenuated brigade—as told by General Bradley T. Johnston.) At the battle of Balaklava occurred an incident which Kinglake has painted in words, and thus immortalized. The Highland brigade, the 42d, the Black Watch, the Cold Stream Guards, the Grenadiers, and the 93d, Sir Colin Campbell's old regiment, were in position which threw the 93d just along the crest of a slight rise of the ground. The Russian artillery had become annoying, and the 93d lay down just behind the crest, where they were better sheltered and concealed. A division of Russian horse was moving to the left of Sir Colin's whole line, and its head of column nearly with the British, where at once fou
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.32 (search)
the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad. In the spring of 1861 Dr. Price was a young preacher, supplying the congregations of McDowell and Williamsville Churches, in Highland county, Va., and when Captain Felix H. Hull, of that county, with his company of volunteers, was ordered to Grafton by Governor Letcher Mr. Price desired to accompanyborne Wilsero, and the other a Mr. Charles Lewis Campbell. Both of these gentlemen were members of Captain Hull's company, as both were born and reared in Highland county, Va. These gentlemen were still living at the last account, one a citizen of his native county, in Virginia, and the other a citizen of the State of California.ty, Capt. John Rice McNutt. One company of cavalry from Augusta county, under Capt Frank Sterrett. One company of infantry, under Capt. Felix Hull, from Highland county. Two companies of infantry from Pendleton county—one under Captain Anderson and the other under Captain Moorman: Two companies from Barbour county—one u
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.33 (search)
e troops lived in block houses with portholes The Confederates occupied the entire Greenbrier Valley and the counties of Highland, Pendleton and Hardy, and scouted well down towards the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The writer spent the winter of 1 Railroad, in the month of August, 1863, made a dash to capture Jackson and his entire force; he went through Pendleton, Highland and Bath counties, and only lacked five hours of getting in the rear of Jackson, ten miles west of the Warm Springs, butWhite Sulphur, and there turned north and passed through the Eastern part of Greenbrier and Pocahontas counties into Highland county. The troops in Pocahontas county, consisting of the Nineteenth Virginia Cavalry and Dunn's battalion of mounted infckson, and I, started alone on this expedition. The evening of the first day we crossed the Alleghany Mountain into Highland county, and just at the foot of the mountain we overtook the Twentysec-ond regiment, resting in the roadside, and so soon a
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.47 (search)
e at McConnellsburg, Pa. Clark, Adam, corporal. Know nothing of him. Wallace, John S., corporal. Living at Highland county, Va. Wood, Frank M., sergeant. Dead. Armtrout, J. C., private. Know nothing of him now. Anthony, D. B., privVa. Bennett, Jonathan, private. Know nothing of him; think he was killed. Corbet, Muscoe, private. Living; Highland county, Va. Coyner, William, private. Living; Clifton Forge, Va. Coyner, R. A., private. Living; Clifton Forge, Va. ack, David, private. Know nothing. Johns, Dave, private. Killed in battle. Jordan, John, private. Living; Highland county, Va. Jack, John, private. Died in prison 1864. Kramer, Philip, private. Know nothing. Kirkpatrick, Charles, n, private. Dead. Vance, John, private. Know nothing; was dangerously wounded. Wallace, John S., private. Highland county, Va. Wallace, William H., private. Wliliamsville, Va. Wallace, C. R., private. Living; Williamsville, Va. Will
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Keysville Guards. (search)
, first lieutenant. Died since the war. S. T. Walton, second lieutenant. Killed at battle of Mine Run; lieutenant-colonel of regiment. N. A. Bass, third lieutenant. Whereabouts not known. W. H. Gregory, first sergeant. Killed at battle of McDowell. J. H. Pettus, second sergeant. Wounded at Kernstown; living in Charlotte county. A. B. Crawford, third sergeant. Lost left arm at Sharpsburg; living in Charlotte county. H. G. Fore, fourth sergeant. Died in hospital in Highland county, Va. Mike Shellings, first corporal. Died at Pikesville, Md., Soldiers' Home. Joseph Robinson, second corporal. Died since the war. R. S. Ward, third corporal. Lost left arm at McDowell; living near Keysville, Va. P. A. Booth, fourth corporal. Killed at Brandy Station. John A. Tucker, company commissary. Living at Rocksboro, N. C. Privates. Anderson, C. B. Wounded and died. Ashworth, W. A. Dead. Ashworth, A. W. Wounded at Second Battle of Manassas: living in
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 1. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Narrative and legendary poems (search)
, death's between us And the wrong and shame we dread.” Oh, they listened, looked, and waited, Till their hope became despair; And the sobs of low bewailing Filled the pauses of their prayer. Then up spake a Scottish maiden, With her ear unto the ground: “Dinna ye hear it?—dinna ye hear it? The pipes oa Havelock sound!” Hushed the wounded man his groaning; Hushed the wife her little ones; Alone they heard the drum-roll And the roar of Sepoy guns: But to sounds of home and childhood The Highland ear was true;— As her mother's cradle-crooning The mountain pipes she knew. Like the march of soundless music Through the vision of the seer, More of feeling than of hearing, Of the heart than of the ear, She knew the droning pibroch, She knew the Campbell's call: “Hark! hear ye no MacGregor's, The grandest oa them all!” Oh, they listened, dumb and breathless, And they caught the sound at last; Faint and far beyond the Goomtee Rose and fell the piper's blast! Then a burst of wi
The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Arrival of Ex-President Buchanan at home (search)
ut in the scarcity of "rooms to let, " had finally got accommodation at Mrs. Stewart's small cottage; thereupon Mrs. Stewart became as one of the lions — the mouthpiece of the wonders — the oracle of the village. Opinions of us varied, as the following conversations will show. It was not Mrs. Stewart's fault that she could not supply them with definite information; for, amiable and kind- hearted though she was, she was not free from that in variable failing in country villages, especially Highland ones — the love of gossip. We easily saw how the different results of her conversations swayed her opinions, and the pleasure we found in confusing her transparent mind was quite piquant. The second morning after our arrival, the postmaster and his wife found it necessary to visit Mrs. Stewart. "Sae ye've gotten twa leddies bidin' wi' ye, Mrs. Stewart. Wha are they?" (Mrs. Stewart's mind was not made up yet, and she took care not to express herself too strongly at first.) <
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