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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.53 (search)
earth-work my regiment deflected to the right and succeeded in capturing two boat-loads of the Richmond Blues, among them O. Jennings Wise, trying to escape to Nag's Head, on the opposite shore. Company B in the meantime had taken possession of a two-gun battery at Shallowbag Bay. Wise, severely wounded, was carried to a farm-hsease which brought disaster at Roanoke Island. There was also lack of cordial agreement between General Wise and Flag-Officer Lynch. General Wise being ill at Nag's Head on the day of the battle, the Confederate troops on the field were under command of Colonel H. M. Shaw, who says in his report: An unceasing and effective fire xander Murray took possession of Edenton. The morning of February 9th, having heard that a portion of the command of General Henry A. Wise still remained at Nag's Head, General Parke ordered that I should take a battalion of my regiment, proceed to that point, and, if possible, effect their capture. When we arrived at the pla
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, X. January, 1862 (search)
h. All his messages and proclamations indicate that he is looking to a mightier power than England for assistance. There is a general desire to have the cabinet modified and Christianized upon the inauguration of the permanent government. January 11 We have three candidates in the field in this district for Congress: President Tyler, James Lyons, and Wm. II. McFarland. The first will, of course, walk over the track. January 12 Gen. Wise, whose headquarters are to be fixed at Nag's Head on the beach near Roanoke Island, reports that the force he commands is altogether inadequate to defend the position. Burnside is said to have 20,000 men, besides a numerous fleet of gun-boats; and Gen. Wise has but 3000 effective men. January 13 The department leaves Gen. Wise to his superior officer, Gen. Huger, at Norfolk, who has 15,000 men. But I understand that Huger says Wise has ample means for the defense of the island, and refuses to let him have more men. This looks like
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 12 (search)
ed, and so incessant have been my duties, that I have not kept a regular journal. I give a running account of them. Roanoke has fallen before superior numbers, although we had 15,000 idle troops at Norfolk within hearing of the battle. The government would not interfere, and Gen. Huger refused to allow the use of a few thousand of his troops. But Gen. Wise is safe; Providence willed that he should escape the man-trap. When the enemy were about to open fire on his headquarters at Nag's Head, knowing him to be prostrated with illness (for the island had then been surrendered after a heroic defense), Lieutenants Bagly and Wise bore the general away in a blanket to a distance of ten or fifteen miles. The Yankees would have gladly exchanged all their prisoners for Gen. Wise, who is ever a terror to the North. Capt. O. Jennings Wise fell, while gallantly cheering his men, in the heat of the battle. A thousand of the enemy fell before a few hundred of our brave soldiers. We l
r. Only one form of loan is prescribed — a twenty year six per cent stock, coupon or registered, which may be redeemed, at the pleasure of the Government, at any time after five years, at the par value thereof. Into this stock the United States notes of circulation are made convertible, the conversion not to affect the sum total of United States notes, legal tender, which the Treasury is authorized to keep in circulation. The National gunboat R. B. Forbes, having run ashore near Nag's Head, N. C., was set on fire this morning, and totally destroyed. The rebels threatened to take her, but the captain by his great coolness prevented. A meeting of cotton and tobacco-planters, was held in Richmond, Va., to take into consideration the voluntary destruction of the cotton and tobacco crop, in view of the fact that the enemy's efforts were mainly directed toward robbing the South of the accumulation of those two great staples: On motion of Col. C. M. F. Garnett, Gen. Thomas
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
njamin Huger, of South Carolina, whose Headquarters were at Norfolk. Owing to the illness of .General Wise, who was at Nag's head, on a narrow strip of sand lying between Roanoke Sound and the sea, that stretches down from the main far above, Colonetery on Shallowbag Bay, captured about two hundred Confederates, who were seeking a chance to escape from the Island to Nag's head. Among these was Captain O. Jennings Wise, son of the General in command, and editor of one of the bitterest of the red while fighting gallantly. his father, who, as we have observed, was ill, had remained with a part of the Legion at Nag's head. The wounded son had been placed in a boat to be sent to his camp, when it was fired upon, and compelled to return. Hthe killed. The number of his prisoners amounted to about three thousand. Many of the troops on the Island escaped to Nag's head, and thence, accompanied by General Wise and the remainder of his Legion, they fled up the coast toward Norfolk. on
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 11: Goldsborough's expedition to the sounds of North Carolina. (search)
6) which were brought to bear upon them by the enemy; but the fire from the eight and nine-inch shell guns and rifles of the fleet was so vigorously kept up and accurately aimed that it was the same old story of Port Royal — hearts of oak in wooden ships. The military forces had some hard fighting on shore, and the attack was conducted with great skill. The entire force of the enemy stationed in the batteries and as sharpshooters was 4,000. Governor H. A. Wise had a force in reserve at Nag's Head, but retreated when he heard of the fate of the two forts. The enemy's troops were well posted and their batteries well masked, so that the Federal forces were really fighting an unseen foe. Over 150 officers and 2,500 men surrendered to Generals Foster and Reno. The losses of the Confederates are unknown, but they did not exceed 150 killed and wounded. Our Army lost 15 officers and 32 men killed, 10 officers and 264 men wounded, and 13 men missing. Thus was a very important capt
in men on either. The Rebel barracks in the rear of the fort were destroyed by fire, and their remaining gunboats compelled to withdraw from the contest. All our transports had passed through the Inlet and anchored by 4 P. M., when debarkation commenced under the fire of our gunboats; and 7,500 men were ashore, and most of them in bivouac, before 11 P. M. The Rebel forces in that region were commanded by Brig.-Gen. Henry A. Wise, Ex-Governor of Virginia. whose head quarters were at Nag's Head, across Roanoke Sound, and whose forces numbered from 3,000 to 4,000; but hardly 1,000 of them were on the Island prior to the approach of our fleet, when reenforcemnents were hurried over, raising the number of its defenders to about 3,000. Col. Shaw, 8th North Carolina, was in immediate command. Fort Bartow, otherwise Pork Point battery, was a substantial earthwork, strengthened by abatis and a moat, and mounting 10 guns; battery Huger, on Weir's Point, farther north, had likewise 10 gu
slow, the Gordon, of Charleston, Captain Lockwood, armed with three guns, a fine large steamer. She returned this morning with a prize brig, laden with three hundred and sixty hogsheads of molasses. We have also a saucy-looking little pilot schooner, the Florida, mounting one six-pound rifled cannon. She captured a prize two days since, took her crew out, and sent her in with her own men. A United States Government steamer gave chase to the prize, and they were obliged to beach her near Nag's Head. She of course is a total loss. Yours, respectfully, Major W. Beverhow Thompson, Chief Engineer Department Coast Defence. As I have stated, the relative position of the two batteries was a serious injury to the defensive capacity of the position, in the second engagement. The armament was very deficient, and this appears to have been a source of constant anxiety to the commanding officer; but the ordnance department writes him that all the heavy guns stolen at Norfolk have been ta
supposed the rebels would endeavor to embark for Nag's Head. On reaching the shore, several boats were seen ected to cover the retreat of their forces toward Nag's Head. A singular precaution for men who had resolved es; once in a boat in which he was being taken to Nag's Head. He has since died. He is a son of Gov. Wise, oWise to send over reinforcements immediately from Nag's Head. As soon as possible the Fifty-ninth Virginia revance was given. The command of Gen. Wise was at Nag's Head, there being no accommodation for them on the isl to the island. Three companies were retained at Nag's Head to prevent the enemy landing on the Roanoke Soundprostrated on the second day after his arrival at Nag's Head, with pleurisy, threatening pneumonia. He had been at Nag's Head about nine days. Though in painful illness, he issued all necessary orders, and sent over the Surgeon Coles put him into a boat to send him to Nag's Head, but the enemy fired upon it, and he was obliged
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, New York Volunteers. (search)
as Inlet August 26-29 (Cos. C, G and H ). Bombardment and capture of Forts Hatteras and Clark August 28-29 (Cos. C, G and H ). Companies A, D, E, F and I moved to Fort Clark September 10 and duty there till February 5, 1862. (Cos. B and K at Newport News till October 5, 1861, then rejoin Regiment.) Relief of 20th Indiana at Chickamicomoco October 5-6, 1861. Burnside's Expedition to Roanoke Island February 5-8, 1862. Battle of Roanoke Island February 8. Reconnoissance to Nag's Head February 10-11 (Cos. A and H ). Expedition up Chowan River to Winton February 18-20. Expedition to Elizabeth City, N. C., April 7-8 (Cos. H and I ). Battle of Camden, South Mills, April 19. Duty at Roanoke Island till July 10. Expedition up Chowan River May 7-9 (Co. C ). Moved to Norfolk, thence to Newport News, Va., July 10-24. (Co. F detached at Plymouth, N. C., June to November, 1862. Capture of Hamilton July 9. Plymouth September 2. Expedition to Tarbor
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