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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Cavalry operations in the West under Rosecrans and Sherman. (search)
battle of Missionary Ridge, November 25th, 1863, General W. L. Elliott was assigned to the command of the cavalry. Elliott dispatched Colonel Long's brigade to the relief of Knoxville, and during the months of Lieutenant-General N. B. Forrest, C. S. A. From a photograph. November and December, among the various dashes made at this season was one by Colonel Watkins, with 250 men, as far as Lafayette, Georgia. Also Colonel Long, with a small force, defeated General Wheeler at Calhoun, Tennessee, December 27th. During the winter the cavalry was principally at Athens, Tennessee, under General Elliott. On the 11th of February, 1864, General Sooy Smith started from Memphis with a mounted force of seven thousand men to cooperate with Sherman in eastern Mississippi. The expedition proved a failure, and returned to Memphis. [See foot-note, p. 247, and article, p. 416.] In March and April, 1864, Forrest advanced from Mississippi with a large force, and passed through western
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 11: operations in Southern Tennessee and Northern Mississippi and Alabama. (search)
e up the rails of the road, and placed some of the ties in such position on the bank that a passing train was hurled off and down the precipice. At this point Andrews said, exultingly, Only one more train to pass, boys, and then we will put our engine to full speed, burn the bridges after us, dash through Chattanooga, and on to Mitchel at Huntsville. But more than one train had to be, passed before they could commence their destructive work; and just as they had begun it, well up toward Calhoun, they were made to desist and flee by the sound of the whistle of a pursuing train. When this came to the break in the road just mentioned, the engineer of the train they had passed, made acquainted with the circumstances, reversed his engine, and it became a pursuer. Then occurred one of the most thrilling races on record. Both engines were put at full speed, and away they went, thundering along, to the amazement of the inhabitants, who had no conception of the urgency of the errand of
He declared himself ready, too, to enforce the laws --the enactments of the Missouri mob — and to spill his life's blood if necessary to do it. Unluckily he did not deem it necessary to shed his blood — as the future historian and probably Calhoun's own posterity will record with regret. With Falstaff's valor and Falstaff's prudence, he kept himself distant from the battle-field — reserving his strength and ability for another day. His services to slavery, in the Lecompton Constitutionalolitical complexion of that assembly was in his own hands. The defeat of the conspiracy in Congress prevented the completion of the plot. Jack Henderson, his creature — he whose action in the matter of the Delaware crossing put everything in Calhoun's power--United States Senators, State Government and Legislature — the continuance or the abolishment of slavery in Kansas--as far, at least, as political power, under the peculiar circumstances, could have affected slavery, was received at
Mountain, Ga. 1 Shiloh, Tenn. 31 Kenesaw Mountain, Ga. 15 Siege of Corinth, Miss. 1 Chattahoochie, Ga. 1 Stone's River, Tenn. 11 Marietta, Ga. 1 Chickamauga, Ga. 12 Jonesboro, Ga. 4 Rocky Face Ridge, Ga. 4 Atlanta campaign 5 Resaca, Ga. 1 Nashville, Tenn. 18 Present, also, Fort Henry; Perryville; Hoover's Gap; Smyrna Station; Lovejoy's Station; Franklin. notes.--Organized at Terre Haute, Ind., September 20, 1861. It proceeded soon after to Kentucky, encamping at Calhoun, on the Green River, where it remained until February 11, 1862, when it moved with General Grant's forces to Fort Donelson. It participated in the assault on that stronghold, losing 9 killed, 52 wounded, and 1 missing; the regiment was commanded in this action by Major Frederick Am, Colonel Cruft being in command of the brigade, which was then in Lew Wallace's Division. At Shiloh, the regiment was in Lauman's Brigade of Hurlbut's Division; loss, 21 killed--including Major Arn,--114 wounde
, notwithstanding the fact that two divisions of Sherman's forces had marched from Memphis, and had gone into battle immediately on their arrival at Chattanooga, to send a him with his command; and orders in accordance therewith were sent him at Calhoun to assume command of the troops with Granger, in addition to those with him, and proceed with all possible despatch to the relief of Burnside. General Elliot had been ordered by Thomas, on the twenty-sixth of November, to proceed from Alexandorps, on the previous page, is compiled from the statement of staff-officers at this place. The discrepancy cannot be explained until General Granger's report is received: [By telegraph from Strawberry Plains, January sixteenth, 1854, via Calhoun, Tenn.] To General G. H. Thomas, Chattanooga, Tenn.: Loss in Sheridan's and Wood's divisions 2544 men; in Stanley's, about 200. G. Granger, Major-General. report of rebel deserters and prisoners of war received and captured from October 20,
ve commissioned officers. The main rebel column fled, and were pursued five miles on the Dalton road, and, when last seen, were flying precipitately. Colonel Long's loss was one man slightly wounded. The officer in command of the courier station at Cleveland, also reports that he was attacked early this morning, December twenty-eighth, by a force of one hundred rebels. He drove them off, however. Geo. H. Thomas, Major-General Commanding. Colonel Laibold's report. camp near Calhoun, December 28, 1863. sir: It affords me great pleasure to report to you that I have given the rebel General Wheeler a sound thrashing this morning. I had succeeded, in spite of the most abominable roads, to reach Charlestown on the night of the twenty-seventh, and this morning, shortly after daylight, I was moving my train across the Hiawassee River bridge, when Wheeler's cavalry — reported one thousand five hundred men strong, with four pieces of artillery, which, however, they had no t
First division, Fourth army corps. Killed: 2 non-commissioned officers, 3 privates; total, 5. Wounded: 1 commissioned officer, 13 non-commissioned officers, 35 privates; total, 52. Colonel long's report. headquarters Second brigade, Second division cavalry, near Lee's house, Ga., February 27, 1864. General: I have the honor to submit the following report. In compliance with orders received February twenty-first, 1864, from headquarters Department of the Cumberland, I left Calhoun, Tenn., Monday, February twenty-second, 1864, in command of six hundred (600) men, (three hundred and fifty mounted infantry and two hundred and fifty cavalry) and marched out on the Spring Place road. Monday evening I encamped near the house of Mr. Waterhouse, on Connassauga River, about thirty miles south of Calhoun. I met no enemy during the day. I left my encampment near Waterhouse's Tuesday morning, February twenty-third, at seven o'clock A. M., (having communicated with General Crufts
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wheeler, Joseph 1836- (search)
nto northern Alabama. Wheeler made his way back to Bragg's army, with a loss of 2,000 men, but had captured nearly as many and destroyed National property of the value, probably, of $3,000,000. Towards the close of July, 1864, Hood, commanding the Confederates at Atlanta, sent Wheeler, with the greater part of his cavalry, to capture National supplies, burn bridges, and break up railways in Sherman's rear. He moved swiftly, with about 8,000 horsemen. He struck and broke the railway at Calhoun, captured 900 horses in that vicinity, and seriously menaced Sherman's depot of supplies at Allatoona, in the middle of August. This was at the time when Sherman was about to make his movement to flank Hood out of Atlanta. This movement brought Wheeler back. After the evacuation of Atlanta, Hood having crossed to the north side of the Chattahoochee, Wheeler swept around Allatoona, and, appearing before Dalton, demanded its surrender. The little garrison held out until Wheeler was driven
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Tennessee, 1863 (search)
Infantry. MISSOURI--10th Cavalry. Sept. 16: Skirmish, MontezumaILLINOIS--3d, 9th and 11th Cavalry. Sept. 18: Skirmish, CalhounTENNESSEE--1st Infantry. Sept. 18: Affair near Fort DonelsonIOWA--5th Cavalry. Sept. 18: Skirmish, ClevelandILLINOIS--1 Light Arty. MICHIGAN--8th Cavalry. OHIO--45th Mounted Infantry. TENNESSEE--1st Mounted Infantry. Sept. 25: Skirmishes, Calhoun and CharlestonILLINOIS--112th Mounted Infantry. INDIANA--15th Indpt. Battery Light Arty. KENTUCKY--1st and 11th Cavalry.25-26: Skirmishes, ChattanoogaINDIANA--74th Infantry. KENTUCKY--10th Infantry. OHIO--38th Infantry. Sept. 26: Skirmish, CalhounILLINOIS--112th Mounted Infantry. MICHIGAN--8th Cavalry. Union loss, 6 killed, 20 wounded, 40 missing. Total, 66. Sept. . PENNSYLVANIA--9th Cavalry. TENNESSEE--1st Cavalry. WISCONSIN--1st Cavalry. Dec. 28: Skirmish and Action, Charlestown, CalhounKENTUCKY--23d Infantry (Detachment). OHIO--4th Cavalry (Detachment); 59th, 93d and 125th Infantry (Detachments). WISCONSI
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Illinois Volunteers. (search)
1864. At London, Tenn., till April 18. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May to August, 1864. Demonstration on Rocky Faced Ridge May 8-11. Buzzard's Roost Gap May 8-9. Demonstration on Dalton May 9-13. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Near Calhoun May 16. Adairsville May 17. Near Kingston May 18-19. Near Cassville May 19. Advance on Dallas May 23-25. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and battles about Dallas, New Hope Church and Allatoona Hills May 25-June 5. Operber 14. Near Loudon November 15. Campbell's Station November 16. Siege of Knoxville November 17-December 5. Pursuit of Longstreet December 5-22. At Knoxville till April, 1864. Expedition to Flat Creek February 1. March to Calhoun, Tenn., April 27-30. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 1-September 8. Demonstration on Dalton May 8-13. Rocky Faced Ridge May 8-11. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Operations on line of Pumpkin Vine Creek and battles about Dallas, New Hope Churc
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