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ng. During the day they obtained possession of the enemy's ground, which was disputed foot by foot, and only withdrew at evening when ordered to retire to a suitable position for the night. The skill and gallantry displayed by Cluseret on this and frequent former occasions during the pursuit in which we have been engaged deserve high praise. Respectfully, J. C. Fremont, Major-General. General Schenck's report. headquarters Schenck's brigade, Mountain Department, camp at Mt. Jackson, Va., June 12. Col. Albert Tracy, A. A.G.: I have the honor to report the part taken by the Ohio brigade, in the engagement at Cross Keys, on the eighth instant. It was about one o'clock P. M. when I arrived near the point of the road leading to Port Republic, where the advance-guard had already come upon the enemy. A staff-officer, after indicating the position where my cavalry was to be left in reserve, informed me that I was to pass into the field and take position on the right, fo
Doc. 53.-Fremont's pursuit of Jackson. New-York Tribune account. Fremont's headquarters, Mount Jackson, Va., June 3, 1862. Gen. Fremont left Franklin on Sunday, May twenty-fifth. His troops were exhausted by previous forced marches to relieve Schenck and Milroy, from which they had not had time to recruit, and were weak from want of food. The first seven miles of road were only just not absolutely impassable by wagons. It was just such a road as cannot be found in the East, norhat extraordinary profusion of oaths which is deemed essential to such efforts. Four miles beyond, the rebels have again halted with artillery, and as our guns have been delayed in crossing, the cavalry can only wait for their arrival. At Mount Jackson there is known to be a long bridge over the Shenandoah, a river too swift and deep to be forded. If they mean to fight on this side they must either lose their guns, or leave the bridge unharmed, and if they do the latter, their further retr
d Sixth Virginia cavalry to Ashby, he was placed in command of the rear-guard. On the third, after my command had crossed the bridge over the Shenandoah, near Mount Jackson, General Ashby was ordered to destroy it, which he barely succeeded in accomplishing before the Federal forces reached the opposite bank of the river. Here hiroad for the rest of the day. Ashby's cavalry, the Sixth, and a portion of the Second were all equally stampeded. We then marched across the Shenandoah, beyond Mount Jackson, in a drenching rain all day and night, (camped for the night, getting rations for both men and horses.) The next morning we were ordered to recross the bridgeequipage, and about two hundred Belgian guns. Here we again had evidence of precipitate retreat by the enemy. I advanced my picket to New-Market, and then to Mount Jackson, and held that position until relieved by Brigadier-General Robertson. On the thirteenth, a Yankee major and surgeon came up with twenty-eight ambulances, und
Doc. 55.-the battle of Kernstown, Va. Report of General T. J. Jackson. headquarters Valley District, near Mt. Jackson, April 9, 1862. Major: I have the honor to submit the following report of the battle near Kernstown, This battle is generally known as the battle of Winchester (See vol. 4, Rebellion Record, page 8ourth, Fifth, Twenty-seventh, and Thirty-third regiments of Virginia volunteers, and McLaughlin's, Carpenter's, and Waters' batteries, was near two miles below Mount Jackson. Colonel J. S. Burks' brigade, consisting of the Twenty-first, Forty-second, and Forty-eighth regiments Virginia volunteers, and the First Virginia battalion P. A. C. S., and Marye's battery, was near two miles above Mount Jackson. The three brigades were ordered to march at dawn of the following morning. All the regiments except the Forty-eighth, Colonel John Campbell, which was the rear guard, arrived within a mile or two of Kernstown by two o'clock P. M. on the twenty-third, an
to come here. We cannot have the accuracy of fire from a vessel that the enemy exhibited yesterday. Many thanks for the loan of fuses. I am, very truly, your obedient servant, J. F. Missroom, Com. To Maj.-Gen. G. B. McClellan. Washington, April 18. To Gen. G. B. McClellan: Your despatch of this morning received and communicated to the President. He directs me to ask you whether the indications do not show that they are inclined to take the offensive. Banks has moved to Mount Jackson yesterday, and to New Market to-day; has taken some locomotives and prisoners. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War headquarters, Army of the Potomac, April 18, 10 P. M. Hon. E. M Stanton, Secretary of War: Despatch received. I cannot hope such good-fortune as that the enemy will take the offensive. I am perfectly prepared for any attack the enemy may make. He will do nothing more than sorties. I beg that the President will be satisfied that the enemy cannot gain anything by
as citizens, established the fact of Longstreet, with his command, being at Culpeper, while Jackson, with D. H. Hill, with their respective commands, were in the Shenandoah Valley, on the western side of the Blue Ridge, covering Chester and Thornton's Gaps, and expecting us to attempt to pass through and attack them. As late as the 17th of November a contraband just from Strasburg came into my camp and reported that D. H. Hill's corps was two miles beyond that place, on the railroad to Mount Jackson. Hill was tearing up the road and destroying the bridges under the impression that we intended to follow into that valley, and was en route for Staunton. Jackson's corps was between Strasburg and Winchester. Ewell and A. P. Hill were with Jackson. Provisions were scarce, and the rebels were obliged to keep moving to obtain them. On the 10th of Nov. General Pleasonton was attacked by Longstreet, with one division of infantry and Stuart's cavalry, but repulsed the attack. This i
ber 19, 1864, which electrified the North. Washington breathed a deep sigh of relief, and Sheridan's men started on the pursuit of Early. It was at Fisher's Hill on the 21st that the next clash occurred, and after a severe engagement of the infantry, Sheridan secured an advantageous position. On the 22d Early's rout was made complete. All that night the Federal infantry with Devin's brigade of cavalry pushed on in pursuit of the demoralized Confederates. Devin overtook them north of Mount Jackson, and had he been properly supported could doubtless have taken thousands of prisoners. The charging force emerged from the fight with two guns, three stands of colors, and over three hundred Confederate prisoners. Altogether there had been six distinct charges by parts of the First Cavalry Division--two by the Second Brigade and one by the First Brigade; one by the Second Brigade and one by the Reserve Brigade against Early's infantry; and one, the final charge, in which all three
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Jackson's Valley campaign of 1862. (search)
le, and he withdrew from the town, which was occupied by the Federals on the next day, March 12. The Confederates continued to retreat slowly to Woodstock and Mount Jackson, forty miles in rear of Winchester, and Shields' division was thrown forward in pursuit to Strasburg on the 17th. The retirement of Jackson, and the unoppose fence rails in a corner of the road. Next morning he crossed to the south side of Cedar creek, and gradually retired before the advancing enemy once more to Mount Jackson. The bold attack of Jackson at Kernstown, though unsuccessful, led to many important results. Its first effect was the recall of the Federal troops then maer of them could have expected. The next month was to Jackson one of comparative inaction. Having slowly retreated to the south bank of the Shenandoah near Mount Jackson, he spent the next few weeks in resting and recruiting his forces. The militia of the adjoining counties had already been called to the field, but this resour
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketches of operations of General John C. Breckinridge. (search)
To accomplish the defeat of Siegel's advance he had but a meagre force — the aggregate of infantry muskets being but thirty-one hundred. With this command, as the morning opened, he advanced in line of battle; the cavalry of Imboden giving way to our infantry skirmishers and going to the right, with instructions to operate during the day as a cover to our right flank, and to endeavor, as the battle progressed, to gain the rear of Siegel and to burn the bridge across the Shenandoah near Mount Jackson, four miles from New Market. The topography of the country was as follows: The main turnpike passes down the Valley due north through the town of New Market, which lies rather in a depression, from which, both to the north and south, the road and country rise with a gradual ascent. The Massanutten mountain runs parallel with the road, at the distance of a mile or more, with an intervening wooded valley, interspersed with wet weather marshes, rendered by the rain then falling difficult
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Expedition to Hardy and Hampshire. (search)
Expedition to Hardy and Hampshire. Report of General Early. New Market, February 6th, 1864. General,--On the 28th January leaving Imboden's and Walker's brigades near Mount Jackson, to guard the Valley, I moved from this place with Rosser's brigade, Thomas's brigade, all the effective men of Gilmer's and McNeil's Partizan Rangers, and four pieces of McLanahan's battery towards Moorefield, in Hardy. I arrived at Moorefield with Rosser's brigade and the artillery on the 29th, and early next morning (the 30th) Rosser was sent to intercept a train on its way from New Creek to Petersburg, and get between the garrison at the latter place and the railroad. After cutting through a heavy blockade on. the mountain between the South Branch and Patterson's Creek, which was defended by a regiment, Rosser succeeded in reaching and capturing the train after a short fight with its guard, which consisted of over eight hundred infantry and a small body of cavalry, all under Colonel Snyde
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