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it was ordered to East Tennessee for the relief of Knoxville, a campaign whose hardships and privations exceeded anything within the previous experience of the command. In April, 1864, the two divisions of the Eleventh Corps were broken up and transferred to the newly-formed Twentieth Corps. General Howard was transferred to the command of the Fourth Corps, and, subsequently, was honored by a promotion to the command of the Army of the Tennessee. Twelfth Corps. Winchester Port Republic Cedar Mountain Manassas Antietam Chancellorsville Gettysburg Wauhatchie Lookout Mountain Missionary Ridge Ringgold. The corps that never lost a color or a gun. When its designation was changed to the Twentieth, it still preserved unbroken the same grand record. The veteran divisions of Williams and Geary wore their star-badges through all the bloody battles of the Atlanta campaign and the Carolinas, and still kept their proud claim good, marching northward to the grand revie
K. & M. W. Middletown, Va., May 24, 1862 3 White House, Va., June 21, 1864 1 Manassas, Va., Aug. 28, 18M. W. battles. K. & M. W. battles. K. & M. W. Port Republic, April 27, 1862 1 Picket, Sept. 26, 1863 1 Notto. 31 New Market, Va. 3 Spotsylvania, Va. 2 Port Republic, Va. 1 Yellow Tavern, Va. 2 Newtown, Va. 5 H Kernstown, Va. 30 Spotsylvania, Va. 12 Port Republic, Va. 3 North Anna, Va. 3 Cedar Mountain, Va. 1 , Ga. 1 Kernstown, Va. 23 Resaca, Ga. 5 Port Republic, Va. 13 New Hope Church, Ga. 15 Cedar Mountain,where it lost 18 killed and 32 wounded; also, at Port Republic, where it lost 4 killed, 63 wounded, and 197 cap 22 Kernstown, Va. 30 Gettysburg, Pa. 2 Port Republic, Va. 19 Ringgold, Ga. 25 Cedar Mountain, Va. 55stown, 20 killed, 62 wounded, and 10 missing; at Port Republic, 10 killed, 55 wounded, and 10 missing; at Cedarkson, Va., May 3, 1862 2 Pine Knob, Ga. 12 Port Republic, Va. 23 Kenesaw, Ga. 2 Cedar Mountain, Va. 13 P
ire Richardson's Second 26 147 7 180 64th New York Richardson's Second 30 143 -- 173 67th New York Couch's Fourth 27 135 8 170 3d Michigan Kearny's Third 30 124 15 169 105th Pennsylvania Kearny's Third 41 112 8 161 104th Pennsylvania Casey's Fourth 28 111 67 206 5th Michigan Kearny's Third 31 105 19 155 Cross Keys, Va.             June 8, 1862.             8th New York Blenker's ---------- 43 134 43 220 27th Pennsylvania Blenker's ---------- 17 61 14 92 Port Republic, Va.             June 9, 1862.             66th Ohio Shields's ---------- 20 75 110 205 7th Indiana Shields's ---------- 9 107 29 145 James Island, S. C.             June 16, 1862.             8th Michigan Stevens's ---------- 48 120 16 184 79th New York The missing of the 79th New York in this action were killed or wounded. Stevens's ---------- 9 67 34 110 Oak Grove, Va.             June 25, 1862.             20th In
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 14: the greatest battles of the war — list of victories and defeats — chronological list of battles with loss in each, Union and Confederate. (search)
Ball's Bluff, Va. Manassas, Va. Spotsylvania, Va. Belmont, Mo. Cedar Mountain, Va. Drewry's Bluff, Va. Front Royal, Va. Richmond, Ky. Monocacy, Md. Port Republic, Va. Fredericksburg, Va. Brice's Cross Roads, Miss. Wilson's Creek, Mo. Chancellorsville, Va. Island Ford, Va. Pocotaligo, S. C. Winchester, Va. (1863). De9 May 27 Hanover Court House, Va 62 223 70 355 May 31 Fair Oaks, Va. (Seven Pines) 790 3,594 647 5,031 June 8 Cross Keys, Va 114 443 127 684 June 9 Port Republic, Va 67 393 558 1,018 June 16 Secessionville, S. C 107 487 89 683 June 25 Oak Grove, Seven Days Batttle, Va Killed 1,734 Wounded 8,062 Missiover C. H., Va 73 192 -- 265 May 31 Fair Oaks, Va 980 4,749 405 6,134 June 6 Harrisonburg, Va 17 50 3 70 June 8 Cross Keys, Va 56 392 47 495 June 9 Port Republic, Va 78 533 4 615 June 16 Secessionville, S. C 52 144 8 204 Date. Engagements. (Confederate Losses.) Killed. Wounded, including mortally w'd. Captured and
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 15: Confederate losses — strength of the Confederate Armies--casualties in Confederate regiments — list of Confederate Generals killed — losses in the Confederate Navy. (search)
6 129 9 154 38th Virginia Garland's D. H. Hill's 16 117 14 147 Hampton Legion Whiting's Smith's 21 120 -- 141 28th Georgia G. B. Anderson's D. H. Hill's 24 95 -- 119 24th Virginia Garland's D. H. Hill's 12 86 9 107 Harrisonburg, Va.             June 6, 1862.             58th Virginia Stewart's Ewell's 11 39 3 53 Cross Keys, Va.             June 8, 1862.             15th Alabama Trimble's Ewell's 9 37 5 51 16th Mississippi Trimble's Ewell's 6 28 -- 34 Port Republic, Va.             June 9, 1862.             7th Louisiana Taylor's Ewell's 8 115 -- 123 5th Virginia Winder's Jackson's 4 89 20 113 31st Virginia Elzey's Ewell's 15 79 4 98 52d Virginia Stewart's Ewell's 12 65 -- 77 6th Louisiana Taylor's Ewell's 11 55 -- 66 44th Virginia Stewart's Ewell's 14 35 -- 49 Secessionville, S. C.             June 16, 1862.             1st S. C. Artillery Evans's ---------- 15 39 1 55 1st S. C
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 5 (search)
nemy until the 26th of June, because he was employed, from the 1st until then, in forming a great army, by bringing, to that which I had commanded, fifteen thousand General Holmes told me in General Lee's presence, just before the fight began on the 31st, that he had that force ready to join me when the President should give the order. I have also the written testimony of Colonel Archer Anderson, then of General Holmes's staff, that he brought that number into General Lee's army. men from North Carolina, under Major-General Holmes, General Ripley gave me this number. He brought the first brigade--five thousand men. General Lawton told me that his was six thousand, General Drayton that his was seven thousand; there was another brigade, of which I do not know the strength. twenty-two thousand from South Carolina and Georgia, and above sixteen thousand from the Valley in the divisions of Jackson and Ewell, which the victories of Cross Keys and Port Republic had rendered disposable.
cross Keys, Va. Gen. Fremont's despatches. Headquarters army in the field, camp near Port Republic, June 8, 9 P. M. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: the army left Harrisonburgh at tant. It was about one o'clock P. M. when I arrived near the point of the road leading to Port Republic, where the advance-guard had already come upon the enemy. A staff-officer, after indicating, Brigadier-General. Cincinnati Commercial account. headquarters army of Fremont, Port Republic, Va., June 9. You have received telegraphic intelligence of a severe battle having been fougving travelled the pike from Winchester, had suddenly turned to the left in the direction of Port Republic, over a miserably bad road, and with the intention of crossing the river. At this place, twhe rebels themselves. But let us go on with our march: The army moves in the direction of Port Republic without resistance. As we draw near that place we see a dense volume of smoke rising. Our
Fremont. headquarters Mountain Department, Port Republic, June 9, 12 M., via Martinsburgh, June 12th. To 's. The enemy was found to be in full retreat on Port Republic, and our advance found his rear-guard barely acrat four o'clock A. M., next, that we might reach Port Republic at the time you indicated to me. When within about this time your order to Commandant of post at Port Republic was handed me; upon it, and the opinion of thesece, with cavalry and guns, to save the bridge at Port Republic. At that time it was impossible for him to movethirty-five or thirty-seven miles, by the way of Port Republic, for the purpose of destroying the railroad depoHalting, in the night, six miles before reaching Port Republic, Col. Carroll sent forward a party of scouts, whinformation that Jackson's train was parked near Port Republic with a drove of beef cattle herded near by, and n had he been ordered so to do. Retiring from Port Republic, Colonel Carroll brought his force to a stand at
long which many wagons were left in the woods, and wagon-loads of blankets, clothing, and other equipments are piled up in all directions. During the evening many of the rebels were killed by shells from a battery of General Stahl's brigade. General Ashby, who covered the retreat with his whole cavalry force and three regiments of infantry, and who exhibited admirable skill and audacity, was among the killed. General Milroy made a reconnoissance, to-day, about seven miles on the Port Republic road, and discovered a portion of the enemy's forces encamped in the timber. J. C. Fremont, Major-General Commanding. New-York Tribune account. Fremont's headquarters, Harrisonburgh, Va., June 7, 1862. The march from Newmarket, yesterday, was without opposition, until the advance — guard reached Harrisonburgh. Rebel cavalry showed themselves occasionally in front, but not in large numbers. They were drawn up in line some miles before Harrisonburgh, and as their numbers wer
re just eating supper. Some of them were in their tents, and some were sitting about under the trees. Suddenly I heard such a mighty hurrah out of doors that I thought heaven and earth had come together. Running to the door, I saw the Yankees running in every direction, and our men pursuing and catching them. One Yankee jumped into the Pamunkey and tried to swim across, but our men fired at him and he sunk directly. This was the only firing done. Philadelphia press account. White House, Va., June 14, 1862. One of the boldest and most astounding feats of the rebels in this war occurred on Friday evening last, a short distance from this place. It was another of those desperate efforts they have from time to time put forth to recover lost opportunity and atone for past defeats. The surprisal of Banks by Jackson, though of a more formidable and successful character, was not more complete, sudden, and unexpected than the one experienced in this department. A part, some
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