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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 587 133 Browse Search
Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them. 405 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 258 16 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 156 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 153 31 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 139 3 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 120 0 Browse Search
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac 120 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 119 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 1: The Opening Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 111 3 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Elias Nason, McClellan's Own Story: the war for the union, the soldiers who fought it, the civilians who directed it, and his relations to them.. You can also browse the collection for Yorktown (Virginia, United States) or search for Yorktown (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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0 rounds per gun. 7. A siege-train of 50 pieces. This was subsequently expanded, for special service at the siege of Yorktown, to very nearly 100 pieces, and comprised the unusual calibres and enormously heavy weight of metal of two 200-pounders,t be added the field-artillery of Franklin's division of McDowell's corps, which joined a few days before the capture of Yorktown, but was not disembarked from its transports for service until after the battle of Williamsburg, and the field-artilleryonal staff of Brig.-Gen. Franklin, and Capts. Kirkland and Mason to that of Brig.-Gen. F. J. Porter, during the siege of Yorktown. They remained subsequently with those general officers. Maj. Le Compte left the army during the siege of Yorktown; CoYorktown; Cols. Gantt and Astor, Maj. Russell, Capts. L. P. d'orleans, R. d'orleans, and Raymond at the close of the Peninsular campaign. To this number I am tempted to add the Prince de Joinville, who constantly accompanied me through the trying campaign of
e troops in and near Fort Monroe and attach it to the active army. Moreover, we were assured of the active co-operation of the navy in reducing the batteries at Yorktown and Gloucester. As my story progresses it will appear that I was deprived of five out of the thirteen infantry divisions, with their batteries, and of nine regiments of cavalry, and that I never received the co-operation of the navy in reducing the batteries at Yorktown and Gloucester. On the 15th of March the aggregate present and absent under my command was about 233,578, taking as a basis the return of March 1; the number present for duty, including all extra-duty men, guards, ett also of the control of my immediate base of operations and supplies. On the afternoon of the 5th, the right and left wings of the army being under fire from Yorktown and the works on the line of the Warwick, I received the following telegram: adjutant-general's office, April 4, 1862. Gen. McClellan: By direction of t
mmencing their advance so much earlier than that of the Army of the Potomac as to engage all the Confederate Western forces on their own ground, and thus prevent them from reinforcing their army in front of Richmond. As early as the beginning of Dec., 1861, I had determined not to follow the line of operations leading by land from Washington to Richmond, but to conduct a sufficient force by mater to Urbana, and thence by a rapid march to West Point, hoping thus to cut off the garrison of Yorktown and all the Confederates in the Peninsula; then, using the James river as a line of supply, to move the entire Army of the Potomac across that river to the rear of Richmond. In pursuance of this plan I did not propose disturbing the Confederate forces at Manassas and Centreville, but, while steadily pushing forward the fortifications of Washington and the instruction and organization of the Army of the Potomac, I desired to hold them there to the last moment, and especially until the Urb
regular infantry, one bridge-train, a few squadrons of cavalry, and a small number of wagons; with them to push by a forced march to the vicinity of West Point, and then cross the Mattapony and Pamunkey rivers, thus compelling the evacuation of Yorktown, and perhaps cutting off Magruder's force in the Peninsula. Meanwhile the reserve artillery, the remaining cavalry, bridge-trains, and necessary wagons were to be concentrated in the vicinity of Point Lookout, and, simultaneously with the landiPotomac on North river ferry-boats, marched to the Rappahannock — the movement covered by an infantry force near Heathsville — then ferried over the Rappahannock and moved rapidly to unite with the force first landed. Prior to the evacuation of Yorktown the remaining portions of the army would have been landed at Urbana, and, subsequently to that, at West Point or on the James, as circumstances required. As soon as the leading divisions of infantry crossed the Pamunkey they would have moved
fail to command me. . . . When you start the rebels from Yorktown please let me know at once, and I'll give them a kick in ly control the Merrimac and have a big steamer or two for Yorktown. He repeated: He ought not to put a man afloat till he isin, at the same time with an advance from here, carrying Yorktown, then marching on Richmond, and then taking Norfolk. H-inch guns. He says he can't furnish vessels to attack Yorktown simultaneously, but he thinks what you propose is easily nding, and that, with a landing and an advance from here, Yorktown will fall. He recommends — and it may be a good idea —, taking Gloucester in the rear, and from there battering Yorktown. Yorktown and Gloucester taken, the small gunboats, reguYorktown and Gloucester taken, the small gunboats, regular and irregular, will be enough to command the navigation of the York river. He thinks, and Gen. Wool thinks, that the whs from 15,000 to 18,000 men extending from James river to Yorktown. I have almost 12,500 effective troops, including the ga
of the operations preliminary to the siege of Yorktown, attention is necessarily directed to the errss Monroe, through Hampton and Big Bethel, to Yorktown; while another existed from Newport News, neato Williamsburg. Both of these roads between Yorktown and the point of the Peninsula were intersectes river on the line of communication between Yorktown and Norfolk. Reports were conflicting as to y, by the road from Hampton and Big Bethel to Yorktown. The advance on Big Bethel would turn the wothe right column to the immediate vicinity of Yorktown. Smith's division (4th corps) encamped on o batteries between Porter and Yorktown; that Yorktown was strongly fortified; that its garrison untrwick Court-House to the Halfway House on the Yorktown and Williamsburg road; Couch's division to mohe escape or reinforcement of the garrison of Yorktown. Porter's division to close up on its advaman found it possible to assault the works at Yorktown immediately, the reserves were in position to[12 more...]
headquarters, Army of Potomac, camp near Yorktown, April 5, 1862. Brig.-Gen. L. Thomas, Adj.-Ge Warwick, which really heads within a mile of Yorktown, is strongly defended by detached redoubts annd of James river, and we do not first reduce Yorktown, it would be impossible for us to subsist thiFort Monroe. An iron-clad boat must attack Yorktown; and if several strong gunboats could be sentssances General McClellan reconnoitring at Yorktown. in person, going everywhere beyond our line within two thousand yards of the enciente of Yorktown, and within half that distance of the White Rwork, essentially a part of the main works at Yorktown, which were so strong-having ditches from eigr of the country), to do so. If we could take Yorktown or drive the enemy out of that place, the eneucker, Assistant Secretary of War, dated near Yorktown, April 10, to Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary ocorps was charged with the operations against Yorktown itself. The following despatch to Secretary [40 more...]
ne-quarter to one-half of a mile this side of Yorktown, which position I point out to Col. Key. T M. The enemy very busy last night between Yorktown and Gloucester Point. Schooners observed to an. headquarters, Army of Potomac, near Yorktown, April 8, 1862. My dear flag-officer: Yourat the masked battery on the river-bank below Yorktown is not in existence, but that the gun fired ur Smith and the one-gun battery! Let us have Yorktown, with Magruder and his gang, before the 1st oe with your request to have shell thrown into Yorktown yesterday, the Sebago (side-wheel) was ordereisable to defer any attempt to throw shell in Yorktown till night, while she can operate on Gloucestmanding the Left Wing. two miles beyond Yorktown. Gen. Marcy, Chief of Staff: Gen. Stonemand to me that my communication with you by the Yorktown road is clear of the enemy. Batteries, cavalntelligent, but lie, I think. I send them to Yorktown by the Spaulding. Dana's brigade is here and [8 more...]
A. M. Three divisions take the direct road to Yorktown, and will encamp at Howard's Bridge. Two take landing-place some seven or eight miles from Yorktown, which will help us very much. It is probabl landing are bad. I hope to get possession of Yorktown day after to-morrow. Shall then arrange to m. Our people driving rebels. Hope to invest Yorktown to-morrow. All well and in good spirits. hey do not seem to know what fear is. Near Yorktown, April 6, 1 A. M. . . . I find the enemy do so. Am now encamped about five miles from Yorktown: have been here two or three days. Have now ver come and do it himself. April 9, near Yorktown, 8 A. M. . . . Last night returned late aual, in truth. . . . I can't tell you when Yorktown is to be attacked, for it depends on circumst well it is not impossible that we shall have Yorktown by Wednesday or Thursday. The task is a diff . . . You will have learned ere this that Yorktown is ours. It is a place of immense strength, [1 more...]
ever works might exist between that point and Yorktown, and to cut off, if possible, the enemy's traeather was so bad and the wharf facilities at Yorktown so deficient that it was very difficult to brdirection of Gen. Sumner, moved across to the Yorktown road, and, following it, reached Stoneman's pision had encountered Smith's filing into the Yorktown road, and was obliged to halt for some three s Williamsburg, one along the York river (the Yorktown road) and the other along the James (the Lee'd, when all that was accomplished, drove into Yorktown in an ambulance. The enemy had made a free dthis work. As soon as we had possession of Yorktown the gunboats started up the York river to ascf Franklin. But I ordered him to move beyond Yorktown a short distance, ready to move to the front ities, I sent back orders to Porter to occupy Yorktown, and to Sedgwick and Richardson to advance bynd Richardson, and directed them to return to Yorktown and, together with Porter, embark as rapidly [8 more...]