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a compliment, or rather a luxury, fully appreciated and enjoyed by all. We hope they will renew their visits as often as possible. We have now been here better than a week, and have not done anything except to have the usual dress parades, so we have had a glorious rest, which we very much needed. I am almost afraid if we remain here much longer there will be a disposition to become lazy, a supposition to such extent would be quite plausible now. I doubt very much it the Hessians, at Old Point, are enjoying themselves as well as we are; not quite. I understand, through a very reliable source, that the Federal army, stationed at their stronghold, Fortress Monroe, have a sick list of about 5,000 Yankees. This is the number of these who are bodily sick; those who are sick mentally doubtless exceed the number I have stated. The weather which we have had here for several days would kill an army of Yankees in marching ten miles. without requiring the expenditure of our bullets.
20th, to a Northern paper, complains of very great injustice to a distinguished Virginian. The reader will be struck with the remarkable prophetic vision of this noted gentleman with reference to the "desolution which now overhangs his estate near Hampton," and which be so assiduously endeavored to avert! In consideration of the important services to the Federal Government stributed to him, that Government ought to assuage his grief at the impending desolation of the "farm near Hampton" and "Hygeia Hotel" by paying him the full value of both.--If Lincoln doesn't do this, he is indeed ruthless, and should be "damued to everlasting redemption!" "The numerous friends of Hon. Joseph Segar, at Old Point, are pained to see him charged by some Northern correspondents with joining the Secession ranks. The officers at Fortress Monroe know too well his sentiments to credit such reports, He has been universally respected by them for his strong Union views, and the desolation which now
al expedients to be recommended to Congress by Secretary Chase will be the imposition of a slight income tax. from Old Point and Fortress Monr The steamers Georgiana, Capt. Pierson, and Adelaide, Capt. Cannon, arrived on Saturday and yesterday morning, from Old Point Comfort. Among the passengers by the G. were Commodore Stringham and Lieut. Walters, of the Minnesota; Maj. McCarty, bearer of dispatches to Washington; Maj. Blass, Colonel Townsend and Lieut. Stearns. Among the passensive heat of the past few days has been very trying to our troops in active service. The facilities for sea-bathing at Old Point and Newport News, however, contribute greatly to their health and comfort. The wounded at the hospital are doing wr substantial United States uniforms. Several wharves and a short railroad are also being constructed, and altogether, Old Point presents a lively appearance. Last evening there was a very brilliant reception on board the Cumberland. There is
The Latest. From the Baltimore Sun of Tuesday, June 25th, we make up the following summary of news: from Old Point and Fortress Monroe. The steamer Louisiana, Capt. Pearson, arrived from Old Point yesterday morning, with a considerable number of military passengers, &c. We learn from a passenger that on Friday Old Point yesterday morning, with a considerable number of military passengers, &c. We learn from a passenger that on Friday night six boat loads of troops were sent over to Hampton for a reconnoitering expedition but no previous notice of the intention had been sent to the officer in command at that point, and in consequence of those on the boats not having the countersign, they were fired into by the sentries on shore, and compelled to beat a retreat. the vicinity for bread. Thirty-three of them made an attempt to come up on the Louisiana, but they were refused passes to do so. Everything was quiet about Old Point — That portion of the crew of the privateer Savannah placed on board the Minnesota are still at Fortress Monroe, awaiting the determination of the Cabinet at Was