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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 68 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 30 16 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 17 1 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 15 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 13 13 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 12 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 12 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments. 9 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 7 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 6 0 Browse Search
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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 33: the East Tennessee campaign. (search)
s for the campaign poorly supported by his superior foraging for daily rations General Burnside's forces advance upon Knoxville affairs at Lenoir's and Campbell's stations engagement near Knoxville an artillery combat Reprehensible conduct of officers Allegement that one was actuated by jealousy Federals retire behind theihaste. But he did not take the trouble to report the retreat until nearly twenty-five years after the war. Had he done so at the proper time the work at Campbell's Station would have been in better season. The animals had been taken from the wagons to double their teams through the mud. General Potter had sent the division un sixteen to twenty animals to a piece to make the haul through the mud. The retreat was very cleverly conducted, and was in time to cover the roads into Campbell's Station, forming into line of battle to meet us. Jenkins's division, being in advance, was deployed on the right with Alexander's battalion. As soon as the line w
November 16. General Burnside retreating on the advance of Longstreet, evacuated Lenoir, Tenn., but fought a battle at Campbell's Station. The fight lasted for some hours. The Federal troops retreated to the protection of their batteries, which opened upon the rebels with effect, and checked their advance. They fell back to the river; a second battle was fought in the afternoon, which continued until nightfall, Burnside remaining in possession of the ground. Loss of the rebels estimated at one thousand killed and wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, Twentieth Michigan, was killed.--Doc. 19.
ved no benefit from this abandonment of property, as every thing was destroyed. Marching in the direction of Knoxville, we were overtaken by the enemy at Campbell's Station at twelve o'clock M., November sixteenth, and the battle of Campbell's Station commenced. One brigade of the Ninth corps was in the advance, the Second briCampbell's Station commenced. One brigade of the Ninth corps was in the advance, the Second brigade of the Twenty-third corps in the centre, and one brigade of the Ninth corps as rear-guard. The skirmishing was begun by the Ninth corps, the First brigade of the Ninth corps forming in the rear of General White's command, which formed in line to protect the stock, etc., as it passed to the rear, and to cover the retreat of tto the performance of their duty and to victory, and still remains, as he says, to see it through. The Ninth army corps was engaged only in the battle of Campbell's Station, and there sustained the honor of their past history. The troops arrived at Knoxville at daylight November seventeenth, from which time dates the siege o
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The defense of Knoxville. (search)
He rejoined Longstreet on the 17th of November, after the latter had fought the battle of Campbell's Station. Upon learning of Longstreet's movement, General Burnside took personal command of the et advanced from Loudon in two columns, McLaws's division taking the left road, leading to Campbell's Station, and Hood's division (commanded by Jenkins), the one to the right, following the line of td by Jenkins, intersects that along which McLaws was advancing, about a mile south-west of Campbell's Station. It was therefore essential to the safety of his train, if not of his entire command, thaentitled to claim a victory. Burnside placed his whole loss in this important affair of Campbell's Station at about 300. Jenkins reported his as 174. It is probable that the losses on both sides,h side of the river and moved out on the London road to cover our forces, approaching from Campbell's Station, until they could get into position and make some progress in the construction of defensiv
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Longstreet at Knoxville. (search)
is he had set out to do as soon as he appreciated the situation, sending his trains ahead and covering them with his whole force. For three days there ensued a sort of running skirmish covering the whole distance to Knoxville, about thirty miles. It was not rapid progress, but the days were short, the roads axle-deep in mud, and a strong rear-guard of the enemy skirmished with us for every hill and wood and stream on the road. Twice — at Lenoir's the first afternoon, the 15th, and at Campbell's Station the next — we seemed to have brought him to bay, and behind our advance-guard our whole force was brought up and formed for attack. But the approach of night prevented an action on both occasions, The North-Western bastion of Fort Sanders, showing the ground over which the Confederates charged. From a photograph. though on the latter we got in a sharp and pretty artillery duel over some nice open ground unusually favorable for it, during which one of our guns, a 20-pounder Parrot
eagerly pursues Bragg concentrates at Lafayette, and turns upon his pursuers Rosecrans concentrates on the Chickamauga desperate battle there Rosecrans, worsted, retreats to Chattanooga losses Rosecrans superseded Pegram's raid into Kentacky Saunders's into East Tennessee Barnside crosses the Cumberland mountains Knoxville liberated Burnside retakes Cumberland Gap, with 2,000 prisoners Longstreet impelled by Bragg against him Wolford struck at Philadelphia, Tenn. fight at Campbell's Station Burnside withdraws into Knoxville Longstreet besieges and assaults is repulsed with loss raises the Sie<*>e and retreats Grant relieves Rosecrans Hooker and Slocum hurried to the Tennessee Wheeler's and Roddy's raids Grant reaches Chattanooga Hooker crosses the Tennessee fight at Wauhatchie Sherman arrives from Vicksburg Grant impels attacks on Bragg by Granger, Hooker, and Sherman Hooker carries Lookout Mountain Bragg, on Mission Ridge, attacked from all sides and routed
453; captured by Pleasanton's force in Missouri, 561. Caldwell, Brig.-Gen., at Antietam, 208. Camden, Arkansas, Steele marches to, 552. Cameron, Gen. Simon, retires from War Department, 81; 108; in relation to Slaves, 239; 243. Campbell's Station, East Tenn., fight at, 431. Canby, Gen. E. R. S., organizes militia in New Mexico, 21; at Fort Craig, 22-3; Valverde. 22; holds New Mexico, 25; in command of the trans-Mississippi department--Banks turns over his army to him, 551; aids Boyle's Creek, Ala., 718. Brandy Station, Va., 319. Brashear City, La., 337. Bridgeport, Ala., 72. Bristow Station, Va., 395. Buckland's Mills, Va., 396. Bushy Creek, I. T., 33. Cabin Creek. I. T., 449. Cache River. Ark., 34. Campbell's Station, 431. Cane River, La., 548. Cannouchee Cr'k, Ga., 692. Cape Girardeau, Mo., 448. Carney's Bridge, La., 328. Carter's Creek Pike, 285. Chariton River, Mo., 35. Charles City Load,Va., 592. Charlestown, Tenn., 622. Charlestown, Va
tain Antietam Fredericksburg Siege of Vicksburg Jackson Blue Springs Lenoir Station Campbell's Station Fort Sanders Siege of Knoxville Strawberry Plains Wilderness Ny River Spotsylvania Blue Springs, Tenn., October 10, 1863, and the whole corps was engaged, November 16th, at Campbell's Station. This was followed by the occupation of Knoxville and the gallant defence against Longstrnerals Hardin, De Russy and Hascall. Twenty-Third Corps. Lenoir Blue Springs Campbell's Station Knoxville Mossy Creek Dandridge Walker's Ford Strawberry Plains Rocky Face Ridge Renor engagements occurring almost daily, and on November 16th a spirited battle occurred at Campbell's Station, in which White's Division was actively engaged. Burnside moved next to Knoxville, which place was invested and finally assaulted by Longstreet, but without success. At Campbell's Station, and at Knoxville, the corps was commanded by General Mahlon D. Manson. In August, 1863, Mahan's
c. 27, ‘64 1 Present, also, at Campbell's Station, Tenn.; Wilderness, Va.; Cold Harbor, Va.; a.; Vicksburg, Miss.; Jackson, Miss; Campbell's Station, Tenn.; Wilderness, Va.; Hatcher's Run, Va.a. 11 Petersburg, Va. (assault) 19 Campbell's Station, Va. 1 Picket, Va., June 23, 1864 2 Knos, Tenn. 1 Weldon Railroad, Va. 9 Campbell's Station, Tenn. 2 Peeble's Farm, Va. 2 Knoxville,ings, Tenn. 1 Boydton Road, Va. 1 Campbell's Station, Tenn. 1 Picket, Va., Dec. 13, 1864 1 Sion, Miss. 15 Peeble's Farm, Va. 3 Campbell's Station, Tenn. 6 Boydton Road, Va. 1 Knoxville, ckson, Miss. 1 Cold Harbor, Va. 1 Campbell's Station, Tenn. 16 Petersburg, Va. 3 Siege of Knoenth was engaged in a sharp fight at Campbell's Station, Tenn.,--November 16, 1863,--in which it lorings, Tenn. 1 Cold Harbor, Va. 1 Campbell's Station, Tenn. 7 Petersburg Assault, Va. (1864) 17 ing officer, was killed in the affair at Campbell's Station, it returned to Virginia where it took a[6 more...]<
Smith's Thirteenth 11 33 72 116 23d Wisconsin A. J. Smith's Thirteenth 6 37 85 128 Droop Mountain, W. Va.             Nov. 6, 1863.             10th West Virginia ------------ ---------- 7 29 -- 36 Rappahannock Station, Va.             Nov. 7, 1863.             6th Maine Russell's Sixth 38 101 -- 139 5th Wisconsin Russell's Sixth 10 49 -- 59 Kelly's Ford, Va.             Nov. 7, 1863.             1st U. S. Sharpshooters Birney's Third 3 10 -- 13 Campbell's Station, Tenn.             Nov. 16, 1863.             17th Michigan Ferrero's Ninth 7 51 15 73 23d Michigan White's Twenty-third 8 23 8 39 20th Michigan Ferrero's Ninth 3 30 4 37 2d Michigan Ferrero's Ninth 3 27 2 32 Siege of Knoxville, Tenn.             Nov. 17--Dec. 4, 1863.             2d Michigan Ferrero's Ninth 10 67 16 93 112th Illinois (Mt'd Inf'y) Cavalry Army of Ohio 18 38 12 68 24th Kentucky Hascall's Twe
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