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ople commingle here. As in ancient Corinth, by the accidental fusion of all metals accumulated in the sacred temples, a peculiar metal was produced, better than any individual metal, even silver or gold; so, perhaps, in the arrangements of Providence, by the fusion of all races here, there may be a better race than any individual race, even Saxon or Celt. Originally settled from England, the Republic has been strengthened and enriched by generous contributions of population from Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden, France and Germany; and the cry is still they come. At no time since the discovery of the New World has the army of emigrants pressed so strongly in this direction. Nearly half a million are annually landed on our shores. The manner in which they shall be received is one of the problems of our national policy. All will admit that any influence which they may bring, hostile to our institutions—calculated to substitute priestcraft for religion and bigotry for Chris
ople commingle here. As in ancient Corinth, by the accidental fusion of all metals accumulated in the sacred temples, a peculiar metal was produced, better than any individual metal, even silver or gold; so, perhaps, in the arrangements of Providence, by the fusion of all races here, there may be a better race than any individual race, even Saxon or Celt. Originally settled from England, the Republic has been strengthened and enriched by generous contributions of population from Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden, France and Germany; and the cry is still they come. At no time since the discovery of the New World has the army of emigrants pressed so strongly in this direction. Nearly half a million are annually landed on our shores. The manner in which they shall be received is one of the problems of our national policy. All will admit that any influence which they may bring, hostile to our institutions—calculated to substitute priestcraft for religion and bigotry for Chris
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874., Section Eighth: the war of the Rebellion. (search)
You have all your life been a place-seeker or a place-holder. To get power and money, you have always turned your back on your friends, and let your Reform measures go to the dogs. Whenever you have been an out, and any American question came up, you were a warm advocate of our Republic. When you were an in, you changed your tone. When Liberty was at stake in a foreign nation, or at home, you have been its noisiest champion,—if an out. If an in, you have done your best to crush it, in Ireland, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and Poland. It was with a pang that you saw even old Greece become free. For half a century, if an out, you have brawled for Freedom and Free Governments; if an in, you have resorted to the very last trick to keep there. You have, if an out, always paraded your friendship for the United States, and virulently assailed any Tory or Conservative ministry. In again, you first veered, then hesitated, then tacked, and then attacked us, our Government, and all American
You have all your life been a place-seeker or a place-holder. To get power and money, you have always turned your back on your friends, and let your Reform measures go to the dogs. Whenever you have been an out, and any American question came up, you were a warm advocate of our Republic. When you were an in, you changed your tone. When Liberty was at stake in a foreign nation, or at home, you have been its noisiest champion,—if an out. If an in, you have done your best to crush it, in Ireland, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and Poland. It was with a pang that you saw even old Greece become free. For half a century, if an out, you have brawled for Freedom and Free Governments; if an in, you have resorted to the very last trick to keep there. You have, if an out, always paraded your friendship for the United States, and virulently assailed any Tory or Conservative ministry. In again, you first veered, then hesitated, then tacked, and then attacked us, our Government, and all American