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The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier) 16 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 6 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 2 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 5, 13th edition. 2 0 Browse Search
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y of fibers felted together with a fabric without spinning or weaving. The product is generally printed, and forms drugget. 7. The carpet is woven in plain colors and afterwards printed. 8. The carpet is dyed in party-colors, nicely adjusted so as to fall into their right places when woven into a fabric. 9. A pile is cemented to a backing-fabric. See cemented-back carpet. For the varieties of carpets see the following: — Axminster carpet.Ingrain carpet. Brussels carpet.Kidderminster carpet. Cemented-back carpet.Persian carpet. Chenille carpet.Pile carpet. Damask carpet.Printed carpet. Drugget.Rag carpet. Felt carpet.Rug. Scotch carpet.Two-ply carpet. Tapestry carpet.Velvet-pile carpet. Three-ply carpet.Venetian carpet. Triple-ingrain carpet.Wilton carpet. Turkey carpet. Car′pet-bag frame. The iron frame which distends the cloth covering of a traveling-bag or satchel. The two jaws are pivoted to the hinge-rod and shut beneath the cap-piece of
of burning pitch, so as to give it a carbonaceous coating, the purpose of which is to prevent the adherence of the cast-steel thereto. The operation of pouring the metal is called teaming; the ingot is turned out while yet red-hot, and is rolled into the shape required. In′grain. A yarn or fabric dyed with fast colors before manufacture. In′grain Car′pet. A carpet manufactured from wool or woolen dyed in the grain (before manufacture). These carpets are known as Scotch or Kidderminster, from the country and town where they are so extensively manufactured; also as two-ply or three-ply, according to the number of webs of which the fabric is composed. See two-ply carpet. In′grain-car′pet loom. A loom in which two or more shuttles, one for the ground and the other for the figure, are employed. Ingrain-carpet loom. In Bigelow's (Fig. 2675) the two, after being thrown, are received in horizontal boxes on each side of the frame, and a third series, containin
throwing stones, etc. Scotch. Scotch. A prop, shoulder, strut, or support, as of a wheel, or of a log on inclined ground or on skids. A slotted bar which slips upon a rod or pipe, and forms a bearing for a shoulder or collar thereon, so as to support it while a section above is being attached or detached. Used in boring and tubing wells. Scotch Car′pet. An ingrain, two or three ply carpet, so named from the country where it is so extensively manufactured. Also called Kidderminster, from a town of that name, noted for its production. See two-ply carpet. Scotch′man. (Nautical.) Stiff canvas wrapping or battening of wood around standing rigging to protect from chafing. Sco′ti-a. (Architecture.) A hollow, curved molding. It occurs in the base of the Ionic column, and also in the projecting angle of the Doric corona. Synonymous with cavetto. Sco′to-graph. An instrument to assist in writing in the dark or without seeing. Sco′to-scop
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 19: (search)
he past two days, not overlooking its absolute quiet and peace as one of its attractive ingredients. Malvern, August 23.—. . . . I was up in good season yesterday morning, and when breakfast was over I bade Acton farewell, thinking that it will be a long time before I see a man of his age so remarkable as he is. The drive was a beautiful one, first down his superb avenue, and then through his estates, and along by the banks of the Severn,—Milton's Severn,—or at least in its valley, to Kidderminster. There I took the railway, which brought me to Worcester, and in an hour and a half more, in a sort of omnibus, I crept up the hills, . . . . and was tipped up, or let out, only a very short distance from the Twisletons', and climbing a little farther found them in the most comfortable quarters, . . . . that command the whole view that makes Malvern a resort so famous, for both invalids and lovers of the picturesque in nature.. . I walked about with Ellen and her husband, dined with <
The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 6. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Old portraits and modern Sketches (search)
ome. Through them the suffering and hunted minister of Kidderminster has spoken in warning, entreaty, and rebuke, or in toneThe Great Revolution found him settled as a minister in Kidderminster, under the sanction of a drunken vicar, who, yielding tan thirty years after the commencement of his labors at Kidderminster he thus writes: I was troubled this year with multitudecould not but awaken a feeling of reverence and awe. In Kidderminster, as in most other parishes of the kingdom, there were a restored as to be able to go back to his old parish at Kidderminster. Here, under the Protectorate of Cromwell, he remainedtehall, drove Baxter from his sorrowing parishioners of Kidderminster, and added the evils of poverty and persecution to the rink it with him. Among Baxter's old parishioners of Kidderminster was a widowed lady of gentle birth, named Charlton, whoheld stated communion with it; begged for the curacy of Kidderminster, and declined the bishopric of Here. ford. His writing
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 8: appointment at Harvard and second visit to Europe (search)
ged to sleep in the gentleman's cabin, & the cabin was entirely filled with hammocks swung one above another.—Thursday. 10. Arrived in Copenhagen at 2 P. M. Found good accommodations at the Hotel Royal. Monday. 14. Mr. Appleton & Mary G—left us, for London. Tuesday. 15. In the morning went over the new palace, not yet entirely completed. It is a fine building, the rooms very neat, most of them carpeted. The carpet English, & upon the king's apartments of the most ordinary & coarsest Kidderminster. The Queen's were Brussels, but nothing extraordinary. In one large room was the king's throne—A gilded chair covered with crimson velvet, & his initials worked in gold upon it. The platform, & the steps by which you ascend to it, were also covered with crimson velvet. The window-curtains were superb—of crimson velvet & a gold vine wrought upon the edge of them. The Queen's apartments were more splendid than the king's. She had also a room similar to the king's, with a throne like
n 1763, the great manufactures of the realm were those of wool and the various preparations from sheepskins and hides, far exceeding in value all others of all kinds put together; and for these the land-owner furnished all the raw material; so that his prosperity was bound up in that of the manufacturer. The manufacture of wool was cherished as the most valuable of chap. III.} 1763. all. It had grown with the growth and wealth of England, and flourished in every part of the island; at Kidderminster, and Wilton, and Norwich, not less than in the West Riding of Yorkshire. It had been privileged by King Stephen, and regulated by the lion-hearted Richard. Its protection was as much a part of the statute-book as the game laws, and was older than Magna Charta itself. To foster it was an ancient custom of the country, coeval with the English constitution, and it was so interwoven with the condition of life in England that it seemed to form an intimate dependency of the aristocracy. Th