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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 33. capture of Lexington, Missouri. (search)
ounded at Big Dry Wood, was gallantly commanded by Capt. Emmitt McDonald, and by Parsons' battery, under the skilful command of Capt. Guibor. Finding after sunset that our ammunition, the most of which had been left behind on the march from Springfield, was nearly exhausted, and that my men, thousands of whom had not eaten a particle in thirty-six hours, required rest and food, I withdrew to the Fair Ground and encamped there. My ammunition wagons having been at last brought up and large reded by which the men were brought down to Quincy, where they arrived on Monday. There were with the force only eight women, Col. Mulligan and several of his officers having left their wives at Jefferson City. The prisoners will be taken to Springfield and held for exchange, rank for rank. Claib. Jackson came into Lexington on Saturday, it is reported, bringing his travelling Legislature with him. We have thus hastily thrown together the main features of the protracted defence of Lexingt
soners taken were twenty-two commissioned officers, the names of whom have already been furnished. General C. P. Stone commanded the Federal forces until three o'clock A. M., on the morning of the 22d, when he was superseded by Major-General N. P. Banks. The engagement on our side was fought entirely with the musket; the artillery was in position to do effective service should the enemy have advanced from his cover. The enemy were armed with the Minie musket, the Belgian gun, and Springfield musket; a telescopic target rifle was also among the arms found. In closing my report I would call the attention of the General commanding to the heroism and gallantry displayed by the officers and men of the Seventh Brigade, in the action of the 21st and 22d of October. The promptness with which every commander obeyed and the spirit with which their men executed my orders to attack the enemy in much superior force, and in a position where he had great advantages, entitle them to the
the St. Louis Evening News of the 23d of September, that caused the arrest of the editor of that paper:-- Lexington is fallen! We write it with sorrow; for it is a heavy reverse to our arms in Missouri--the twin disaster to the reverse at Springfield, and, like that reverse, easily avoidable, had prompt steps been taken to avoid it. The gallant garrison, under its heroic Irish commander, after resisting with unflinching courage for six days, and repulsing the assaults of the quadruple besitroops that were within a few days' march of him. He, perhaps, never conjectured that he could, with a ragged, ill-armed, unpaid, half-demoralized army, without a baggage train, and with a poor supply of war material, march all the way from Springfield over a rugged road, and attack and capture a Federal garrison, supported, or that ought to have been supported, by a department that has hundreds and thousands of tons of shot, shell, powder, cannon, artillery, muskets and rifles, and that has
Doc. 62 1/2. Colonel Taylor's proclamation. Headquarters post at Springfield, September 30, 1861. Applications having been made to me for passes for persons going South with their families and property, have caused me to issue the following suggestions and orders, which, I trust, will fully explain the position I shall take upon the question: The time has now arrived when each man must be considered as a friend or a foe to the interest of the State; when avarice, timidity, and duplicity can no longer be excuses for inaction. The rapid and brilliant victories which have crowned the army of Missouri, since its organization, the enthusiastic enlistment of the volunteer force for the defence of the State; the unparalleled magnanimity which has been shown by their Commander-in-Chief, General Price, to those taken in arms against the State of Missouri; the faithful manner in which the proclamation of Gen. Price, made after the battle of Wilson's Creek, has been carried out;
the Missouri Democrat, gives the following account of this fight:-- Rolla, October 14. From gentlemen in from Springfield, we have a confirmation of the Shanghai fight between Montgomery and the forces under McCulloch. All information from the secessionists, and the latter were driven some distance. Montgomery then fell back on Greenfield. The forces at Springfield were kept in a state of constant alarm for several nights, in apprehension of an attack from the Jayhawkers. The bagg the public square and placed under a strong guard, while the troops went out to Owens' farm--one mile and a half from Springfield — and formed in line of battle, resting on their arms over night. One informant states that John Price started northwhis retrograde movement was to get a supply of provisions. It was observed that several prominent secessionists about Springfield were busily engaged in packing up for a start. Captain Galloway, commander of the Home Guards in Taney County, despai
. Missouri Democrat account. Rolla, Oct. 16, 1861. The ambulances looked for from Springfield, came in to-day, bringing thirty-one of the men wounded in the Wilson Creek fight. Mr. Burns, of Springfield, and two ladies also came along in company with the ambulances. These people report that a sharp engagement took place Sunday morning between two companies of cavalry, belonging tthe most brilliant little exploits of the present campaign. Curious enough, the wounded from Springfield happened to be present, and eye-witnesses of the battle. It is from their point of view thatdifferent points, did not come in time to take part in the action, nor was it necessary. The Springfield men moved forward, accompanied some distance on the way by the cavalry. A truck broke down a companies of infantry, en route for their camp. Our loss was one killed--Henry Tucker, of Springfield, belonging to Wood's Kansas Rangers. He and one other belonging to Captain Wood's company we
hrown up in line of battle at their camp in Springfield, two thousand or two thousand two hundred sample to the army. Our advance will occupy Springfield to-night. J. C. Fremont, Major-General Comort that yesterday, at four P. M., I met at Springfield about two thousand rebels formed in line of-past 8 o'clock P. M., and proceeded toward Springfield. About eight miles from that place I captund gave the alarm to the rebels. I reached Springfield, a distance of fifty-one miles, at three P.lly, Chas. Zagonyi, Commanding Body Guard. Springfield, October 28, 1861. Major White's report. Springfield, October 30, 1861. Major-General Fremont: On the 24th inst., after my return rdered me to reconnoitre in the vicinity of Springfield, and, if I deemed it advisable, to attack t-four miles from Warsaw, and fifty-one from Springfield, Major Zagonyi, of the Body Guard, received foraging party from a large rebel force at Springfield. Proceeding farther on, the Major gained a[9 more...]
ck, marched in the direction of Romney, passing through Frankfort. Upon arriving at a point one and a half miles from Springfield the rear of my column was fired upon by the enemy, from the heights of the wood, severely wounding two men, detaining ut an hour, which was occupied in clearing the woods of the enemy, and dressing the wounds. We marched thence through Springfield, seeing frequent signs of the enemy's horsemen in retreat toward the bridge over the south branch of the Potomac. U fixed for the fight. We were to be supported by another column moving from Cumberland, that was to come in by way of Springfield, and make a simultaneous attack upon the enemy in the rear. At about half-past 2 o'clock we came within four miles f the cannon they were working. The column moving from Cumberland advanced as far as the Chain-bridge, this side of Springfield, when they were met by the enemy, who had removed the plank from the bridge, and commanded it with one piece of artill
he Union was not yet dissolved, and such was the position of Kentucky in declaring her neutrality and offering her mediation between the contending parties. But time has now elapsed, and mighty events have occurred, which banish from the minds of reasonable men all expectation of restoring the Union. Coercion has been tried and has failed. The South has mustered in the field nearly as many combatants as the North, and has been far more victorious. The fields of Manassas and Bethel, of Springfield and Lexington, have marked with a terrible and sanguinary line the division between the old order of things and the new. It is the right of Kentucky and her peculiar duty to recognize these great facts and to act on them. The Constitution compact which created and upheld the old Union is at an end. A large number of the original and additional parties have withdrawn from it — so large a number that its stipulations can no longer be executed, and under such circumstances no court has e
ed at once to disband. 4. Any violation of either of the foregoing articles shall subject the offender to the penalty of military law, according to the nature of the offence. In testimony whereof, the aforesaid John Charles Fremont, at Springfield, Mo., on the first day of November, A. D. 1861, and Major-General Sterling Price, at----, on this----day of November, A. D. 1861, have hereunto set their hands, and hereby mutually pledge their earnest efforts to the enforcement of the above arti prisoners of war and released on parole; such exchanges to be made upon the plan heretofore approved and acted upon, to wit: grade for grade, or two officers of lower grade as an equivalent in rank for one of a higher grade, as shall be thought just and equitable. Thus done and agreed at Springfield, Missouri, this first day of November, 1861. By order of Major-General Fremont. A J. H. Eaton, A. A. A. G. Major-Gen. Sterling Price. By Henry W. Williams D. Robert Barclay, Commissioners.
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