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Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 8 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 4 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 2 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 2 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 2 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 8 2 0 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 88 (search)
n, in 447 B.C. and portioned out the land in allotments to one thousand citizens. While these events were taking place, Tolmides, the otheri.e. in active command. general, passed over into Euboea and divided it and the land of the Naxians among another thousand citizens. As for the events in Sicily, since the Tyrrhenians were practising piracy at sea, the Syracusans chose Phayllus as admiral and sent him to Tyrrhenia. He sailed at first to the island known as AethaleiaElba. and ravaged it, but he secretly accepted a bribe of money from the Tyrrhenians and sailed back to Sicily without having accomplished anything worthy of mention. The Syracusans found him guilty of treachery and exiled him, and choosing another general, Apelles, they dispatched him with sixty triremes against the Tyrrhenians. He overran the coast of Tyrrhenia and then passed over to Cyrnus,Corsica. which was held at those times by the Tyrrhenians, and after sacking many pla
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 21 (search)
, Styria and Carniola. Dalmatia, with all Illyricum and Rhaetia,The Rhaetian Alps are that part of the chain bordering on the Tyrol. besides the two Alpine nations, the Vindelici and the Salassii.The Vindelici principally occupied the country which is now the kingdom of Bavaria; and the Salassii, that part of Piedmont which includes the valley of Aost. He also checked the incursions of the Dacians, by cutting off three of their generals with vast armies, and drove the Germans beyond the river Elbe; removing two other tribes who submitted, the Ubii and Sicambri, into Gaul, and settling them in the country bordering on the Rhine. Other nations also, which broke into revolt, he reduced to submission. But he never made war upon any nation without just and necessary cause; and was so far from being ambitious either to extend the empire, or advance his own military glory, that he obliged the chiefs of some barbarous tribes to swear in the temple of Mars the Avenger,The temple of Mars Ultor w
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 63 (search)
h importunity, all the reply he gave was: "I wish you had all such daughters and wives as she is." He likewise forbad a child, of which his granddaughter Julia was delivered after sentence had passed against her, to be either owned as a relation, or brought up. Agrippa, who was equally intractable, and whose folly increased every day, he transported to an island,Agrippa was first banished to the little desolate island of Planasia, now Pianosa. It is one of the group in the Tuscan sea, between Elba and Corsica. and placed a guard of soldiers about him; procuring at the same time an act of the senate for his confinement there during life. Upon any mention of him and the two Julias, he would say, with a heavy sigh, Would I were wifeless, or had childless died!A quotation from the Iliad, iii. 40; where Hector is venting his rage on Paris. The inflexion is slightly changed, the line in the original commencing, ai(/q' o)/feles, "would thou wert, etc." nor did he usually call them by any ot
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Claudius (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 24 (search)
ffice. He gave the triumphal ornaments to Silanus, who was betrothed to his daughter, though he was under age; and in other cases, he bestowed them on so many, and with so little reserve, that there is extant a letter unanimously addressed to him by all the legions, begging him "to grant his consular lieutenants the triumphal ornaments at the time of their appointment to commands, in order to prevent their seeking occasion to engage in unnecessary wars." He decreed to Aulus Plautius the honour of an ovation, To reward his able services as commander of the army in Britain. See before, c. xvii. going to meet him at his entering the city, and walking with him in the procession to the Capitol, and back, in which he took the left side, giving him the post of honour. He allowed Gabinius Secundus, upon his conquest of the Chauci, a German tribe, to assume the cognomen of Chaucius. German tribes between the Elbe and the Weser, whose chief seat was at Bremen, and others about Ems or Luneburg.
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 2, line 1 (search)
camp And marching onward in the path to war, Address the cruel gods in just complaint. Happy the youths who born in Punic days On Cannae's uplands or by Trebia's stream Fought and were slain! What wretched lot is ours! No peace we ask for: let the nations rage; Rouse fiercest cities! may the world find arms To wage a war with Rome: let Parthian hosts Rush forth from Susa; Scythian Ister curb ' No more the Massagete: unconquered Rhine ' Let loose from furthest North her fair-haired tribes: ' Elbe, pour thy Suevians forth! Let us be foes ' Of all the peoples. May the Getan press ' Here, and the Dacian there; Pompeius meet 'The Eastern archers, Caesar in the West ' Confront th' Iberian. Leave to Rome no hand ' To raise against herself in civil strife. ' Or, if Italia by the gods be doomed, ' Let all the sky, fierce Parent, be dissolved 'And falling on the earth in flaming bolts, ' Their hands still bloodless, strike both leaders down, ' With both their hosts! Why plunge in novel crime
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The voyage of Master Henry Austell by Venice and thence to Ragusa over land, and so to Constantinople: and from thence by Moldavia , Polonia , Silesia and Germanie to Hamburg, &c. (search)
lcheren with very stormy weather, and that night went to Middleburch in the same Island. The twelft we tooke shipping for Holland , and the 13. we landed at Schiedam : and the same day went to Delft by boat, and so that night to the Hage . The 17. we tooke shipping at Amsterdam , and the 18. we landed at Enckhuysen. The 19. we tooke shipping and by the Zuydersee we passed that day the Ulie, and so into the maine sea; And the next day we entred into the river of Hamburg called the Elbe . The 21. we came to anker in the same river before a towne of the bishop of Breme called Staden , where they pay a certaine toll, and specially for wine, and so that night wee landed at Hamburg, where we stayde three dayes. The 24. wee departed from Hamburg in the company of Edward Parish Marchant, and that day wee baited at Wyntson, and so over the heathes we left Lunenburg on the left hand, and travailed all that night. The 25. we met with Master Sanders upon the heathes, and pa
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, Neustat. The 3. day to dinner at Bamberg : and before wee came (search)
nbach . The 19. we passed by Baudzen and Cannitz, and that night to Rensperg. The 20. we passed by Hayn, by Strelen, where we should have passed the river of Elbe , but the boate was not there, so that night we lay at a towne called Mulberg. The 21. we passed the said river, wee went by Belgern , by Torga, by Dumitch; and at night to Bretsch. The 22. wee passed the Elbe againe at Wittenberg , which is a very strong towne, with a good Universitie: and that day we passed by Coswig . The 23. wee passed through Zerbst in the morning, and that night to Magdeburg , a very strong Towne, and well governed as wee did heare. The most part of the Cat Lunenborg, that night we lay at Winson. The 28. we came to Hamborg, and there stayed one weeke. The 5. of December wee departed from Hamborg, and passed the Elbe by boate being much frosen, and from the river went on foote to Boxtchoede, being a long Dutch mile off, and there we lay; and from thence passed over land to Emde
in five battalions of electoral infantry. They consisted of two thousand three hundred and fifty men, who were to be employed in the garrisons of Gibraltar and Minorca, and thus to disengage an equal number of British troops for service in America. The recruiting officers of Frederic of Prussia and of other princes environed the frontier with the express design of tempting them to desert; for they were supposed to have an aversion for the sea. The port of Ritzebuttell, near the mouth of the Elbe, in the territory of Hamburg, was selected as the place of their embarkation, which was courteously promoted by the senate of that republic. It was the fifth of October before they got on board the transports, and then a strong south-west wind that blew incessantly for several weeks, locked them up till the afternoon of the first of November. Three days after the arrival of the news of the Chap. XLVII.} 1775. July and Aug. Charlestown battle, Rochford, the secretary of state, called the