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with excellent effect. Col. Judson, of the Sixth Kansas, and Colonel Phillips, of the Third Cherokee regiment, pursued them in their retreat for a distance of seven miles, skirmishing with their rear, and leaving quite a number of their dead strewn by the way, when their horses becoming exhausted from the long and wearisome march of the night before, they were obliged to give up further pursuit. The rebels, as I have since learned, did not halt in their retreat until they had reached Arkansas River at Fort Gibson, seventy miles from the battle-ground, where they arrived thirty hours after their rout at Old Fort Wayne. The casualties in my command were one killed on the battle-field belonging to the Kansas Second, and nine wounded, and four mortally, since dead, three belonging to the Kansas Second, and one to the Kansas Sixth. Of the enemy's killed and wounded I have been unable to procure a full and accurate statement. About fifty of their dead have been found upon the fiel
ation that the entire force of infantry and artillery of Gen. Hindman's army had crossed the Arkansas River, and joined Gen. Marmaduke at Lee's Creek, fifteen miles north of Van Buren, to which pointhave been the prey of the rebel army. Your victory has virtually ended the war north of the Arkansas River. For these results, you are entitled to the plaudits of a grateful country. To the Second and moved off in the night, continuing their retreat to Van Buren, and probably crossing the Arkansas River. Col. McFarland, of the Nineteenth Iowa regiment, is killed. Col. Black of the Thirty-as the battle, thus far, in the war of the rebellion, west and north of the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers, in its effects upon that whole section of the Union. Close upon the heels of the battles eat army over the mountains again, and will not, probably, make a stand until he reaches the Arkansas River. Generals Blunt and Hindman had an interview the next morning after the battle, at the so
ployed to the right and left. After a few shots from the howitzers, the cavalry en masse at about twelve o'clock M. made a dash into Van Buren, down-hill. Part of the cavalry went into the city, and some after three stern-wheelboats, which, as was observed from the hill, were making a down-stream skedaddle. These stamboats were loaded principally with corn, and during the downward trip all available hands were engaged in lightening the crafts, by tumbling the corn overboard; the whole Arkansas River, as far as could be seen, was but one floating mass of corn. The hindmost boat, the Frederick Nortrebe, first gave up the contest, by landing about two and a half miles below Van Buren, near the opposite shore, all hands, officers and crew, jumping into the water and wading to the dry land, making their escape into the woods. Before the crew jumped, our men fired into the boat, and landed about twenty shots into the pilot-house and Texas. This firing hastened the speed of the fleeing.
ively by Cols. Gordon, Gilkey, and Thomson. The latter was formerly Coffee's own regiment. In the batle of Springfield, Marmaduke acted as commander of a division, including Shelby's brigade, as well as his own, with the St. Louis Legion under Emmet McDonald, and some other fragmentary squadrons of cavalry. His troops were all cavalry, except one battery of artillery. The officers whom I have named, foiled in their previous attempts to enter Missouri, determined to proceed down the Arkansas River to Spadry's Bluff, near Clarksville; and thence to make a daring raid upon Springfield, leaving the army of the frontier so far to the west as to be ignorant of the movement, until it should be too late to prevent it. The object of this raid was the destruction of the vast quantities of commissary and quartermaster's stores which are here. Had it been as successful in its execution as it was bold in its conception, the army of the frontier would have been reduced to terrible straits, an
the capital of the State of Arkansas, and the extensive and valuable country drained by the Arkansas River, and from which hostile detachments were constantly sent forth to obstruct the navigation ofcommands upon their transports, up that river to the cut-off, and through it into and up the Arkansas River to a suitable point on the left bank of the same, near and below Post Arkansas for disembarkt-draft gunboats, all of which had to be towed up the river. On the ninth we ascended the Arkansas River as high as Arkansas Post, when the army landed within about four miles of the Fort. The ene United States Mississippi Squadron, United States gunboat Louisville, off Arkansas Post, Arkansas River, January 14, 1863. sir: I have the honor to transmit the report of killed and wounded on dmiral David D. Porter, Commander Mississippi Squadron. United States Mississippi Squadron. Arkansas River, Ark., January 11, 1863. sir: The following is a list of the killed and wounded on board
r arms and for the blessings which we this day enjoy. When yesterday's sun rose upon us, the hostile hordes of a bitter and unprincipled foe were pouring their deadly fire among our ranks; the booming of his artillery was reechoing from mountain to mountain, and the clattering hoofs of his cavalry were trampling in our streets. At meridian, General Cabell with his shattered and panic-stricken cohorts was retreating precipitately through the passes of the Boston Mountains toward the Arkansas River, leaving his dead and wounded in our hands. Fellow-soldiers: It is to your honor and credit I say it, he could not have left them in better hands. Not one act of barbarity or even unkindness stains the laurels you so proudly wear. Such may your conduct ever be; brave and unflinching in battle; kind and generous to the vanquished. Abstain from all cruelty and excess. Respect the immunities of private property. Never insult or injure women and children, the aged, the sick, or a fal
flank. They were, however, afraid to attack me in the works, and taking a strong position on the mountains on the south, five miles distant, and close to the Arkansas River, tried to cut off the stock. As all had been reported quiet for twenty (20) miles in all directions this side of the river, the stock was, therefore, being sy contested the ground for a short time, but they were pushed over the mountain, and rapidly driven in complete rout to Webber's Falls, where they crossed the Arkansas River. As we were following the enemy up the mountain, I learned that the enemy, with two six-pound field-pieces and one twelve-pound howitzer, were trying to cross Arkansas River, two miles from Gibson. Leaving the mounted men to follow the retreating enemy, I took my infantry and two guns down to the river, and found that the enemy, although in considerable numbers on the opposite bank, were only making a feint. Desiring to dismount their artillery, I immediately opened on them, but t