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to make the work a panoramic view of military operations and events on the borders of Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and the Indian Territory during the year 1863. Eighteen years have now elapsed since Ine to good advantage. I felt such an interest in the anti-slavery cause before the war, that Kansas, to me, always meant a principle, and I left home at an early age to join the Free State party. e to me to chronicle everything that I thought would be of interest in the future pertaining to Kansas soldiers in the war. At the same time I endeavored to do full justice to the soldiers of other Sm the forest-covered mountains and hills of Arkansas to the grass-covered prairies and plains of Kansas, and from the deep green of spring to the rich and variegated tints of autumn, and the snow-cove General C. W. Blair, the commanding officer of the post of Fort Scott and the District of Southern Kansas, many acts of kindness and words of encouragement, for which I feel under deep obligations
al Cooper four pieces of light artillery, brass twelve pounders. The Second and Sixth regiments Kansas cavalry led in the charge which resulted in the capture of these guns. It is generally concededat he fell in the full discharge of a noble duty, the noblest it is given man to perform. If Kansas shall in the future erect monuments to her heroic dead, I know that none will be more deserving The First Division, commanded by Brig.-General James G. Blunt,consisted of the following troops; Kansas: Second, Sixth and Ninth regiments of cavalry, with four twelve pound mountain howitzers; Tenth,sing, enlisted men, 10. Battalion Second cavalry, wounded, enlisted men, 1. First Division: Kansas: Second cavalry, killed, enlisted men, 3; wounded, officers, 1; enlisted men, 11. Sixth cavalry,d canister against the enemy with terrible effect. The Tenth, Eleventh and Thirteenth regiments Kansas infantry suffered the heaviest losses in this fierce engagement. Our batteries were well handl
paign so well, I think is due to the fact that they have been collected mostly from Missouri and Kansas, a climate not differing perceptibly from this. Last spring the Second Ohio cavalry accompaniedhich were in splendid condition when the regiment left Fort Scott. But when we returned to Southern Kansas in August, after an absence of less than four months, nearly all the horses of this finely en abandoned in the Indian country. Very few of the troopers of the Second and Sixth regiments, Kansas cavalry, were dismounted on our return. I have therefore felt convinced since that Expedition tsome pride, for I found that the non-combatants were strongly impressed with the notion that our Kansas troops were a kind of Vandals or barbarians, lawless, and utterly disregarded the methods and usages of civilized warfare. As our division is composed of Kansas troops, with the exceptions already noted, I think we may justly feel proud of their conduct upon every field, and of the results of t
ts; artillery-Capt. Rabbs, Second Indiana battery, First and Second Kansas batteries, and Captain Hopkin's four gun battery, which was captured from the enemy, besides two twelve-pound howitzer batteries, attached to the Sixth and Ninth regiments Kansas cavalry, respectively. Well, the gala day is over; we have had the Grand Review, and I think that we made a very creditable appearance. We formed in line in an open field, and the ground is rather favorable, considering the general broken cheir lives and homes, we may reasonably expect that these two regiments will soon have their maximum of men. If they see that there is a probability of our permanently holding this part of the State, many of those who are refugees to Missouri and Kansas, will doubtless return and enter the service. A post has been established at Neosho, Missouri. Major John A. Foreman with a battalion of Indian troops, has already been ordered there. A large number of refugee Indian families are in that vic
staff correspondent of the New York Tribune, and a personal friend of Assistant Secretary of War, Dana, perhaps no one in Kansas could command more respectful attention from the authorities at Washington, in such a matter. I shall not, however, soyal Indian families, Cherokees, Creeks, and Seminoles, accompanied us as far as. Baxter Springs, on the southern line of Kansas. While at Baxter Springs, and indeed since they have been exiles from their homes, the Government has issued them rationent for some of them as teamsters and servants, but still there are many more who are unemployed. We send a good many to Kansas every time that our supply trains return to Fort Scott. Many of them are quite shiftless, and it will probably be some tore execution was to take place. He was captured by the enemy while guiding Colonel Doubleday's Second Ohio Cavalry from Kansas into South-west Missouri, and brought to Camp Walker and held several weeks. The rebel authorities had ordered shot quit
for the benefit of the Confederate Government. They were in favor of hanging those who went to Kansas and joined the Kansas Jayhawkers, as the Kansas soldiers were called. The name Jayhawker was first given to an organization of Free State men in Southern Kansas who, under the Territorial regime made retaliatory incursions into Missouri. The name is growing into a nickname for all Kansas peopKansas people in the same sense as Hoosier is applied to Indianians. But several of the men I saw, who were recently thirsting for the blood of the Kansas Jayhawkers, when they looked and knew me, cast their eyction was occupied by the rebel troops, nearly all the loyal families removed to Springfield and Kansas, or to some point within our lines; and since we drove the enemy out, and established posts at nferings and death will help to secure. Just one year and six months before he died, I came from Kansas, traveling at night and on by-roads, and passing hard by the enemy's guards, and guided him and
never conscientiously favor such a scheme; nor do I believe that the evil requires such heroic treatment at our hands. I have seen the standing chimneys and smoking ruins of desolated homes of Union people as well as rebels too often to wish to see such scenes renewed in a wholesale manner. Nor do I believe that such acts on our part would remedy the evil which we wish to extirpate. It seems to me that the enemy could occupy the desolate country all the same, and make his incursions into Kansas and into the counties of Missouri still further to the east. Though my age and position would not, to the minds of many, justify my presuming to criticise the actions of those whose maturer years have given them more varied experiences, and in many things a sounder judgment, yet I venture to think that our officers have too often permitted the indiscriminate destruction of private property, which should not have been destroyed, thus causing a needless amount of suffering among those whom we
entre of the county, is not perceptibly smaller here than at Scott's Mills. It differs from our Kansas rivers in this respect, that it discharges a large volume of water the year round, while they alrom the white pine shipped from the north, and used in the towns along the Missouri river and in Kansas. It is known as yellow pine, and is very heavy, containing large quantities of resin or pitch.ut before people can be induced to come here and adopt such rigid economy, the fertile plains of Kansas and the richer portions of this State, will be densely populated. In some sections of the cothey will not fail to do it. We have already heard that a colored regiment is being organized in Kansas from the negro refugees from Missouri and Arkansas. If properly officered I have no doubt that ll prove mortal. He has been sent to Neosho in an ambulance; but will probably soon be taken to Kansas to stay until he recovers. He has been an active and efficient officer during the winter, and t
d elegance upon paper, for he was for a number of years, before the war, a staff correspondent of the New York Tribune in Kansas, and wrote the first History of Kansas under the territorial regime. I do not know that we have a more forcible writer inKansas under the territorial regime. I do not know that we have a more forcible writer in the State, and if he keeps his official garments clean, and gets through the war alive, and returns to Kansas, I cannot see why he should not be one of our leading men, and why the people should not feel proud of honoring him with the highest positiKansas, I cannot see why he should not be one of our leading men, and why the people should not feel proud of honoring him with the highest position within their gift. Though a man's present conduct and character may be such as to win our admiration, and justify us in speaking of his prospective bright future; yet in these times, when there is so much tripping among great men, it is hardly sat largely as a substitute for hay and fodder. We cannot understand why we are not able to get all the corn and oats from Kansas that may be required for the command, for we hear that great quantities have been contracted for and are stored at Fort S
s commanding Moonlight's battery, the first light battery raised in Kansas. I think he was also on the staff of General James H. Lane when he No officer has been more active in organizing and fitting out our Kansas troops for the field; nor has any officer been more active in the ff this section have exaggerated notions of our troops, particularly Kansas troops and Indians. That the people might not be kept in ignoranceee Indian regiments of this division, are white men, appointed from Kansas regiments, and should be promoted to fill any vacancies that may ocs named our camp here Camp Pomeroy, in honor of Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas. Should a Post office be established at this place after the war, two political factions in Missouri. The people of Missouri and Kansas, I think, as a general thing, feel kindly towards General Curtis siSome of our detachments which have just come down from Missouri and Kansas, say that the season is nearly two weeks further advanced here than
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