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g, Blakey, Blow, Rouldin, Boyd. Branch, Bruce, Caperton, Chambliss, Conn, Robert Y. Conrad, James H. Cox. Richard H. Cox. Fisher, Flournoy, Garland, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell. Marmaduke Johnson, Kent, Kilby, Leake, McComas, James B. Mallory, Marshall, Marye, Miller, Montague, Morrie, Morton, Neblett, Nelson, Parks, Preston. Price, Randolph, Richardson, Robert E. Scott, William C. Scott Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurieck, Strange, Sutherlin, Tredway, Robert H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Whitfleid, Wilson, and Wysor--61. So the motion to lay on the table was carried in the negative. The resolutions were then referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. Order of the day. The hour of 11 having arrived, the President announced that the Convention would go into Committee of the Whole, pursuant to order. Mr. Boyd, of Botetourt, asked leave to offer an amendment to the report of the Committee on Federal Relations, but objection was made by Mr. Hall, o
ered by Mr. Turner, the yeas and nays were demanded by Mr. Conrad, of Frederick. The roll was then called, and the vote resulted as follows: Yeas.--Messrs. Ambler, Blakey, Boisseau, Borst, Chambliss, Coffman, Conn, Richard H. Cox, Fisher, Graham, Gregory, John Goode, Jr., Tho F Goode, Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kledred, Lawson, Leake, Chas. K. Mallory, Jas. B. Mallory, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Strange, Thornton, Robt. H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Tyler, Williams, Wise, and Woods.--37. Nays.--Messrs Janney, (President,) Armstrong, Asion, Baldwin, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Boyd, Brent, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Cabell, Campbell, Carlile, Chapman, Clemens, C. R. Conrad, Robt. Y. Conrad, Couch, James H. Cox, Custis, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, Echols, Forbes, Fugate, Garland, Gillespie, Gravely, Gray, Goggin, Addison Hall, Cyrus Hall, Ephraim B. Hall, Hammond, Haymond, Hoge, Holladay, Hubbard, Hughes, Huil, Jack
The vote was then taken, and resulted as follows: Yeas.--Messrs. Ambler, Jas. Barbour, Blakey, Boissean, Borst, Bruce, Cabell, Chambliss, Chapman, Coffman, Conn, Richard H. Cox, Fisher, Flournoy, Forbes, Garland, Graham, Gregory, John Goode, Jr., Thos F. Goode, Cyrus Hall, L. S. Hall, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, Chas. K. Mallory, Marye, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Parks, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Thornton, Robt. H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Williams, Wise, and Woods.--47. Nays.--Messrs. Janney, (President,) Armstrong, Aston, Baldwin, Baylor, Berlin, Boggess, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Carter, C. B. Conrad, Robt. Y. Conrad, Couch, James H. Cox, Critcher, Custis, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, Echols, Fugate, Gillespie, Gravely, Gray, Addison Hall, Ephraim B. Hail, Hammond, Haymond, Hoge, Holladay, Hubbard, Jackson, Marmaduke Johnson, Peter C. Johnston, Kilby, Lewis, McComas, McGrew
son, Marmaduke Johnson, Peter C. Johnston, Kilby, Lawson, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, McNeil, Charles K. Mallory, James B. Mallory, Marshall, Marr, Marye, Maslin, Masters, Miller, Moffett, Morton, Moore, Neblett, Orrick, Osburn, Parks, Patrick, Porter, Preston, Price, Pugh, Rives, Robert E. Scott, Wm. C. Scott, Seawell, Sharp, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Spurlock, Staples, A. H. H. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Strange, Summers, Sutherlin, Tarr, Tayloe, Thornton, Treadway, R. H. Turner, F. P. Turner, Waller, Whitfield, Willey, Wilson, and Wysor.--113. So the amendment was lost. The question recurring on the original resolution, the vote was taken viva voce, and resulted in its adoption. It reads as follows: 1. Be it Resolved and Declared by the People of the State of Virginia, in Convention Assembled, That the States which composed the United States of America, when the Federal Constitution was formed, were independent sovereignties, and in adopting that instrument th
ples, A. H. H. Stuart, Chapman J. Stuart, Summers, Sutherlin, Tarr, Tayloe, Waller, Whitfield, Wickham, and Willey.--85. Nays.--Messrs. Ambler, James Barbour, Blakey, Boisseau, Borst, Bruce, Cecil, Coffman, Coun, Richard H. Cox, Fisher, Graham, John Goode, Jr., Cyrus Hall, Lewis S. Hall, Harvie, Holcombe, Hughes, Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, Marye, Montague, Morris, Morton, Orrick, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Speed, Strange, Thornton, Tredway, Robert H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Tyler, Wilson, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--43. The question being again stated on the adoption of the fourth resolution. Mr. Wise moved to amend by striking out the word "united" in the fourth line, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "several." so that it would read "for the common benefit of the people of the several States." He objected to the term used in the resolution, for here, as in every other portion of the report, "crops out" (a geological expression) the Federal
y, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin, Tredway, Robert H. Turne, F. P. Turner, Tyler, Waller, Whitfield, Williams, Wilson, Wise, Woods, and Wysor--68. lph, Richardson, W.C. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Speed, Strange, R. H. Turner, F. P. Turner, Tyler, Williams, Wilson, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--58. Nays.--Messrs. A Chapman J. Stuart, Summers, Sutherlin, Tayloe, Tredway, Robt. H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Tyler, Waller, Whitfield, Wickham, Willey, Williams, Wilson, Wise, Woodshardson, Wm. C. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Speed, Strange, Robt. H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Tyler, Williams, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--45. Nays--Messrs. Armstroon; Mr. Stuart, of Doddridge, having yielded the floor for that purpose. Mr. Turner, of Jackson, offered, as a substitute, the resolutions on the same subject whn. Mr. Seawell, of Gloucester, offered the following as a substitute for Mr. Turner's substitute: That a committee of thirteen be appointed to inquire into
e at 12 o'clock M. The Committee proceeded to vote on the propositions reported by the Committee on Federal Relations, commencing with the third, which was adopted, without amendment. The fourth resolution was amendment on motion of Mr. Wise, and adopted, as was the fifth, with an amendment offered by Mr. Flournoy. A motion, submitted by Mr. Carlile, to strike out the entire resolution, was voted down. When the sixth section came up, Mr. Harvie offered a substitute, declaring it expedient to pass an Ordinance of Secession, to be referred to the people at the May election. Mr. Goggin also offered a substitute, but withdrew it. Mr. Harvie's was rejected — yeas 45, nays 90. At this point the Committee rose. The taxation resolutions were again taken up, and substitutes were offered by Mr. Turner, of Jackson, and Mr. Seawell; but the Convention adjourned without action. A resolution was adopted to hold the sessions of the Convention in the Capitol, commencing on Monday next.
Sitlington, Spurlock, Staples, Alex H. H. Stuart Chapman J. Stuart, Summers, Tarr, Tayloe, Franklin P. Turner, Willey, Wilson, Woods, and Wysor.--73. Committee of the whole. The Convention we. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Strange, Summers, Sutherlin, Tayloe, Thornton, Tredway, R. H. Turner, F. P. Turner, Tyler, Waller, Whitffeld, Wickham, Williams, Wise, Woods, and Wysor--107. Mr. Sutherlinghter, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, Robert H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Tyler, Williams, Wise, Woods, and Wysor--61. Nats.--Messrs. Armstrong, Aston, Alf'd.well, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin. Thornton, Tredway. Robt. H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Tyler, Williams, Wilson, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--57. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Asto Chapman J. Stuart, Summers, Sutherlin, Tarr, Tayloe, Thornton, Tredway, Robert H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Tyler, Waller, White, Whitfield, Wickham, Willey, Wilson, and Woods.--104. Nays.--Me
Yeas.--Messrs. Ambler, Blakey, Boisseau, Borst, Bouldin, Boyd, Branch, Bruce, Chambliss, Chapman, Coffman, Conn, Dorman, Echos, Fisher, Flournoy, Garland, Graham, J. Goode, Jr., Hale, Cyrus Hall, L. S. Hall, Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kilby, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, Macfarland, Chas. K. Mallory, Jas. B. Mallory, Marr, Marye, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Randolph, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, R. H. Turner, F. P. Turner, Tyler, Williams, Wilson, Wise, and Woods.--8. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong. Aston, Baldwin, A. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Boggess, Brent. Brown, Burdett, Campbell, Carlile, Carter, C. B. Conrad, R. Y. Conrad, Couch, Critcher, Custis, Deskins, Early, French, Fugate, Gillespie, Gravely, Gray, Goggin, A. Hall, E. B. Hall, Hammond, Haymond, Hoge, Holladay, Hubbard, Jackson, Janney, M. Johnson, P. C. Johnston, Lewis McComas, McGrew, McNeil, Marshall, Maslin, Masters. Moffett, Moore, Nels
t, Parks, Randolp , Richardson, Wm. C. Seott, Seawell, Shefley, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Staples, Strauge, Sutherlin, Thoraton, Tredway, Robt. H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Tyler, Waller, Williams, Wilson, Wise, and Wysor.--68. Nays.--Messrs. Armetrong, Aston, Baldwin, Alfred M. Barbour. Baylor, Berlin, Bogges, Boyd, Brenell, Sheffey, Sitlington, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, Chapman J. Stuart, Strange, Summers, Sutherlin, Tayloe, Thornton, Robert H. Turner, Franklin P. Turner, Tyler, Waller, Wickham, Willey, Wilson, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--114. So the committee refused to strike out. Mr. Baylor, of Augusta, moved to amon, Price, Pugh, Randolph, Richardson, R. E. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Stitlington, Slaughter, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, Strange, Sutherlin, Tayloe, Thornton, R. H. Turner, F. P. Turner, Tyler, Waller, Wickham, Wilson, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--98. Pending the consideration of the 8th resolution, the hour for recess arrived.
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