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with anxiety, but without fear, the dark clouds of war settling upon the face of the nation, which they knew must be met and dispelled, or it would remain no longer a nation to them. Through the long and anxious years of the war, they never hesitated, doubted, or wavered in their faith that the Union would stand the shock which menaced it; and that, through the sacrifice of noble lives and the baptism of precious blood, it would emerge from the smoke and fire of civil war with unsubdued strength, and with garments glittering all over with the rays of Liberty. It was to be a contest between right and wrong, law and anarchy, freedom and despotism. He who could doubt the issue of such a war could have no abiding faith in the immortality of American progress, or the eternal justice of Christian civilization. On the 15th day of April, 1861, Governor Andrew received a telegram from Washington to send forward at once fifteen hundred men. The drum-beat of the long roll had been struck,
s route. Persons who have not passed over the railroad from Philadelphia to Washington may not know that the cars from Philadelphia enter the depot in Baltimore on the north side of the city. Here the locomotive is detached, and the cars for Washington are drawn by horses about two miles, across the lower part of the city, to the depot of the Baltimore and Washington Railroad, on the south side of the city, where the locomotive is again attached, and the train taken by steam-power to Washington. It is one hundred miles from Philadelphia to Baltimore, and about forty from that city to Washington. Colonel Jones's account is dated Capitol, Washington, April 22, 1861. He says,— After leaving Philadelphia, I received intimation that the passage through the city of Baltimore would be resisted. This is an error. The information was received before the regiment left Philadelphia. I caused ammunition to be distributed and arms loaded, and went personally through the cars, a
efore the regiment was ready to leave the State, orders came from Washington that no more three months regiments would be received. On the rey displayed on the 1st of January, 1776, from the headquarters of Washington, whose lines of circumvallation around beleaguered Boston traversat the quota which Massachusetts was to furnish was received from Washington. During this interval, companies in all parts of the State were e, and not older than my grandsire was when following the lead of Washington. General Nettleton's son raised a company for the Thirtieth Regiich was the first satisfactory communication he had received from Washington since the regiments had left the State:— Washington, April 28,rnor Andrew received from Attorney-General Foster a telegram from Washington, saying, Arrived last night. All well at Annapolis and here. Mryou get later advices adverse. The present feeling here is, that Washington is safe, but that more troops are greatly needed; and the univers
three years. The Governor could not accept them; could not muster them; could not encourage them, further than with kind words, until answers were received from Washington to messages which he had sent, asking that they might be accepted. Days passed on: no requisitions came. The companies held to their organizations; paraded thef. June 15.—The Governor addressed the following letter to the President of the United States, which was given to Mr. William Everett, and taken by him to Washington, and delivered to Mr. Lincoln:— His Excellency A. Lincoln, President United States. Sir,—I beg to present Mr. Everett, of Boston, a son of the Hon. Edwar militia of Massachusetts. His request was granted, and the regiment was raised; but, before its organization could be completed, information was received from Washington that no more three months regiments would be accepted. Coincident with the request made by Colonel Cass, an offer was made by Dr. Smith and others, of Boston, <
able contingency already existed. State aid was not paid by the cities and towns to the families of enlisted men, until the authorities of the places to which the men belonged had received a certificate, signed by the Adjutant-General of the State, that the men were mustered in, and the muster-rolls had been deposited in his office. No muster-rolls had been received by the Adjutant-General from the corps said to have been recruited by General Butler. No assurance had been received from Washington, that the men had been mustered in, and credited to the contingent of the State. On the 27th of November, Major Strong, chief of staff to General Butler, forwarded to the Adjutant-General of the State a list of officers which had been adopted by General Butler for a company known as the Salem Light Artillery, with a request that they be commissioned by the Governor. On the 17th of December, General Butler wrote to the Governor, calling his attention to the letter of Major Strong, wit
soon as possible. Many of the authorities of the cities and towns will never forget the repulses which they met, and the vexations they underwent in recruiting, during the time Colonel Day represented the military authorities of the nation at this post. And yet he was an honest and brave officer; but he was wholly unused to transact business, except as specified in general orders and army regulations. Goodfellow finally reached his regiment by transportation furnished by orders from Washington. We give this case as one of a class. Here is another class of cases, of which there were a great number:— To his Excellency. The case of George M. Dixon is this: He enlisted in the Tenth Battery (Captain Sleeper) on the 16th of August, and was sent to camp, where he remained until the 9th of September, when he was mustered into service. He has been paid from the time of muster in, but has received nothing for the one month (lacking five days) he was in camp previous to that
om the State House were written by the assistant Adjutant-General, Major William Rogers, and were addressed to the authorities in the different towns, correcting mistakes in the returns made in the enrolment, explaining the orders received from Washington relating to the draft, and urging the necessity of furnishing volunteers to fill their quotas, and thus to avoid conscription. Many of the town officers were inexperienced, and were oftentimes defrauded by a class of men who represented themsed especially upon the Adjutant-General, who, in the April preceding, had addressed a letter to the Governor, calling his attention to the way in which men enlisted by the several town authorities to fill their quotas are credited by orders from Washington, which is creating much dissatisfaction, and is doing great injustice. In this letter the Adjutant-General pointed out the very evils which the convention complained of, and contained suggestions which, adopted by the authorities at Washington
e, are among the public works that bear witness to her labors. To the perseverance of Mrs. Otis we are indebted for the crowning contribution for the purchase of Washington's tomb. The last gift to the treasury was from the proceeds of the Mount Vernon Ball, at the Boston Theatre, March 4, 1859, that originated in her exertions. The sum realized was about ten thousand dollars. It was also chiefly to the untiring efforts of Mrs. Otis, which commenced about 1850, that the birthday of Washington was made by law a holiday in Massachusetts, on which occasion it has been her custom, with a gracious hospitality, to open her house for a public reception of her friends, the accomplished hostess inspiring those who thronged about her with the patriotism for which she has been distinguished. At the commencement of the late civil war, Mrs. Otis, consistently with the previous acts of her life, laid aside all selfish and social interests, and resolved to devote her time, labor, and influ