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Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
Laval of the war of 1812, and grand-daughter of Jacinth Laval of the Revolution. She died in 1877, and in 1880 he married her sister, Julia Laval. Robert G. Williams Robert G. Williams, of Greenville, a gallant South Carolina soldier, was born in Newberry county, son of John H. and Martha (Smith) Williams. He was educated at Furman university, up to the beginning of the war of the Confederacy, when he left that institution and enlisted as a private in a company organized by Capt. John G. Williams, his brother-in-law. During the early part of the war this company was a part of George James' battalion, and was for several months on duty in the vicinity of Charleston. Subsequently it was assigned as Company B, to the Seventh South Carolina regiment. He served with the company as a non-commissioned officer, in Virginia taking part in the battles of Malvern Hill and Fredericksburg, and then his health having become greatly impaired, he was sent before a medical board, by which
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 6: (search)
shooters, is very imperfect. As far as can be ascertained it is as follows: Capts. (A) S. M. Jackson, (B) W. M. Carter, (C) B. M. Turner, Ensign E. W. Collins. This battalion served in the following campaigns: Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Tennessee and the Carolinas, being then consolidated with the Thirty-seventh and Fifty-fourth regiments. It did its duty well on every field. The Fifth battalion Georgia infantry: Maj. G. M. Gunnels, Capts. (A) W. G. Rice and G. M. Gunnels, (B) John G. Williams, (C) J. J. Shumate. The Seventh battalion Georgia infantry, which was consolidated with the Sixty-first regiment, had at first the following officers: Lieut.-Col. Charles A. L. Lamar, Maj. John H. Lamar, who became lieutenant-colonel. This battalion served for a time on the Georgia coast. As it was merged in the Sixty-first Georgia, its campaigns are included in the sketch of that regiment. The Eighth battalion Georgia infantry had at its organization the following officers: Lie
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Semmes' Georgia Brigade. (search)
. E. Worrell, Ass't Surg. [2] Thirteenth Virginia Infantry. Field and Staff. Hosp'l Steward J. W. Quailes, Sergeant-Major G. M. Wolfe. Co. A. 1st Sergeant J. S. Jackson, 3d Sergeant R. L. Cave, 5th Sergeant F. N. Goodwin, Private C. S. Bell, A. T. Brockman, W. L. Burruss, R. L. Coleman, N. Donald, J. L. Graves, Wm. M. Hunter, Private V. A. Hansworth, G. A. Newman, M. D. Proctor, H. D. Roach, R. H. Rogers, A. H. Thomson, J. W. Tyler, M. V. Wayland, J. G. Williams. Co. B. Private C. H. Wager, H. Doores, Private W. D. Colvin, J. R. Tapp. Co. C. 2d Sergeant H. G. Goodman, Private C. R. Corder, J. C. Edwards, G. W. Meade, Private R. N. Meade, J. H. Mahanes, J. A. Roades, J. J. Tyler. Co. D. 1st Sergeant J. W. Baker, Private W. J. Smith, J. W. Smith, Private R. W. Eddins, N. Johnson, J. W. Valentine. Co. E. Private W. P. Burton, Private J. L. Hefflin. Co. F. 2d Sergeant R. N. Herndon, Private C. B. Bledsoe, Tho
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
d, Reuben Popewell, Private Thomas S. Hazzard, Det'd Shoemaker. Co. B. Sergeant George W. Thomas, Private William B. Hardagree, Richard H. Corley, Det'd Thomas Jacobs, Div. Provost Guard, Oliver P. Looney, Corporal John H. Phillips, John McKay, teamster, Private Robert L. Goodgame, John O. McPherson, David C. Hogan, Robert H. J. Mallory, James W. Hollinshaw, Benjamin F. Pinson. Co. C. Sergeant Calvin Hoyt, Private Reuben C. Edwards, Anderson McGraw, John G. Williams, Private William T. Walker, Robert Esterheld, Div. Com. Department. Co. D. Corporal Wade H. Cardwell, Private James M. Buzby, Henry R. Cook, Private James P. McClenny, Jessey Pritchett, Robert Turner. Co. E. Sergeant Robert B. Kirk, Corporal Amox A. Cox, Private John Tachett, det'd teamst'r Jasper Rogers, Co. F. Sergeant James H. Eason, Azariah G. Howard, Sergeant 12th Ala. Infantry Private Thomas W. Collier, Micajah J. Moore, Private William A. Moore
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Charles Jones Colcock. (search)
y K, writes: I readily recall that the entire regiment had every confidence in Colonel Colcock as a commander, and we were proud to have him in charge of us. His military bearing, the suavity and mildness of his manners, his polite consideration of any personal or official request, no matter from what source, stamped him as a superior man. These were the traits that endeared him to every member of his regiment. The term popular can be applied to him in its fullest sense. The Rev. John G. Williams, lately deceased, says of him: I was chaplain of the 3rd cavalry from its organization to the surrender; was near Colonel Colcock those four years in camp, on the march, in battle, and can truly say South Carolina sent to the war no son nobler, braver, more devoted to the cause, than Charles Jones Colcock. A typical gentleman, he stood before his regiment, numbering over one thousand men, an inspiring example, to be honored and imitated. Nothing mean came near his head or
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Twelfth Alabama Infantry, Confederate States Army. (search)
rnold, T. S. Hazzard, detailed shoemaker, John Ford, Reuben Popewell. Company B. Sergeants: George W. Thomas, Richard H. Corley, detailed division Provost Guard. Corporal John H. Phillips. Privates: Robert L. Goodgame, David C. Hogan, James W. Hollinshaw, William B. Hardagree, Thomas Jacobs, Oliver P. Looney, John McKay, teamster, John O. McPherson, Robert H. J. Mallory, Benjamin F. Pinson. Company C. Sergeant Calvin Hoyt. Privates: Reuben C. Edwards, Anderson McGraw, John G. Williams, William T. Walker, Robert Esterheld, division commissary department. Company D. Corporal Wade H. Cardwell. Privates: James M. Buzby, Henry R. Cook, James P. McClenny, Jesse Pritchett, Robert Turner. Company E. Sergeant Robert B. Kirk. Corporal Amos A. Cox. Privates: John Tachett, detailed teamster, Jasper Rogers. Company F. Sergeants: James H. Eason, Azariah G. Howard, Orderly Sergeant 12th Alabama. Privates: Thomas W. Collier, Micajah J. Moore, William A. Moore
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Armistead's portrait presented. (search)
ate Museum. Such, comrades, was the soldier whose portrait we unveil tonight. As I stand before you my thinghts leap back over the forty-five years that lie between, back to the day when I saw him leading his brigade through the storm of shot and shell on the field of Gettysburg. None died on that field with greater glory than he, though many died, and there was much glory. Yes, comrades, we know how many died whose names we hold in deathless honor-Edmonds and Owens, and Patton, and Williams, and Allen, and Stewart, and Hodges, and Magruder, and the knightly Garnett. The heart of Virginia was wrung with anguish. Her stately head was bowed in grief. The flower of her chivalry fell in that fatal charge. But none fell so lamented as Armistead, none crowned with glory like his. Many another had done valiantly, but he surpassed them all. He did a deed that was matchless, unique, without a parallel on that field, when, leading his men with unflinching courage through the storm
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Colonel James Gregory Hodges. (search)
zed the world over as unsurpassed in all the annals of history for steadiness of march, unwavering courage, and for the patriotic, calm determination to do all that was possible to be done to win victory at any sacrifice of life. All know the awful fatality among the officers and men of the division. Of its generals, Garnett was killed, Armistead fatally wounded, and Kemper desperately wounded. Of its colonels of regiments six were killed outright on the field: Hodges, Edmonds, Magruder, Williams, Patton, Allen, and Owens and Stuart were mortally wounded. Three lieutenant-colonels were killed: Calcott, Wade and Ellis. Five colonels, Hunton, Terry, Garnett, Mayo and Aylett were wounded, and four lieutenant-colonels, commanding regiments, Carrington, Otey, Richardson and Martin, were wounded. Of the whole complement of field officers in fifteen regiments one only, Lieut. Col. Joseph C. Cabell, escaped unhurt. Of the field officers of the Fourteenth Virginia, Col. Hodges, Maj. Poor
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 37. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.34 (search)
ettysburg was captain of the Charlottesville Artillery, and is now a distinguished lawer of Washington city. The Major's statements confirm the close presence of General Early and Ewell on the field the first day at Gettysburg, and gives evidence as to one of the occasions upon which General Early advised an assault on Cemetery Hill that afternoon. Colonel Harry Gilmore, of Maryland, in his book, Four Years in the Saddle, tells almost identically the same story as Major Carrington. John G. Williams, Esq., a respected lawyer of high standing at Orange Courthouse, writes to the same effect on this topic, and I myself, was a personal witness of the fact, which I recall as if it were yesterday, of the message sent in my presence by General Early to General A. P. Hill before he met General Ewell, telling him that in his opinion assault should not be delayed, and that if General Hill would put in his corps, he, Early, would take the responsibility of joining the assault without waiting.
l, Stearns & Co. Schr. Sarah E. Jones, Jones, Philadelphia, coal, R. O. Haskins. Schr. S. W. Ponder, Demin, Philadelphia, coal, M C. Selden, Jr. Schr. Polly Rice, Adams, Philadelphia, coal. Schr. Nelly D., Studdams, Philadelphia, coal, S. P. Hawes & Son. Schr. Quickstep, Richardson, Philadelphia coal, S. P. Hawes & Son. Schr. Jno. Collins, Predmore, Philadelphia, coal, J. H. Lester. Schr. W. Roark, Roark, Philadelphia, coal Wirt Roberts. Schr. Kadosh, Williams, Philadelphia, coal, P. C. Larus, Ag't. Schr. Express, Tylor, Philadelphia, coal, J. L. Statton. Schr. Revenue, Grady, Philadelphia, coal, J. R. Anderson. Schr. Arkansas, Dandy, Alexandria, pig iron, J. R. Anderson. Schr. Wm. G. Tufts, Russell, Albany, lumber, Jno. A. Belvin. Schr. Wm. E. Leggett, Gibson, Albany, lumber, Jno. A. Belvin. Schr. Thos. Martin, Cleveland, Albany, lumber, S. C. Robinson Schr. Wm. Henry, Sharlott, Albany, lumber, I. J. Mercer & C
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