Your search returned 16 results in 10 document sections:

Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces at Williamsburg, Va. (search)
, Capt. Thaddeus P Mott; E, 1st N. Y., Capt. Charles C. Wheeler; F, 5th U. S., Capt. Romeyn B. Ayres. Third division, Brig.-Gen. Silas Casey. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Henry M. Naglee: 11th Me., Col. John C. Caldwell; 56th N. Y., Col. Charles H. Van Wyck; 100th N. Y., Col. James M. Brown; 52d Pa., Col. John C. Dodge, Jr.; 104th Pa., Col. W. W. H. Davis. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William H. Keim: 96th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Charles O. Gray; 85th Pa., Col. Joshua B. Howell; 101st Pa., Col. Joseph H. Wilson; 103d Pa., Maj. Audley W. Gazzam. Brigade loss (103d Pa.): w, 2. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Innis N. Palmer: 81st N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Jacob J. De Forest; 85th N. Y., Col. Jonathan S. Belknap; 92d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Hiram Anderson, Jr.; 93d N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Benjamin C. Butler; 98th N. Y., Col. William Dutton. Artillery, Col. Guilford D. Bailey: 7th N. Y., Capt. Peter C. Regan; 8th N. Y., Capt. Butler Fitch; A, 1st N. Y., Capt. Thomas H. Bates; H, 1st N. Y., Capt. Joseph Spratt. ad
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died., List of Massachusetts officers and soldiers killed in action. (search)
a.,June 27, 1862. Wilsey, Buel G.,10th Mass. Inf.,Malvern Hill, Va.,July 1, 1862. Wilson, Charles H.,18th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 5, 1864. Wilson, David,22d Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Wilson, Francis, Sergt.,2d Mass. Inf.,Averysborugh, N. C.,March 16, 1865. Wilson, Gordon S.,2d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863. Wilson, James B.,20th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864. Wilson, Joseph D., Sergt.,54th Mass. Inf.,James Island, S. C.,July 16, 1863. Wilson, Joseph H.,26th Mass. Inf.,Winchester, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864. Wilson, Nathan W.,11th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa..July 3, 1863. Wilson, Norman, Corp.,1st Mass. Cav.,Vaughn Road, Va.,Oct. 1, 1864. Wilson, Thomas,16th Mass. Inf.,Williamsburg Road, Va.,June 18, 1862. Wilson, Uriah,54th Mass. Inf.,Olustee, Fla.,Feb. 20, 1864. Wilson, William,54th Mass. Inf.,Georgetown, S. C.,April 30, 1865. Wilson, William H., 1st Sergt.,57th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864. Winans, John M., Corp.,34th Mass.
a.,June 27, 1862. Wilsey, Buel G.,10th Mass. Inf.,Malvern Hill, Va.,July 1, 1862. Wilson, Charles H.,18th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 5, 1864. Wilson, David,22d Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862. Wilson, Francis, Sergt.,2d Mass. Inf.,Averysborugh, N. C.,March 16, 1865. Wilson, Gordon S.,2d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863. Wilson, James B.,20th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864. Wilson, Joseph D., Sergt.,54th Mass. Inf.,James Island, S. C.,July 16, 1863. Wilson, Joseph H.,26th Mass. Inf.,Winchester, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864. Wilson, Nathan W.,11th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa..July 3, 1863. Wilson, Norman, Corp.,1st Mass. Cav.,Vaughn Road, Va.,Oct. 1, 1864. Wilson, Thomas,16th Mass. Inf.,Williamsburg Road, Va.,June 18, 1862. Wilson, Uriah,54th Mass. Inf.,Olustee, Fla.,Feb. 20, 1864. Wilson, William,54th Mass. Inf.,Georgetown, S. C.,April 30, 1865. Wilson, William H., 1st Sergt.,57th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864. Winans, John M., Corp.,34th Mass.
W., VI Wilson, Charles, 488 Wilson, David, 433 Wilson, E. E., 560 Wilson, Francis, 433 Wilson, G. S., 433 Wilson, George, Co. G, 3d Mass. Cav., 560 Wilson, George, Co. H, 3d Mass. Cav., 64, 560 Wilson, George, 54th Mass. Inf., 86 Wilson, H. W., 131 Wilson, Henry, 12, 18, 51, 182, 236 Wilson, Hynes, 560 Wilson, J., 560 Wilson, J. B., 433 Wilson, J. D., 433 Wilson, James H., 488 Wilson, James, 2d Mass. H. A., 560 Wilson, James, 17th Mass. Inf., 560 Wilson, John, 65 Wilson, Joseph H., 433 Wilson, N. W., 433 Wilson, Norman, 433 Wilson, O. A., 560 Wilson, Robert, 143 Wilson, Robert, 34th Mass. Inf., 560 Wilson, S. A., 560 Wilson, S. R., 560 Wilson, Thomas, 433 Wilson, Uriah, 433 Wilson, W. H., 433 Wilson, Watson, 488 Wilson, William, 19th Mass. Inf., 560 Wilson, William, 54th Mass. Inf., 433 Wilton, E., 560 Winans, J. M., 433 Winchester, Silas, 560 Wing, C. T., 433 Wing, J. A., 438 Wing, Joel, 488 Wingate, G. B., 560 Winlock, L., VI Winn, Hugh
on was under consideration by the House would be injurious to the best interests of the State, and cause creditors to be more importunate in their demands on debtors. He was for an immediate disposal of the subject. Mr. Kemper could not concur in the motion for an indefinite postponement. He was opposed to a stay law, but the House should not divest itself of the power of availing itself of such a measure. It depended on future developments as to what view would be taken by members. He was in favor of laying the bill on the table for a short time. Mr. Wilson was in favor of staying executions when creditors refused to take notes of solvent banks. Specie was scarce, and he had carried out the idea of a stay law, as understood by his people, when he voted for the bank relief bill. Mr. Yerby hoped the proposition for a general stay law would not be summarily disposed of. Mr. Seddon withdrew his motion, and the special order was laid on the table. Adjourned.
ized to be used as Capital312,402.86335,402.86 Real Estate8,428.205,424.70 Coin46,218.7342,622.04 circulation230,272.00204,800.00 notes of other Banks8,652.003,691.00 Deposits46,469.31107,080.70 Discounts323,459.31376,358.18 Loans to Directors18,500.0010,050.00 Debts due to Banks4,827.9125,064.20 Debts due from Banks18,565.6615,406.48 bad Debts0000 Doubtful Debts (in suit)5,871.354,156.51 Exchanges — bought171,902.13171,416.52 sold167,383.02167,156.99 dividends13,209.0015,622.50 contingent Fund27,312.3227,462.32 circulation — Denomination of notes: Fives$42,875.0049,010.00 Tens102,180.00110,810.00 Twenties103,820.00111,440.00 Fifties10,300.0012,500.00 One Hundreds19,300.0022,400.00 Odds10,370.002,410.00 $288,848.00$308,370.00 On hand58,576.00103,570.00 $230,272.00$204,400.00 C. R. Slaughter, Henry O. Schofield, Jos. H. Wilson, Martin Hollins, John Clark, J. V. Knight, Samuel McCORKLE, Geo. M. Rucker, R. F. Hening
ave and as true as ever marched to the battle field. We copied from the Republican, a day or two since, an offer made by Henry D. Flood, Esq., to be one of ten to give five hundred dollar for equipping the volunteers of Lynchburg. We now learn that the number was made up on Saturday. We give the names of the patriotic and liberal gentlemen: Henry D. Flood, Seth Woodruff, Geo. D. Davis, A. B. Rucker, Chiswell Danney, Samuel McCorkle, John T. Davis, Geo. M. Rucker, John Wm. Murrell, Jos. H. Wilson. All honor to them now and hereafter. In addition to the above, we learn from the Republican that the Merchants' Bank Directory, at a meeting Saturday evening, agreed to contribute, in their individual capacity, the sum of four thousand dollars in aid of the volunteer companies. The Board of Directors of the Exchange Bank of Lynchburg, at a meeting Saturday, made a donation of 200 dollars to each one of the volunteer companies of that city, making 1,000 dollars in all. Mr. L.
Twenty Dollars Reward. --Will be paid for my boy 'Edd, who left my house, near Rough Creek, Charlotte county, Va. about eight weeks ago. He is about 4 feet high, spare made, almost perfectly black, and is a sprightly boy.--His mother is owned by Mr. P. H. Jackson, of Farmville, and he may be lurking about there. He also has relations living on Mr. Joseph H. Wilson's farm in Appomattox, known as Dr. Palmer's place. $20 will be paid for his delivery to me at Rough Creek. Charlotte county, Va. au 21--9t Jos. L. Wilson.
Twenty dollars reward --Will be paid for my boy Edd, who left my house, near Rough Creek, Charlotte county, Va. about eight weeks ago. He is about 4 feet high, spare made, almost perfectly black, and is a sprightly boy.--His mother is owned by Mr. P. H. Jackson, of Farmville, and he may be lurking about there. He also has relations living on Mr. Joseph H. Wilson's farm in Appomattox, known as Dr. Palmer's place. $20 will be paid for his delivery to me at Rough Creek, Charlotte county, Va. au 21--9t* Jas. L. Wilson.
Twenty dollars reward. --Will be paid for my boy Edd, who left my house, near Rough Creek, Charlotte county, Va. about eight weeks ago. He is about 4 feet high, spare made, almost perfectly black, and is a sprightly boy.--His mother is owned by Mr. P. H. Jackson, of Farmville, and he may be lurking about there. He also has relations living on Mr. Joseph H. Wilson's farm in Appomattox, known as Dr. Pa place, $20 will be paid for his delivery to me at Rough Creek, Charlotte county, Va. au 21--9t* Jas. H. Wilson.