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Matthew Arnold, Civilization in the United States: First and Last Impressions of America., III: a word more about America. (search)
an English ear this will sound brutal; but the point is that the American does not take his rich man so seriously as we do ours, does not make him into a grandee; the thing, if proposed to him, would strike him as an absurdity. I suspect that Mr. Winans himself, the American millionaire who adds deer-forest to deer-forest, and will not suffer a cottier to keep a pet lamb, regards his own performance as a colossal stroke of American humor, illustrating the absurdities of the British system of property and privilege. Ask Mr. Winans if he would promote the introduction of the British game laws into the United States, and he would tell you with a merry laugh that the idea is ridiculous, and that these British follies are for home consumption. The example of France must not mislead us. There the institutions, an objector may say, are republican, and yet the division and hatred between rich and poor is intense. True; but in France, though the institutions may be republican, the ideas
ess having a motion in two directions: one to compress the cigars in their rows, and the other to press them vertically. Cigar-press. The press has side-screws working horizontally, and a vertical screw so placed as to be over the stack containing the cigars; the side press-board slides in the slotted sides of the horizontal boards. The cigars are arranged upon the boards with intervening slats. Ci-gar-steamer. A peculiar form of craft, shaped like a spindle, and constructed by Winans, of Baltimore. The first was built in Baltimore — length, 635 feet; diameter, 16 feet. Second, in St. Petersburg — length, 70 feet; diameter, 9 feet. Third, in Havre — length, 72 feet; diameter, 9 feet. Fourth, in Isle of Dogs — length 256 feet; diameter, 16 feet. The propeller of the first was placed around the middle of the vessel; the second had a propeller beneath her bottom; the third is fitted for trying propellers in various positions; and the fourth has a propeller at
nd the elasticity of the air assists in restoring the gun to its position when the loading is complete. Coughlan, 1870, has a cogged segment and weighted toggle which allow the gun to depress by the force of recoil. Taggart, 1863, has two guns on a cylindrical carriage which is on an axis reaching athwart the vessel. The gun beneath is in loading position below decks, while the one above is in firing position. The latter being fired, the axis is rotated and the guns change places. Winans, 1865, lifts his gun, carriage, and traverse into firing position by steam piston and cylinder beneath. Houel and Caillet have a system of levers which oscillate backwardly by the recoil, and in so doing bring into action a spring which afterward assists in restoring the gun to firing position. See also Coon, 1863; Foster, 1869. Wappich, 1863, has a toggle-joint and screw for elevation and depression. Also screws beneath the trunnions. In Moncrieff's gun-carriage (Fig. 2341) the
Ericsson's patent was July 13, 1836, and his propeller had spiral blades, the preferable form. The first propeller war-steamer was the Princeton, launched into the Delaware. Smith's propeller. Francis P. Smith's name is intimately associated with the introduction of the propeller. His patent is dated May 31, 1836. He was the first to make it a continuous screw and to place it in the dead-wood. His screw was attached to the Archimedes in 1839. Of the four cigar steamers of Messrs. Winans, the propeller of the first was placed around amidships; the second, beneath; the third is fitted for trying in various positions; the fourth has a propeller at each end. In 1863, the Far-East, a propeller with two screws, was launched at Millwall, England. The screw-propeller generally consists of a boss fitted upon the end of a propeller-shaft, and with two or more blades arranged symmetrically around it, so as to balance each other. The propeller is said to overhang when it h
s, crossed Atlantic in 19 days1838 English Archimedes, screw, government vessel1838 Cunard packetsEnglishLine of mail packets, Atlantic1840 President AmericanPassenger vessel (lost), Atlantic1841 English Great Britain, screw, Atlantic1843 NasmythEnglishSteam-hammer1845 CollinsAmericanLine of mail packets, Pacific, Baltic, etc., Atlantic1850 English Great Eastern, Atlantic1858 French La Gloire, armor plates, government vessel1859 English Warrior, armor plates, government vessel1860 WinansAmericanCigar steamers1860 EricssonAmerican Monitor (Timby's turret), government vessel1862 Terms used:— Pressure, the elastic force expressed in pounds per square inch. Temperature, the heat indicated by a thermometer. Density, the weight of a unit of its volume compared with that of water. Re′atirve volume, the space occupied by a given volume compared with that of the water which produced it. Pure steam; in which the water is perfectly vaporized, none being held in mech
— Texas, etc.; Gens. Butler and Banks; illus. J. S. C. Abbott. Harper's Mon., vol. 30, p. 575. Redwood, Allan C. Boy in gray. Century, vol. 22, p. 257. Reed, Wm. Howell. Hospital life in the army of the Potomac, rev. of. Atlantic, vol. 18, p. 253. Relay House, Md., 1861. Occupied by Massachusetts Militia. Boston Evening Journal, May 6, 1861, p. 2, col. 2, p. 4, col. 7; May 7, p. 2, cols. 4, 5; May 8, p. 4, cols. 3, 7; May 9, p. 2, col. 4. — – General events; capture of Winans' steam gun; food, quarters of troops, etc. Boston Evening Journal, May 11, 1861, p. 4, cols. 2, 5; May 13, p. 4, cols. 3, 6; May 14, p. 4, cols. 3-5; May 20, p. 4, col. 3; May 23, p. 2, col. 3. — How 6th Regt. M. V. M. was moved from Relay House to Baltimore; trains backed, to mislead spies; short paragraph. Boston Evening Journal, May 29, 1861, p. 2, col. 2. — Restlessness of troops; officers of 8th Regt. M. V. M. arrested for sanctioning pillage; denial later. Boston Evening Jou
ost respectable colored residents made a tender of their services to the city authorities. The Mayor thanked them for their offer, and informed them that their services will be called for if they can be made in any way available. Brigadier Gen. Egerton has received by letters and personal applications, offers of regular military organizations from almost every county in the State--the companies being fully uniformed and equipped, and ready for service. At the works of the Messrs. Winans their entire force is engaged in the making of pikes, and in casting balls of every description, for cannon, the steam gun, rifles, muskets, &c., which they are turning out very rapidly. The number of volunteers already enlisted for the defence of the city could not be estimated, but knowing ones at the quarters of the Military Board place it as high as 15,000, and state that the work of enrollment continues with an activity which will place at the disposal of the military chiefs in a f
ligence in this time of pecuniary oppression among the people. Rumored blockade. Yesterday morning, there were rumors that a ship of war was coming into the mouth of the Patapsco to blockade the harbor. That, however, proved incorrect. A revenue cutter came up towards Fort McHenry, and after a short communication left. That was supposed to be the cause of the rumor of the blockade. Weapons ready. Six furniture car loads of pikes, manufactured at the works of the Messrs. Winans, were last evening removed to the City Hall, to be in readiness for service. The order is for 2,000. Condition of Cole. Brush and Stuart. These two military gentlemen, injured by the accidental discharge of fire-arms, are both improving. Col. Brush has so far recovered from his wound that he hopes to be able to resume the command of his regiment (the 53d) in a few days. The city last night. There was some excitement in the city last night, produced by a rumor which had ga
The Winans's Soup Factory. --The closing up of Winans's Soup Factory by the Federal Government is the most heartless act of cruelty and oppression which has yet been inflicted in Maryland. Ross Winans and his family are among the few Good Samritans to be found among the men of wealth in the land.--It is believed that Mrs. Winans expended twenty-five thousand dollars year in of charity. EMrs. Winans expended twenty-five thousand dollars year in of charity. Every member of the household was proverbial for goodness to the poor. If any people on the face of the earth could be expected to receive at the last day that benediction which the Saviour will pronry and yearned me, naked and, ye clothed, me, sick, and in prison and ye visited me," it was the Winans family. Moreover, their charity was genuine and unostentatious. They did not do a good deed antheir other countless clarities was a Soup Factory, at which, out of his own private purse, Ross Winans provided daily for the wants of eight thousand of the poor. This fountain of life and beneficen
The Daily Dispatch: October 19, 1863., [Electronic resource], Secret history of the subjugation of Maryland. (search)
Kessler, Jr., Thomas J. Claggett, N. E. Salmon, and John A. Johnson; Howard, John R. Brown; Kent, Philip F. Raisin; Prince George's, E. Pliny Bryan, Richard Wooten, Ethan A. Jones; Montgomery, Howard Griffith; Queen Anne, William H. Legg, William L. Sharkey; St. Mary's, Clark J. Durant, George H. Morgan; Somerset, James U. Dennis; Talbot, Alexander Chaplain, J. Lawrence Jones; Washington, Martin Eakle, John C. Brining; Worcester, George W. Landing. Wallis, Pitt, Scott, Sangston, Morfit, Winans, Thomas, Harrison, and Warfield, of Baltimore city, and Dennison and Quinlan, of Baltimore county, are in custody. The list I marked with you has been carefully revised and corrected by the Legislative journals, so that the propriety of the foregoing selection is unquestionable. If these arrests are made the Senate will stand thus: Secessionists arrested11 Secessionists absent from the State1 Secessionists at large3 Union men at large6 Doubtful men at large1 Total22
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