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within a few miles of Webster, General Kelly dispatched Captain Dayton, Company A, 4th Virginia Regiment, with fifty men from Webster, to disarm them. After scouting nearly twenty-four hours, he came suddenly upon them at noon yesterday, and, after an hour's severe fighting, succeeded in killing twenty-one and putting the balance to flight, without any loss to his command. The Secession troops numbered two hundred, and were composed of some of the worst characters in this county, led by Zach. Cochrane, late sheriff of the county, under the Secession rule. From Fortress Monroe. The correspondent of the Northern Associated Press (Aug. 12) gives an account of the arrival at Fortress Monroe of the released Federal prisoners from Richmond, in the course of which he says: They have been courteously and kindly treated by the military authorities of the Confederate States, and give the most unqualified denial to all stories of the killing or ill-treatment of the wounded.