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. the following is the journal of Lieutenant-Colonel Alston, Morgan's Chief of Staff, who was captured by the national pickets on the fifth of July. The journal is complete from the morning of the first to noon of the eighth, at which time he was sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. July 1st, 1863.--On the banks of the Cumberland. The river very high. No boats. General M. obliged to build a number of boats, which he accomplished with very little delay, and commenced crossing at sundown. July 2d.--Bucksville. He had great difficulty in making the horses swim, but by united and systematic exertion succeeded in getting the entire command of----regiments over by ten A. M., though the command was very much scattered. At eleven o'clock, scouts came into Bucksville and reported the enemy advancing, and within four miles of the town. It was supposed to be only a scouting party, and a portion of Dick Morgan's command was sent out to make a reconnoissance. The report of the scouts of th
o take their dip before him, but his doing so threw him into the hands of the Third Indiana. I bivouacked near the railroad station. June 28.--Returned to within two miles of Guy's Gap. June 29.--Reveille at one o'clock A. M. Marched to Fairfield via Shelbyville. The Fifth Iowa and Third Indiana were detached and left with General Granger at Guy's Gap. June 30.--Marched to within four miles of Manchester. July 1.--Returned to Walker's Mills, within three miles of Manchester. July 2.--Reveille at one A. M. Waited four hours for the First division to move. Marched to Elk River, where I rejoined the Second division. The enemy showed himself in force, the Seventh Pennsylvania skirmished with him a short time. Camped one mile south of the river, the Fourth Michigan remaining on the north side to guard Stokes's battery. July 3.--Marched to Decherd, the Fourth Michigan making a dash into that place, but finding that the rebs had removed, camped a mile and a half from De
the southern outskirts of the town. June 28.--We marched about seven miles, toward Tullahoma, Tenn., and encamped for the night. June 29.--Remained in camp all day. Lieutenant Corbin was sent to the front with one section of the battery for picket. Left camp at six P. M. June 30.--Lieutenant Corbin returned to camp with the section at seven A. M. July 1.--Marched to Tullahoma. The enemy were gone, evidently having left in great haste. We encamped one mile south of the town. July 2.--Marched from Tullahoma in the direction of Decherd, Tennessee. Arrived at Stearns's Mill at ten o'clock A. M., where we halted to await orders. General Negley soon ordered me to the front on double-quick. Arriving at the front. I found that the position which I was to occupy was filled by two batteries from his own division. In compliance with General Beattey's order I remained in the road, directly in their rear, until General Thomas ordered me to rejoin the First brigade, which I di
homa during the night. Brannan's, Negley's, and Sheridan's divisions; entered Tullahoma, where the infantry arrived about noon. Negley's and Rousseau's divisions pushed on by Spring Creek, and overtook the rear-guard of the enemy late in the afternoon, at Bethpage Bridge, two miles above the railroad crossing, where they had a sharp skirmish with the rebels occupying the heights, south side the river, and commanding the bridge by artillery, which they had placed behind epaulements. July second, having brought forward the ammunition, McCook with two divisions pursued on the roads west of the railroad. Arriving at Rock Creek ford, General Sheridan found Elk so swollen as to be barely fordable for cavalry, and the rebel cavalry on the south bank to resist a crossing, but he soon drove them away and occupied the ford. General Thomas found equal difficulties in crossing, for the enemy during the night burned the bridge and retired before morning. General Turchin, with a small bri
gerly devouring every morsel or crumb of news coming from General Morgan's command. Sincerely sorry that the Federal gunboats cut off the finishing of the account, I shall at once commence. The command of General J. H. Morgan, consisting of detachments from two brigades, numbering two thousand and twenty-eight effective men, with four pieces of artillery--two Parrotts and two howitzers — left Sparta, Tenn., on the twenty-seventh of June, crossed the Cumberland near Burkesville on the second of July, finished crossing at daylight on the third. Means of transportation — canoes and dug-outs, improvised for the occasion. Were met by Colonel Hobson's cavalry, estimated at six thousand, drove them back toward Jamestown, Ky., and our column marched on through Columbia, at which point found the advance of Wolford's celebrated Kentucky cavalry, numbering two hundred and fifty men, dispersed it, killing seven and wounding fifteen men. Our loss, two killed and two wounded. Marched on to sto
ly, but Pemberton was evidently mortified. He said: I was at Monterey and Buena Vista. We had terms and conditions there. General Grant here took him aside, and they sat down on the grass and talked more than an hour. Grant smoked all the time; Pemberton played with the grass and pulled leaves. It was finally agreed to parole them, allowing the officers each his horse. It was a politic thing. The dread of going North and fear of harsh treatment had deterred them from capitulating sooner. Our men treated the rebels with kindness, giving them coffee, which some had not tasted for a year. The city is much dilapidated, and many houses are injured. The Vicksburgh paper of July second admits the eating of mule meat and the pilfering of soldiers. In private houses there seems to be much suffering from sickness and our missiles. The river batteries at Vicksburgh are composed of thirty-six guns of the Blakely, Whitworth, and Brooks pattern. All these fell into our hands.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Perry's rebel brigade at the battle of Gettysburgh. (search)
ing the mistake which our correspondent, unintentionally, had fallen into, in relation to the part borne by Perry's brigade in the Gettysburgh fight. The letter will speak for itself: headquarters Wright's brigade, Orange C. H., Va., August 5, 1863. Mr. Editor: I desire to make a correction of the statement in my letter of the seventh ult., and published in your issue of the twenty-third, as to the conduct of Perry's brigade in the charge upon the enemy's lines at Gettysburgh on the second of July. From information received from several officers of that brigade, and who were in the charge, I am satisfied that the brigade (which is very small) acted well — that it advanced along with Wilcox's and Wright's brigades until it was overwhelmed by vastly superior numbers, and that even then it only fell back in obedience to orders, and when it was apparent that the day was lost. I learn, also, that it was engaged again on the third, when Pickett's charge was made, and that it suffered
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Colonel C. F. Taylor: killed at the battle of Gettysburgh, July Second. (search)
Colonel C. F. Taylor: killed at the battle of Gettysburgh, July Second. He fell as many a hero falls, Untimely, in the fearful fray, Who only asks where duty calls, Then bravely leads the ordered way. Undaunted by the battle storm, “Come on, come on, my boys!” he cried; Dismayed they saw his reeling form, But conquered where their leader died. And now he sleeps the endless sleep; Naught shall disturb that blest repose. Though friends may sigh and kindred weep, His heart no pain nor sorrow knows. Young hero, rest! thy strife is o'er, And thou hast gained a sweet release; The bugle's blast, the cannon's roar, No more shall break thy spirit's peace. Westdale, Delaware County, Pa. D. B.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Early operations in the Gulf. (search)
ntil the establishment of the blockade. Hitherto the vessels in this quarter had formed a part of the Home Squadron, under Flag-Officer Pendergrast; but on June 8th, 1861, Flag-Officer William Mervine assumed command of the station, his vessels constituting the Gulf Blockading Squadron. Already the blockade had been set on foot by the Powhatan, at Mobile, and by the Brooklyn, at New Orleans; and soon after Mervine arrived in the steamer Mississippi, he had twenty vessels in his fleet. On July 2d, Galveston, the third port of importance in the Gulf, was blockaded by the South Carolina. The first collision occurred in August, when one of the tenders of the South Carolina, blockading Galveston, was fired on by a battery on the shore. Commander Alden, commanding the South Carolina, laid his ship close to the shore and returned the fire. A few shells were accidentally discharged into the town, but the affair was in no sense a bombardment of Galveston. In September Flag-Officer
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The Peninsular campaign. (search)
, no guns lost save those taken in battle, when the artillerists had proved their heroism and devotion by standing to their guns until the enemy's infantry were in the midst of them. during the Seven days the Army of the Potomac consisted of 143 regiments of infantry, 55 batteries, and less than 8 regiments of cavalry, all told. The opposing Confederate Army consisted of 187 regiments of infantry, 79 batteries, and 14 regiments of cavalry. The losses of the two armies from June 25th to July 2d were: tables (to follow) of the opposing forces of the Seven days, made from the fullest revised data of the War Records office, will show that the Army of the Potomac consisted of 150 regiments of infantry; 2 regiments and 1 battalion of engineers; 1 regiment of heavy or siege artillery; 58 batteries; and 10 regiments of cavalry. The Confederate forces consisted of 173 regiments and 12 battalions of infantry; 71 batteries; and 12 regiments of cavalry. General McClellan correctly estim
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