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C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Tiberius (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 40 (search)
After he had gone round Campania, and dedicated the capitol at Capua, and a temple to Augustus at Nola,Augustus died at Nola, a city in Campania. See c. lviii. of his life. which he made the pretext of his journey, he retired to Capri; being greatly delighted with the island, because it was accessible only by a narrow beach, being on all sides surrounded with rugged cliffs, of a stupendous height, and by a deep sea. But immediately, the people of Rome being extremely clamorous for his return, on account of a disaster at Fidenae, Fidenae stood in a bend of the Tiber, near its junction with the Anio. There are few traces of it remaining. Where upwards of twenty thousand persons had been killed by the fall of the amphitheatre, during a public spectacle of gladiators, he crossed over again to the continent, and gave all people free access to him; so much the more, because, at his departure from the city, he had caused it to be proclaimed that no one should address him, and had declined
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Tiberius (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 75 (search)
uence of which the unhappy men implored a reprieve, for mercy's sake; but. as Caius had not yet arrived, and there was no one else to whom application could be made on their behalf, their guards, apprehensive of violating the law, strangled them, and threw them down the Gemonian stairs. This roused the people to a still greater abhorrence of the tyrant's memory, since his cruelty continued in use even after he was dead. As soon as his corpse was begun to be moved from Misenum, many cried out for its being carried to Atella, Atella, a town between Capua and Naples, now called San Arpino, where there was an amphitheatre. The people seem to have raised the shout in derision, referring, perhaps, to the Atellan fables, mentioned in c. xiv.; and in their fury they proposed that his body should only be grilled, as those of malefactors were, instead of being reduced to ashes. and being half burnt there in the amphitheatre. It was, however, brought to Rome, and burnt with the usual ceremony.
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley), book 1, line 158 (search)
une toiled to make His action just and give him cause for arms. For while Rome wavered and her patriots' names Were loud and frequent in the mouths of men, The Senate angered and in scorn of right In the Senate, Curio had proposed and carried a resolution that Pompeius and Caesar should lay their arms down simultaneously: but this was resisted by the Oligarchal party, who endeavoured, though unsuccessfully, to expel Curio from the Senate, and who placed Pompeius in command of the legions at Capua. This was in effect a declaration of war; and Curio, after a last attempt at resistance, left the city, and betook himself to Caesar. (See the close of Book IV.) Drove out the Tribunes who withstood their will. To Caesar's troops already on the march They haste with Curio, who in former days With bold and venal tongue had dared to speak For Freedom, and to voice the people's wrongs, And summon to their side the chiefs in arms. Who, when he saw that Caesar doubted still, Spake out; ' So long
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, The voyage of M. John Locke to Jerusalem. (search)
inding of the tombe there was also found a yard under ground, a square stone somewhat longer than broad, upon which stone was found a writing of two severall handes writing, the one as it seemed, for himselfe, and the other for his wife, and under the same stone was found a glasse somewhat proportioned like an urinall, but that it was eight square and very thicke, wherein were the ashes of the head and right arme of Mar. T. Cicero, for as stories make mention he was beheaded as I remember at Capua , for insurrection. And his wife having got his head and right arme, (which was brought to Rome to the Emperour) went from Rome, and came to Zante , and there buried his head and arme, and wrote upon his tombe this style M. T. Cicero. Have. Then followeth in other letters, Et tu Terentia Antonia, which difference of letters declare that they were not written both at one time. The tombe is long and narrowe, and deepe, walled on every side like a grave, in the botome whereof was found the sayd
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