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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the army of Northern Virginia. (search)
our ranks, and do all that could be required of patriotic soldiers who were fighting for liberty, home and fireside. I remember how we cheered that order, and the swinging stride with which we set out, as if determined to make the whole march that night. But it proved a most wearisome and unsatisfactory march — the straggling was fearful — and we only reached Piedmont Station, thirty-four miles from Manassas, in the time in which a year later we could easily have made Manassas Junction. Jackson's brigade being in front reached Piedmont at 8 o'clock in the morning of the 19th, and two hours later took the cars for Manassas. Our brigade did not reach Piedmont until late that night. Incidents of the march were the wading of the Shenandoah — the cheers with which we greeted the announcement that Beauregard had defeated the attack upon him at Bull Run — the frequent raids we made on blackberry patches (a witty surgeon of our brigade remarked that our bill of fare on the march was th
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the army of Northern Virginia. (search)
by issuing an order to his provost guard to arrest all men in blue uniform and treat them as prisoners of war until they gave satisfactory proof that they were Confederates. General Jackson himself was so completely exhausted that so soon as he ceased his pursuit of the enemy he rode into Winchester, secured quarters at a hotel, refused all offers of food, threw himself across a bed with his clothes, boots, and even spurs on, and was soon fast asleep. The next day was observed, as was Jackson's custom, as a day of rest and thanksgiving for victory, and there was read to us a ringing general order which recounted the marches and victories of the past four weeks, congratulated the troops on their patient endurance and splendid courage, and concluded as follows: The explanation of the severe exertions to which the commanding general called the army, which were endured by them with such cheerful confidence in him, is now given in the victory of yesterday. He receives this pro
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the army of Northern Virginia. (search)
and received a repulse, which was of the utmost importance as breaking the prestige of the gunboats, blocking the way to Richmond, and restoring the confidence of the people. McClellan was, however, enveloping Richmond with a cordon of intrenchments (temporarily broken by the Confederate victory of Seven Pines), and was only waiting for McDowell's corps to swoop down from Fredericksburg and join him at Hanover Courthouse in order to make his contemplated assault on the doomed city. But Jackson's splen-did Valley campaign thwarted this plan. On May 24th McDowell received his order from President Lincoln to co-operate in the movement to capture or destroy Jackson and Ewell's forces, and at once replied to the Secretary of War: The President's order has been received — is in process of execution. This is a crushing blow to us. We have seen how Jackson eluded the snare set for him, beat his enemies in detail at Cross Keys and Port Republic, deceived them as to his plans, and has
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The campaign of Chancellorsville — by Theodore A. Dodge, United States army. (search)
The campaign of Chancellorsville — by Theodore A. Dodge, United States army. A Review by Colonel William Allan, Late of Jackson's Staff. Colonel Dodge has given us a most excellent book. Amidst the mass of rubbish yearly printed about the war, it is refreshing to find an author more anxious to get at the truth than to glorify comrades, or vilify his foes; an author with the honesty, intelligence and patience to pick out the facts from the confused and often conflicting testimony, and the ability to state them clearly and fairly. Colonel Dodge is entitled to the thanks of all fair-minded men belonging to both sides in the late war, for an intelligent and comprehensive discussion of the Chancellorsville campaign, in which the merits and failures of the respective combatants are stated with impartiality, the plans of the opposing leaders criticized in a fair spirit, and the skill and gallantry of Confederate and Federal alike recognized. This book is a valuable contribution to hi
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of the army of Northern Virginia. (search)
Reminiscences of the army of Northern Virginia. By J. William Jones. Paper no. 8. Seven days around Richmond. The memorable 27th day of June, 1862, found our column in motion at an early hour, and as my own regiment (the Thirteenth Virginia Infantry), under its heroic Colonel, J. A. Walker, was in the advance of Ewell's division and Jackson's corps, I had a very favorable opportunity of seeing and hearing much of interest that occurred on that bloody but glorious day. A friend gave me a very vivid description of a meeting between Lee, Jackson and A. P. Hill on the roadside not far from Walnut-Grove Church. General Lee sat on a cedar stump; Jackson and Hill stood around him; the staff officers of each gathered in groups hard by, and the three conversed in earnest undertones as Lee gave his Lieutenants their final instructions. I did not have the privilege of witnessing this scene, but I saw all three of them during the day, and could well imagine what a grand subject for
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 2: the battle of Bull Run (July, 1861) (search)
ohnston felt any reluctance to the movement, or had Patterson's attitude been in the least threatening, excuses would have been easy to make for non-compliance. But Johnston was a good soldier, and he lost no time in taking the road. He quickly arranged for the best route of march, and for the indispensable help of the railroad in moving his infantry. His leading brigade was under command of Jackson, soon to show the world the stuff of which he was formed, and to earn an immortal name. Jackson's brigade left camp at noon, and at ten o'clock that night bivouacked at Paris, 17 miles, fording the Shenandoah and crossing the Blue Ridge en route. This is an average of about one and three-quarters miles an hour and is an excellent march under the circumstances. The other three brigades, Bee's, Bartow's, and Elzey's, made about 13 miles, and encamped at the Shenandoah, itself a good march. Next morning, Friday, the 19th, Jackson's brigade covered the remaining six miles from Paris t
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 14: fall of 1862 (search)
Political situation. Lincoln orders advance. a Confederate raid. Lincoln dissatisfied. condition of Confederates. reorganization. Lee moves to Culpeper. McClellan succeeded by Burnside. plan of campaign changed. Burnside's strength. Lee's strength. Sumner at Falmouth. non-arrival of pontoons. surrender demanded. earthworks erected. Jackson Arrives. Burnside's plan. Marye's Hill. building the bridges. the bombardment. the crossing made. Dec. 12. the plan changed. Jackson's line. Franklin advances. Gibbon supports Meade. Meade strikes Gregg. the counter-stroke. Jackson's proposed attack. casualties. on the Federal right. the Formations. French and Hancock charge. Howard charges. Sturgis charges. sunken road Reenforced. Griffin's charge. Humphreys's first charge. Humphreys's second charge. Humphreys's report. Tyler's report. Getty's charge. Hawkins's account. a Federal conference. Dec. 14, sharp-shooting. Dec. 15, Burnside Retreats. fla
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 15: Chancellorsville (search)
Chapter 15: Chancellorsville Winter quarters. rations reduced. Hays's Louisiana brigade. officers' servants. Hooker's reorganization. Confederate organization. Hooker's plan of attack. Lee's proposed aggressive. Hooker crosses. Hooker's fatal mistake. Lee's prompt action. the Wilderness. Hooker advances. Lee's advance. Hooker Retreats. Hooker Intrenches. Lee Reconnoitres. Lee's plan of attack. Jackson's march. the movement discovered. Sickles advances. Jackson Deploys. Jackson attacks. Colquitt's blunder. Dowdall's Tavern. casualties. at Hooker's headquarters. defensive measures. Jackson Pauses. a cannonade. wounding of Jackson. Stuart in command. formation for attack. Sickles's midnight attack. Hooker's interior line. Hooker abandons Hazel Grove. Stuart attacks. assaults repulsed. Hazel Grove guns. Federals withdraw. Lee and Stuart meet. Sedgwick's advance. Wilcox on Taylor's Hill. assaults renewed. Early falls back. Salem Chur
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bull Run, battles of. (search)
ate left. This movement, when attempted, revealed a state of affairs fearful to the National army. The latter, as their advance moved forward, were opened upon by a fierce fire of cannon, shot, shell, and bullets, and at the same moment a large number of Lee's troops were making a flank movement that might imperil the whole of Pope's army. A very severe battle soon occurred. Porter's corps, which had recoiled at the unexpected blow, was rallied, and performed specially good service; and Jackson's advanced line was steadily pushed back until five o'clock in the afternoon, when Longstreet turned the tide of battle by pouring a destructive artillery fire upon the Nationals. Line after line was swept away, and very soon the whole left was put to flight. Jackson advanced, and Longstreet pushed his heavy columns against Pope's centre, while the Confederate artillery was doing fearful execution. The left of the Nationals, though pushed back, was unbroken, and held the Warrenton pike,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cedar Mountain, battle of (search)
n August. Jackson, reinforced, had thrown his army across the Rapidan River on the morning of the 8th, and driven the National cavalry back on Culpeper Court-house. Gen. S. W. Crawford was sent with his brigade to assist the latter in retarding Jackson's march, and to ascertain his real intentions, if possible. The movements of the Confederates were so mysterious that it was difficult to guess where they intended to strike. On the morning of Aug. 9, Pope sent General Banks forward with aboutoad. The Confederates planted batteries, and opened fire upon Crawford's batteries. Before Crawford and Banks were about 20,000 veteran soldiers in line of battle. Against these Banks moved towards evening, and almost simultaneously fell upon Jackson's right and left. The attacking force was composed of the division of General Auger (the advance led by General Geary) and the division of General Williams, of which Crawford's brigade was a part. The battle now became general, and raged for
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