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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
John G. Nicolay, A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln, condensed from Nicolay and Hayes' Abraham Lincoln: A History 2 0 Browse Search
Judith White McGuire, Diary of a southern refugee during the war, by a lady of Virginia 2 0 Browse Search
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant 2 0 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 2 0 Browse Search
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Col. J. J. Dickison, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 11.2, Florida (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
Joseph T. Derry , A. M. , Author of School History of the United States; Story of the Confederate War, etc., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 6, Georgia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
Colonel Charles E. Hooker, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.2, Mississippi (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 2 2 Browse Search
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March 20. At about 7 o'clock this evening, Lieutentant Homer, in command of the Continentals, at drill was informed that there was a sloop lying at the wharf at the foot of Spanish alley in Mobile, which was laden with supplies for the United States fleet outside, between that place and Pensacola. A detachment of the company was on drill at the time, and Lieutenant Homer immediately ordered them down to the point mentioned, and then and there took charge of the little sloop Isabel. She was laden with beef, pork, barrels of eggs, etc. The person in charge acknowledged that these supplies were intended for the fleet outside.--Mobile Tribune, March 21. Corespondence between Mr. Secretary Seward and the Commissioners from the Confederate States is published.--(Doc. 47.)
April 4. The Virginia Convention adopted, in committee of the whole, several of the series of resolutions reported by the majority of the Committee on Federal Relations, and rejected, by the decisive vote of 89 to 45, a motion to substitute for one of the resolutions an ordinance of secession, to be submitted to the popular vote.--World, April 5. Many rumors are in circulation to-day. They appear to have originated from movements on the part of the United States troops, the reasons for which have not been communicated to the reporters at Washington as freely as the late Administration was in the habit of imparting Cabinet secrets. There can be no doubt that serious movements are on foot. The tone of the southern press for the last week, and the concentration of troops at Pensacola, indicate a determination to precipitate a conflict at Fort Pickens, probably with a view to hasten the secession movement in Virginia.--Tribune, April 5.
stration must be sustained in all its efforts to put down secession and preserve the Union complete. A procession marched through the principal streets, composed of thousands of men on horseback, in carriages and on foot, and embracing all the military and civic organizations of the city. All political parties joined in the demonstration.--Alta Californian, May 12. The Savannah Republican of to-day says: we have conversed with a gentleman who has just returned from the camp at Pensacola and brings the latest intelligence. As details are not to be expected, we may state generally that the condition of the troops and fortifications is all that could be desired. Gen. Bragg has proved the very man for the work, and the volunteers lend a ready hand to carry out every order. Pickens is covered by our batteries on three sides. There are eight between the Navy-Yard and Fort Barrancas, four between the latter and the light-house, and a formidable mortar battery in the rear o
o come through Maryland.--(Doc. 159.) A Union meeting was held in Martinsburgh, Berkeley county, Va. The gathering was large, and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. Strong resolutions were adopted, and a protest entered against the warlike attitude which Virginia had assumed in opposition to the General Government. Eastern Virginia is not, as has been represented, unanimous for secession.--Newark Advertiser (N. J.), May 22. Six hundred troops from Georgia and Alabama arrived at Pensacola, the advance guard of 2,000 ordered there by General Bragg.--Mobile Advertiser, May 15. A portion of the Federal troops lately stationed at the Relay House on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, entered Baltimore. They arrived at the Camden station at seven and a half o'clock in the evening, disembarked in good order, and marched from the depot, piloted by Col. Hare and Capt. McConnell, down Lee street to Hanover, and thence to Montgomery, to Light, to Hamburgh, to Federal Hill, and, mo
old men of the village were called upon, and short and telling speeches were made.--Boston Advertiser, May 21. The Montgomery (Ala.) Mail of to-day has the following paragraph in reference to Fort Pickens: Having returned this morning from Pensacola, where we have been for several days, we can assure our readers that the reports going to show that a battle will soon occur at Fort Pickens are mere conjectures. Of the plans of any of those in command nothing is known outside of Headquarters. Our own impression, formed while in Pensacola, is that there will be no battle at all at Pickens, or at least that it is not now the intention of the Confederate authorities to attack it. Arkansas was by unanimous vote admitted a State of the Southern Confederacy, and its delegates to the Southern Congress. They are R. W. Johnson, of Pine Bluff; A. Rust, of Little Rock; A. H. Garland, of Little Rock; W. W. Watkins, of Carrollton; H. F. Thomasson, of Van Buren,--N. Y. Times, May 26.
ils, who were gathered upon the roof of the Seminary, amid loud cheers, raised the Star-Spangled Banner. Nearly two hundred young ladies joined in singing national airs. After the ceremonies, the pupils, with flags and banners, paraded the town.--N. Y. Tribune, May 31. The U. S. ship Brooklyn captured the bark H. J. Spearing, from Rio Janeiro for New Orleans, with $120,000 worth of coffee.--New Orleans Picayune, May 31. A portion of the Confederate troops were ordered away from Pensacola. Little apprehension of a fight existed there. General Twiggs was put in command of the Military Department of Louisiana.--Montgomery Post, May 31. Gen. Butler, having asked information from Headquarters in reference to the matter of fugitive slaves, was ordered to retain such as came within his lines, employ them, and keep an account of their services and expenses.--(Doc. 215.) The New Orleans Delta of to-day publishes the following concerning the condition of society in New O
esolution, which was finally carried by yeas thirty, nays five.--(Doc. 120.) A General order was issued from the War Department at Washington, defining the extent of the new command of General McClellan.--(Doc. 121.) A letter from Pensacola, Florida, gives what purports to be a digest of Admiral Milne's Report to the British Government upon the United States blockade of rebel ports.--(Doc. 122.) General McClellan passed through Philadelphia, on his way to Washington, to take commags, embarked from Boston for Washington.--N. Y. Times, July 26. General Banks arrived at Harper's Ferry and assumed command of the army lately under Gen. Patterson, who left the same day.--(Doc. 124.) Kentuckians who have escaped from Pensacola and arrived at Louisville, Ky., say there are only about 6,000 Confederate troops at Fort Pickens, and that they are miserably fed and clothed, and have received no pay since March. Large numbers had died of typhoid fever. There have been man
September 3. The Pensacola (Fla.) Observer gives the particulars of the burning of the dry-dock there as follows: The dry-dock, originally intended to have been sunk in the channel to obstruct the passage of war steamers into our harbor, but which, from necessity, not choice, was sunk in the bay, about midway between Pickens and the yard, was burned to the water's edge last night. Who the perpetrators of this act were, is solely a question of speculation, as we go to press, though the Yankees have the general credit of it. Upon this point, however, we soon will be fully enlightened, but upon the point that we have lost over half a million of dollars by the operation our mind is perfectly clear and settled. Charles Henry Foster, Union member of Congress from North Carolina, arrived at Philadelphia, Pa., to-day, en route for Washington, to confer with the administration upon affairs connected with his State. Rebel scouts lay in wait for him in Virginia, whose vigilance h
October 9. Twelve hundred men of the Confederate forces near Pensacola, landed on Santa Rosa Island, four miles from Fort Pickens, at two o'clock A. M., under command of the Confederate General Anderson, and attacked the camp of the Sixth regiment New York Volunteers, (Wilson's Zouaves.) Wilson's men were surprised, and driven out of a portion of their camp, which was plundered and burned by the Confederates; but two companies of regulars, under Major Vodges, sent from Fort Pickens to support Wilson, drove the rebels to their boats, and inflicted upon them a considerable loss. Maj. Vodges was taken prisoner. The Union loss was fourteen killed and twenty-nine wounded. No numbers are given of the rebel loss, but it was described by themselves as very severe. --(Docs. 34 and 73.) Charges and specifications preferred against General Fremont by Colonel F. P. Blair are published. The charges include neglect of duty and unofficer-like conduct, disobedience of orders, conduct u
why such strict injunction that the expedition should sail in a body and the soldiers land in such heavy array, and with the admonition that their courage will probably be tested? If we judge these orders by the ordinary rules, and in connection with the Northern boasts that a terrible blow is to be struck, and at our very vitals, we cannot but conclude that it is expected to debark either in the vicinity of a strong Confederate army or of a large Confederate city. Applying these tests, Pensacola and Charleston, and Savannah and New Orleans are the points which present themselves to our mind. There is something so absurd in the injunction to keep the expedition close together, and to land in a long line of boats, and with elaborate preparations, for the capturing Sand Point or Mosquito Bar, or Alligator Inlet, that it is difficult to conceive that the Northern Generals would thus make themselves ridiculous. If the expedition attempt to land at an important point, we hope that o
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