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August 12. The One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois regiment, mounted infantry, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Biggs, returned to Winchester, Tenn., from a trip into Alabama, with the aim of disbanding a party of bandits, near the junction of Larkin's Fork and Point Rock River. About three hundred of the Eleventh Texas regiment were encountered and driven back, being closely followed a considerable distance down Point Rock River. A number of prisoners were taken, and refugees, issuing from their hiding-places among the mountains, poured in continually until Colonel Biggs's command withdrew toward Winchester. The United States steamer Wateree was launched at Chester, Pa., this morning.
e accumulated at this point in sufficient quantities by the eighth of August, and corps commanders were that day directed to supply their troops, as soon as possible, with rations and forage sufficient for a general movement. The Tracy City Branch, built for bringing coal down the mountains, has such high grades and sharp curves as to require a peculiar engine. The only one we had, answering the purpose, having been broken on its way from Nashville, was not repaired until about the twelfth of August. It was deemed best, therefore, to delay the movement of the troops until that road was completely available for transporting stores to Tracy City. The movement over the Cumberland Mountains began on the morning of the sixteenth of August, as follows: General Crittenden's corps in three columns, General Wood from Hillsboro by Pelham to Thurman, in Sequatchie Valley. General Palmer from Manchester by the most practicable route to Dunlop. General Van Cleve with two brigades
Doc. 130.-Secretary Seward's circular. Circular no. 39. Department of State, Washington, August 12. sir: Whenever the United States have complained of the premature decrees of Great Britain and France, which accorded the character of a belligerent to the insurgents, the statesmen of those countries have answered, that from the first they agreed in opinion that the efforts of the Government to maintain the Union, and preserve the integrity of the Republic, could not be successful. With a view to correct this prejudgment of so vital a question, I addressed a circular letter to the representatives of the United States in foreign countries on the fourteenth day of April, 1862, in which I reviewed the operations of the war on sea and, land, and presented the results which had attended it down to that period. The prejudice, which I then attempted to remove, still remains, and it constitutes the basis of all that is designedly or undesignedly injurious to this country in the
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore), Perry's rebel brigade at the battle of Gettysburgh. (search)
formation received from several officers of that brigade, and who were in the charge, I am satisfied that the brigade (which is very small) acted well — that it advanced along with Wilcox's and Wright's brigades until it was overwhelmed by vastly superior numbers, and that even then it only fell back in obedience to orders, and when it was apparent that the day was lost. I learn, also, that it was engaged again on the third, when Pickett's charge was made, and that it suffered severely in this latter charge. This correction and explanation is due to those gallant soldiers, and I trust that all the papers that published the original letter, as a matter of simple justice will publish this also. Just after a battle there are so many reports and rumors of particular commands, that it is not at all surprising that grave errors should be made by those who write hurriedly, and not alone from what they see, but from what is talked of in the camps.--Georgia Constitutionalist, August 12.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., McClellan organizing the grand Army. (search)
probably forever — somewhere in or about New York. But, wherever I may spend my little remainder of life, my frequent and latest prayer will be, God save the Union. On August 10th, at the request of the President, General McClellan gave the latter authority to withdraw this letter of August 8th, which, as he said, was designed to be a plain and respectful expression of his views. President Lincoln went with this letter to General Scott, and requested him to withdraw his reply. On August 12th General Scott wrote again to the Secretary of War, to say that he could not withdraw his letter, for three reasons; the third relating to his physical infirmities, and the first two being the following: 1. The original offense given to me by Major-General McClellan (see his letter of the 8th inst.) seems to have been the result of deliberation between him and some of the members of the Cabinet, by whom all the greater war questions are to be settled, without resort to or consultation
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 5.63 (search)
lled to Richmond, and subsequently ordered to Texas; Price was directed to remain in Mississippi; See With Price east of the Mississippi, Vol. II., p. 717. After the battle of Corinth and the retreat to Ripley, General Price and his forces continued to be attached to the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana.-editors. and Major-General Theophilus H. Holmes was assigned to the command of the Trans-Mississippi. General Holmes reached Vicksburg on the 30th of July, and on the 12th of August established the headquarters of his department at Little Rock. The force which Hindman turned over to him consisted of about 18,000 infantry effectives, some 6000 mounted men, 54 pieces of artillery, and 7000 or 8000 unarmed men in camps of instruction. Hindman was now ordered by Holmes to concentrate the greater part of this force near Fort Smith on the western border of the State, and to organize there an expedition into Missouri, which State was at that time in the utmost commotio
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., chapter 1.9 (search)
t each end, and by the weight of thirty men push the pile down. When this foundation of piling had all been pressed down into place surrounding what was to be the gundeck, a grillage of pine logs was bolted securely together surrounding three sides of it. On this construction of cross-beams 13,000 sand-bags weighing over 800 tons were placed, having been carried from the camp of the Volunteer Engineers across the trestle work, and a parapet with epaulement was built upon it. On the 12th day of August a careful picketing of all the streams and inlets thereabout was made by boats armed with naval howitzers, so that the soldiers at work in the marsh should not be surprised, and on the 17th an 8-inch 200-pounder Parrott rifle gun was successfully transported over the marsh and mounted in the battery. This gun never was used in breaching the walls of Fort Sumter, and the great 300-pounder rifle gun which did such execution on that fort never fired into Charleston.--editors. It was im
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
his trains and infantry were marching toward Strasburg. As soon as the retreat of the enemy was known to General Sheridan the cavalry was ordered to pursue and harass him. Near White Post, Devin came upon a strongly posted force, which, after a sharp fight, he drove from the field, and the division took position on the Winchester-Front Royal pike. The same day my division had a severe affair with infantry near Newtown, in which the loss to my Second Brigade was considerable. On the 12th of August, the enemy having retired the night before, the cavalry pursued to Cedar Creek, when it came up with Early's rear-guard and continued skirmishing until the arrival of the head of the column. The day following, the reconnoissance of a brigade of cavalry discovered the enemy strongly posted at Fisher's Hill. About this time Early received his expected reenforcements. General Sheridan, being duly informed of this, made preparations to retire to a position better suited for defense and ad
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 1: effect of the battle of Bull's Run.--reorganization of the Army of the Potomac.--Congress, and the council of the conspirators.--East Tennessee. (search)
ining the contest against the enemies of the Republic; and, on the day before the adjournment, in a joint resolution, they requested the President to recommend a day of public humiliaiton, prayer, and fasting, to be observed by the people of the United States with religious solemnity, and the offering of fervent supplications to Almighty God for the safety and welfare of these States, his blessings on their arms, and a speedy restoration of peace. The President, by proclamation on the 12th of August, appointed the last Thursday In September to be observed as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer. Whilst the National Congress was in session at Washington, and armies were contending along the borders of Bull's Run, the Third Session of the so-called Provisional Congress of the conspirators (who, as we have seen, had left the Senate-Chamber of the Capitol of Alabama, at Montgomery, May 21, 1861. wherein their Confederacy was formed) was commenced in the Capitol of Virginia, at
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 13: invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania-operations before Petersburg and in the Shenandoah Valley. (search)
e remainder of the Tenth Corps (to which Foster's division belonged), under Birney, Several changes had been made. General Gillmore was succeeded in the command of the Tenth Corps by General Birney, and General W. F. Smith, of the Eighteenth Corps, was succeeded by General Ord. and Gregg's cavalry division; and for the purpose of misleading the foe, the whole expeditionary force was placed on transports at City Point, and its destination was reported to be Washington City. That night August 12, it went up the James River to Deep Bottom; but so tardy was the debarkation, that an intended surprise of the Confederates was prevented. It was nine o'clock in the morning August 13. before the troops were ready to move, when Hancock pushed out the Second Corps by the Malvern Hills and New Market road, to flank the Confederate defenses behind Baylis's Creek. He sent Barlow with about ten thousand men to assault the flank and rear of the foe, while Mott's division threatened their in
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