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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 6 0 Browse Search
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies. 6 0 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 6 0 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 5 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: June 10, 1863., [Electronic resource] 5 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 5 5 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 6, April, 1907 - January, 1908 5 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen 4 4 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 1 4 0 Browse Search
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Lee retreats heavy losses feeble pursuit by Sedgwick Lee halts at Williamsport Meade hesitates s all concentrated before Gettysburg, save Gen. Sedgwick's (6th) corps, which was at Manchester, 30ng approaching a great battle. At 3 P. M.--Sedgwick's weary corps having just arrived-Sykes was orived from Chambersburg an hour or two before Sedgwick came up on our side, a division from Ewell, aoubt that the enemy were in full retreat; and Sedgwick's (6th) corps was ordered July 5, 11 A. M.into a general engagement; I will send for Gen. Sedgwick, and ask permission to hold that position ou. I accordingly sent a staff officer to Gen. Sedgwick, with a request that I might go up at onceelf between the enemy and his resources. But Sedgwick soon reported July 6. that the main body oe army was impelled down the Middletown road; Sedgwick being ordered to move the most of his commandksburg; but Halleck negatived the project; so Sedgwick, with the 6th and 5th corps, was sent forward[14 more...]
vely by Gens. Hancock (2d), Warren (5th), and Sedgwick (6th). Maj.-Gens. Sykes, French, and Newton, ords: Warren leading at Germania, followed by Sedgwick, and pushing straight into the Wilderness; H and made their Headquarters next morning; Gen. Sedgwick's corps was between them and the ford; Geny. Warren had orders to move, supported by Sedgwick, early next morning, Thursday, May 5. to Phis, been strengthened by Getty's division of Sedgwick's, saving itself from rout by the most obstinate fighting. Sedgwick had been attacked a little after 1 P. M.; but Ewell was not at first in sohe points where it seemed to be most needed. Sedgwick was ordered to move at 5 A. M.; but the enemyt its right wing, was exposed to rout; but Gen. Sedgwick exerted himself to restore his lines, and : Warren in the center, Hancock on the right, Sedgwick on the left. While placing his guns, and bano winced at tlhe singing of Rebel bullets, Gen. Sedgwick was struck in the face by a sharp-shooter'[1 more...]
the battle of South Mountain, 198; on Antietam creek, near Sharpsburg, 204; his report of the battle, 210; recrosses the Potomac, 210; moves to Bunker Hill and Winchester. 211; fights Burnside at Fredericksburg, 343 to 349; fights Hooker, 355; Sedgwick on his rear at Chancellorsville, 363; his order, 365; his army on free soil, 367; he enters Pennsylvania, 373; fights Meade at Gettysburg, 380 to 388; retreats to the Potomac — his loss, 391; chases Meade up to Centerville, 495; recrosses the Ra Chancellorsville, 357; at Wauhatchie, 436. Scott, Gen. Winfield, consulted by Pope, 172; Mr. Potter on his strategy, 256. Scott, Col. J. S., routs Union cavalry, 213. Secessionville, S. C., Gen. Wright repulsed in an attack on, 461. Sedgwick, Gen. John, at Malvern Hill, 165; at Antietam, 207; thrice badly wounded, 307; carries Marye's Heights, and assails Lee's rear at Chancellorsville, 363: at Gettvsburg, 380-7; crosses the Rapidan, 566; killed in the Wilderness, 567-71. Selma,
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 5 (search)
because the Confederate forces did not renew the battle on Sunday, and fell back to their camps on Monday. General Sumner stated to the committee on the conduct of the war, that he had, in the battle of Fair Oaks, five or six thousand men in Sedgwick's division, part of Couch's, and a battery, and that, after the firing had continued some time, six regiments which he had in hand on the left of the battery charged directly into the woods; the enemy then fled, and the battle was over for that umner's corps. General Sumner's extravagant statement, that six of his regiments charged and put to flight Smith's whole division, needs no comment. His estimate of his force on Saturday is not more accurate. According to it, there were in Sedgwick's division, which constituted half of his corps, less than five thousand men; consequently, his corps must have had in it less than ten thousand; and McClellan's army, of which that corps was a fifth, less than fifty thousand. As that army numb
. At daylight on the morning of the 24th tents were struck, wagons packed, and the whole column ordered under arms. The Eleventh Ohio had moved three miles on the march last evening, which placed them in the advance. The line of wagons was then moved up, followed by the artillery under the command of Captain Cotter; then, followed by the Twenty-first Ohio, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Nibling, the whole covered with the First and Second Kentucky, under Colonel Enyart and Acting-Colonel Sedgwick. The view of this whole column in line and on its march was most splendid. Every thing being in line, the column was all in motion at eight o'clock A. M. The river fleet, with six companies of the Twelfth Ohio, under the immediate command of Major Hines, started up the river at nine o'clock A. M. The Economy, Commodore Beltzhoover's flag-ship of the fleet, led the van, provided with one piece of artillery, placed upon the bow to answer any summons from the shore. The other four
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 14: in command of the Army of the James. (search)
k as it had been reported, I desired that Lee might be detained from sending any part of his army to Richmond, and asked that the Army of the Potomac lying in front of Lee might make a movement upon him as a feint. General Meade being sick, General Sedgwick, who was in command, was ordered to co-operate with me. But after considerable correspondence he telegraphed that he could not get ready in time. On the 4th of March I received notice that General Kilpatrick had started, with a cavalry fong substantially the same position that they had on the evening of the 5th. After dark, the enemy made a feeble attempt to turn our right flank, capturing several hundred prisoners and creating considerable confusion. But the promptness of General Sedgwick, who was personally present and commanded that part of our line, soon re-formed it and restored order. On the morning of the 7th, reconnoissances showed that the enemy had fallen behind his intrenched lines, with pickets to the front, cover
; last meeting with, 245; minor references to, 254-261-295; requisition on, 264; assigns General Wool to Fortress Monroe, 278-280; Bull Run his last chance for glory, 290; slighting references to by McClellan, 571, 575; reference to 756, 863, 865. Second Corps, reference to, 652, 686, 692, 706, 707; attack enemy's lines at Deep Bottom, 717-718; reference to, 858. Second North Carolina Regiment, outpost captured by General Pickett, 618. Second Regiment of Native Guards, 496. Sedgwick, General, ordered to co-operate with Butler, 621; in Grant's report, 647. Serrell, Col. Edward W., believes Butler could succeed Stanton, 770; ordered to bring Hudson to Butler, 833; contradicts Hudson's statements, 835; Butler sends for, 836. Seventh Vermont Regiment, 460-461. Seventh New York Regiment in Philadelphia, 182, 183, 188; arrival at Annapolis, 196-197; measures to compel obedience of commander, 199, 201; march from Annapolis to Washington, 203; some comment on, 203-204. S
day morning, but the lacking regiments were gradually brought into the rear. To save future delay I give here a list of his troops, and of Lew. Wallace's, engaged: Brig.-Gen. Nelson's division--First brigade, Col. Ammon, Twenty-fourth Ohio, commanding--Thirty-sixth Indiana, Col. Gross; Sixth Ohio, Lieut.--Colonel Anderson; Twenty-fourth Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Fred. C. Jones. Second brigade, Saunders D. Bruce, Twentieth Kentucky, commanding--First Kentucky, Col. Enyart; Second Kentucky, Col. Sedgwick; Twentieth Kentucky, Lieut.-Col.--commanding. Third brigade, Colonel Hazen, Forty-first Ohio, commanding--Forty-first Ohio, Sixth Kentucky, and Ninth Indiana. Brig.--Gen. Tom. Crittenden's division: First brigade, Gen. Boyle; Nineteenth Ohio, Col. Beatty; Fifty-ninth Ohio, Colonel Pfyffe; Thirteenth Kentucky, Col. Hobson; Ninth Kentucky, Col. Grider. Second brigade, Col. William S. Smith, Thirteenth Ohio, commanding; Thirteenth Ohio, Lieut.--Col. Hawkins; Twenty-sixth Kentucky, Lie
rst, Second, and Third corps, under command of Major-General French, and on the right, at Rappahanock Ford, by the Fifth and Sixth corps, under command of Major-General Sedgwick. In this corps, Brigadier-General Wright place, had command of the corps in Sedgwick's place, while General Russell assumed the command of the First diviSedgwick's place, while General Russell assumed the command of the First division, vacated by General Wright. At daybreak, on the morning of the seventh instant, this corps left its pleasant camps in and around Warrenton, and moved rapidly on toward Rappahanock Station, this division leading the corps, while this brigade had the advance in the division. After marching about six miles, we arrived at Fayy upon the recent successful passage of the Rappahannock in the face of the enemy, compelling him to withdraw to his intrenchments behind the Rapidan. To Major-General Sedgwick and the officers and men of the Fifth and Sixth corps participating in the attack, particularly to the storming party under Brigadier-General Russell, his
the upper Rappahannock, toward Richmond, to destroy the enemy's communications, while General Hooker, with his main army, crossed the Rappahannock and the Rapidan above their junction, and took position at Chancellorsville, at the same time General Sedgwick crossed near Fredericksburgh, and stormed and carried the heights. A severe battle took place on the second and third of May, and on the fifth our army was again withdrawn to the north side of the river. For want of official data, I am unded, and eight hundred and eighty-five missing. The enemy's loss is not known, but must have been heavy, as we captured many prisoners. Troops sent out from Harper's Ferry, forced him to immediately retreat. On the seventh of November, Generals Sedgwick and French attacked the enemy at Rappahannock Station and Kelly's Ford, capturing several redoubts, four guns, and eight battle-flags, and about two thousand prisoners. Our loss in killed and wounded was three hundred and seventy. The enem
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