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Nile | 106 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Italy (Italy) | 44 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley). Search the whole document.
Found 24 total hits in 9 results.
Libya (Libya) (search for this): book 9, card 511
Now had they reached that temple which possess,
Sole in all Libya, th' untutored tribes
Of Garamantians. Here holds his seat
(So saith the story) a prophetic Jove,
Wielding no thunderbolts, nor like to ours;
The Libyan Hammon of the curved horn.
No wealth adorns his fane by Afric tribes
Bestowed, nor glittering hoard of Eastern gems.
Though rich Arabians, Ind and Ethiop
Know him alone as Jove, still he is poor
Holding his shrine by riches undefiled
Through time; and pure as gods of olden days
issue, should be judged,
Yield, famous ancestors! Fortune, not worth
Gained you your glory. But such name as his
Who ever merited by successful war
Or slaughtered peoples? Rather would I lead
With him his triumphs through the pathless sands
And Libya's bounds, than in Pompeius' car
Three times ascend the Capitol,1st. For his victories in Sicily and Africa, B.C. 81; 2nd. For the conquest of Sertorius, B.C. 71; 3rd. For his Eastern triumphs, B.C. 61. (Compare Book VIII., 953; VII., 16.) or br
Africa (search for this): book 9, card 511
Cato (New York, United States) (search for this): book 9, card 511
Sicily (Italy) (search for this): book 9, card 511
Leptis (Libya) (search for this): book 9, card 511
Berenice (Libya) (search for this): book 9, card 511
81 BC (search for this): book 9, card 511
71 BC (search for this): book 9, card 511
61 BC (search for this): book 9, card 511